Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11266: New discovery (third update)

At that time, the gray armor beast was already seriously injured, and he didn't care to spit it out with its throat, not to mention that a large number of evil spirit bodies flew again at this time, trying to tear it into pieces.

The gray armor behemoth didn't want to die, so he could only scream wildly, and climbed up to fight stubbornly. Who knew that at that moment, something unexpected happened!

In the next moment, the gray armor behemoth shone with dazzling white light, and all the evil spirits that touched the light screamed and screamed, but the behemoth did not understand what was going on. It just realized that these guys. Now I am afraid of myself, if so, then I should start a counterattack!

In the blink of an eye, the behemoth with white glow all over its body began a big counterattack. Following the evil spirits that had bullied itself just now, they swung their claws and fiercely. Under the white light, the opponent had no resistance, and was instantly caught by the gray behemoth. The sharp claws smashed.

During the fight, the gray armor behemoth inadvertently absorbed a large amount of evil spirit fragments, but what made it unexpected is that the white light emitted from its body turned evil energy into aura that it can absorb. This is a big discovery. The behemoth is the first time. Feeling that hunting evil spirits can also fill your stomach!

The fact of being able to hunt evil spirits flooded the side streets in the gray armor behemoth's mind. In the end, it decided not to leave this ghost place for the time being until it had eaten all the evil spirits.

After that, I don't know how long it has been. The gray armor beasts are all catching evil spirits to fill their hunger. Gradually, it has already mastered this set of methods so skillfully that it can catch those evil spirits anytime, anywhere.

Later, the evil spirits gradually became scarce, and the gray armor behemoth also took a lot of work to find a way out of the underground gully, but before that, the behemoth had one more thing to do.

For so long, the gray armor behemoth has been able to spit out the evil refining element crystal absorbed in its body, causing it to release greater power in a short period of time to frighten the evil group.

The power of refining the evil element crystal surprised the giant beast. At that time, it wandered in the area where the small element crystal was found, and found that there was a small slit there.

According to the gray armor behemoth, there may be other crystals in it. Since it can absorb a small particle, it can take in more, and then it can deal with more powerful evil spirits.

Thinking of this possibility, the gray armor behemoth became excited. It decided that no matter how adventurous it was, it would go into that slit to have a look. In the end, the behemoth did the same. It took a lot of effort. , Finally got into the slit, but encountered a huge unexpected danger!

As soon as it entered the slit, the gray armored behemoth did see a large white light, it was almost certain that it was a large number of crystals, but when it was about to pounce, the behemoth suddenly became unwell.

Because the white light on the opposite side and the original crystal light overflowing from his body radiate each other, making his body feel like tens of thousands of steel knives sweeping through the flesh, which is extremely painful.

And as long as you get closer to those white awns, the more painful you will be!

The screaming behemoth immediately crawled out of the slit. Out of extreme fear of those white glows, it did not hesitate at all. It escaped from the underground gully in one breath, and never went to it again. place.

After listening to the narration of the gray armor behemoth, Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "It seems that the underground gully you have been to has a place where a large number of evil essence crystals have gathered."

"According to my estimation, based on your physique, you can only store a rice-grain-sized element crystal in your body. When you encounter more element crystals, your body will naturally repel, and the element crystals you touch will also It makes you unhappy."

After a short pause, Guan Heng continued to say: "Now, you have to take us to find the gathering place of Yuanjing in that underground gully."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Upon hearing this, the gray armored behemoth frightened Lingling into a cold war, and it hurriedly shook its head, saying that it did not dare to go to that terrible place anymore.

"Look at you, you're not promising." Ruotao curled her lips next to her, and said disdainfully: "If we protect you, what else can you do? Don't worry, you are absolutely safe."

Despite Ruotao's words, the gray armor beast was still a little hesitant and timid, but could not help shaking his head. Guan Heng rolled his eyes, and then said: "Let's do it, you can just take us to the area near the underground gully, and then we will walk in and explore by ourselves. If we can do this, I will be greatly rewarded."

"Huh!" As soon as the voice fell, Guan Heng opened his palm to release a large group of pure aura, and then continued: "I will give you a part of the reward first, here, take this aura."


Upon seeing the incomparably pure aura, the gray beast swallowed. Finally, after weighing the consequences, this guy grabbed the aura and threw it into his mouth. Ruotao smiled and said, "Since I have taken it. The son’s aura, then you have to lead the way and set off quickly."

"Wait, little girl ghost." Guan Heng said suddenly, "Let's not hurry, because there is an important thing that hasn't been finished yet."

"Eh? What's the matter?" "Just wait for the mandrill to come back." Guan Heng said, "Did you forget? I sent it to the mine in the cave to mine."

"Oh, yes, yes, son, if you don't remind me, I would really forget it." Ruotao smiled and said, "That guy should come back too, right?"

"Mother Insect, you go to see the situation on the mandrill side. If you don't finish it, urge it to hurry up." "Yes, master."

"Huh la la -" At the same time as promised, the evil worm mother flapped her wings and flew sharply towards the inside of the cave.


After a few breaths, the insect mother had already arrived near the mine. At this moment, I happened to see a large number of ice gluttonous beasts and gray-brown demon hedgehogs busy carrying the loess mine. Did you hear that?"

"Who called me? Uh, it's the worm mother." The Mandrill jumped out of the edge of the pit and asked casually: "Is it because Lord Guan and the others were getting impatient, so they asked you to come to me?"

"Hmph, you know it," said the evil worm mother: "The master is about to follow the gray armor beast to find the evil essence crystal, but I won't wait for you all the time."

"What, the gray armor beast knows the whereabouts of Yuanjing?" Hearing this, the mandrill also came to the spirit and asked: "Tell me, what is going on?"

So, the evil worm mother told it about the previous events concisely and focused on the key points, and the mandrill nodded: "Well, I understand, it should not be too late. I instruct the gray and brown hedgehogs to speed up the digging and fight for it. I'll be there soon."

In this way, under the continuous urging of the mandrill, the gray-brown demon hedgehogs really speeded up the speed of digging the loess mine again. It was just over ten breaths of time. Everyone completed their work and hurried to and shut down the loess mine. Where it meets horizontally.

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