Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11268: Revisit the old place (the fifth one broke out)

"Just know to tease me, so good, I will put this anger on the beast souls on the opposite side!"

Ruo Tao stomped her feet in anger, and then drew out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade and rushed towards the beast soul. The golden wren chick saw Ruo Tao on the fire, so it flew down on Guan Heng's shoulder very interestingly, not going to deal with the beast soul with her.

"Uh, you guys, all become my punching bag!"


It's too late to say, then it's fast, Ruo Tao, who yelled, swung the Thunder-Swallowing Blade to face the beast soul. The other party saw Ruo Tao's appearance, and then felt the murderous coercion she released, and suddenly stagnated in the air, but this When it was too late to escape, the beast souls had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight.

"Hachachacha!" Between the lightning and the fire, Ruotao's thunder-swallowing blade suddenly cut out several blades. While rushing across the air, they crushed the front dozens of beasts with lightning speed. Soul, Ruotao sighed when he saw this scene: "Oh, too many kills."

"That's right, it's good to be captured alive." Guan Heng smiled untimely behind him.

"Huh, you are all angry at the son, making my mind confused!" Ruotao said angrily, and then cut out dozens of blades again, they crisscrossed in the air, and suddenly turned into thunder and lightning. The net suddenly moved towards the remaining beast souls.


The beast souls were oppressed by the power grid and fell to the ground.

"Wrenbao, get these guys up and send them to the soul-recovering urn."

"Choo!" Hearing Ruotao's words, the golden wren fled its wings and flew past, a pair of sharp claws buckled the power grid, and then picked it up and sent it to the soul urn.

"Huh, this tone is finally going well." Ruotao said as she walked towards Guan Heng, but he asked with surprise: "Hey, little girl ghost, what are you doing back?"

"Didn't I clean up all the beast souls? Can't I come back?" Ruotao said angrily, and Guan Heng pointed at her behind and smiled: "Everything is wiped out. Do you think that's the case? Look, there are still some leftovers."

"What?!" Hearing this, Ruo Tao turned her head with anger, and as expected, as Guan Heng said, four ghost shadows suddenly flew up not far away. These guys just evaded in time, so they weren't caught by Ruo Tao. Dao Jin's power grid was covered, but at this moment he took the opportunity to escape.

"You bastard, don't run--" Seeing this, Ruotao shouted, and suddenly kicked a stone next to her, "Chaochachacha!" In a flash, the knife shone with cold light, and the stone was divided into four at once. , Rushing towards the other side.

"Boom bang bang!" In the blink of an eye, three of them were hit by the flying stone, but the last one dodged dangerously and soared out again.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the other party was about to flee, Ruotao was so angry that she stomped her feet again and again, and said, "My son, why didn't you tell me earlier? It was all because of your delay that you let the guy go!"

"Hehe, you blamed me on my head." Guan Heng was a little bit dumbfounded: "I reminded you that you still stabbed out the basket. It's really kind of unrequited."

"I don't care, unless you are responsible for getting that guy back, I won't forgive you, one, three days without talking to you!" Ruotao said threateningly.

"Well, brother is afraid of you, so I will help you once." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he slapped the short sword Xuanbing Guyue on his waist suddenly, "Whhhhhh!" An ice evil tyrant's soul rushed out, Guan Heng He said casually: "Go, catch that beast soul back."

"Woo woo woo -" With a sound of a whine, the Tyrant Soul immediately rushed towards the sky ahead with lightning speed. Although the beast soul took the lead, its speed was still not as fast as the ice evil tyrant soul. Such as electricity, was caught up by it in an instant.

"Hoo-" The cold air swirled in an instant, covering the beast soul, completely freezing it, the Ice Evil Tyrant Soul grasped it firmly, and immediately returned to everyone with the wind.

"Good job, go back and rest." Complimenting the ice evil tyrant soul, Guan Heng immediately took the frozen beast soul, and handed it to Ruotao: "Hey, caught it back, let's play with it."

"Hey, dirty ugly monster soul, who would want it?" Ruotao said with a pouting mouth.

Guan Heng smiled and said casually: "This is what you said, if I want me to catch the beast soul back, what else? Let's just say it."

"Apologize." Ruotao raised her face and said.

"Well, who made me your brother?" Guan Heng shrugged and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, little girl ghost, brother shouldn't tease you, don't be angry, otherwise the corners of the eyes and forehead will be wrinkled, and the forehead will not be beautiful."

"Well, that's okay." Ruotao turned her anger into joy when she heard him apologize, and then said: "Well, after getting a lot of evil crystals, you can make me a toy with it, how about? "

"Okay, anyway, I think this Yuanjing should be useful to everyone, so I decided to find the same ornaments inlaid with Yuanjing for each of you in the future, and all girls will have a copy."

Having said this, Guan Hengyi glanced at Puxing next to him, and then said: "If there is any left, I will give Puxing one too."

"Uuuuuu...Thank you elder brother." Puxing was so touched that he almost cried: "It's a rare occasion that you can still think of me."

"Puff!" Upon hearing this, the sisters all laughed, Guan Heng shook his head, and then said: "The problem is that you never asked for anything, otherwise you would have prepared your share long ago."

"Yes, brother is right, Puxing, you are just a wooden bump!" An Yan said irritably, "If you want anything in the future, just open your mouth. Big brother won't refuse because of my face, right, brother. ?"

"Of course, I won't be stingy with my sister-in-law." Guan Heng said as he motioned to the gray armor beast to continue to lead the way.

Everyone just walked and talked. In a short while, it was the place where the giant beast said that it was fighting with a large number of evil spirits. According to it, the underground crack is also nearby, but now I look at it and I don’t find it. That location.

Seeing the gray armor behemoth look a little anxious, Guan Heng did not urge it, but instead said calmly: "Don't worry, maybe because too much time has passed, the gap has collapsed or been buried by earth and rocks, as long as it is roughly The location is here, so we don’t have to worry about finding it."

"Oh oh oh..." The gray armor behemoth seemed very pleased with Guan Heng's understanding, it whispered, and then began to look for it again.

"Master Guan, here!" Suddenly, King Jia Yao, who was running several meters away, called out suddenly.

"Did you find something?"

"Yes, right, right here." At the same time as King Armor called everyone, the gray armor beast rushed over, suddenly, this guy's body surface changed, and it began to shine with extremely dazzling white light.

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