Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11313: Spearhead monster eel (fifth more outburst)

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this moment, the pure land catfish is hitting a towering rock forcefully. This thing is about several meters high, like half a small mountain. When it struck hard, it has begun to tilt up, and it is about to fall sideways, and the underground sand carp next to it. The squeaking sound seemed to cheer for it.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" The mad queen ant immediately raised her voice and asked Fei Qianli and landed nearby.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !"

"Okay, get out of the way and let me smash this rock with one blow." The mad queen ant said, shaking the colorful bone stick in her palm. As soon as she said this, the dry catfish and sand carp were as fast as possible. Sweep out.

At the same time, the queen roared, and suddenly gathered a large amount of spiritual energy on the top of the bone rod, and then violently hit the huge rock, "Boom! Wow!" In a short time, the rock fell to pieces.

"Wow!" The next moment, the guy hiding under the rock finally couldn't hold on anymore, and screamed and screamed out.

Everyone saw clearly that the guy had a pointed head like a spear, and a body like a big eel. It was more than ten feet long. At this moment, he was shocked. The moment he saw the queen, he shook his body and wanted to escape immediately.

"Stop!" Fei Qiang roared furiously: "If you want to go, first ask Grandpa whether he can agree or not!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhh!" As soon as the words fell, Fei Qianli suddenly released a series of swift wind blades, and these attacks rushed towards the head, face and body of the spearhead monster eel with a rush of tearing the air.

"Huh! Chop!" In an instant, the spearhead monster eel shook its body suddenly, wandering close to the ground with lightning speed, and unexpectedly avoided most of the wind blades dangerously and dangerously.

"Ping pong pong!"


The other wind blades still hit the strange eel, but this guy wandered extremely fast, and with the help of the sliding force, 80% of the impact was relieved, so the wind blade only left a few white marks on its body. Almost unscathed.

"Damn it, I can hide!" Fei Qianli cursed with gritted teeth.

"Suddenly!" It was too late, it was fast, and the pure land catfish sprang out more than ten mud bombs at the strange eel, and the opponent dodged with swift speed again. Sure enough, it dodged as many as possible.

But these mud bombs are not just for attacking the enemy. After they fall on the ground, they quickly soften the surrounding soil, making it muddy and unsatisfactory. The spearhead eel suddenly felt slippery underneath itself when it moved. Slow down.

"Bastard thing, you never want to run away!"

"Huh! Bang!" In the thunder and lightning, the mad queen ant fell from the sky. It slammed the colorful bone stick, and suddenly hit the back of the strange eel, causing the guy to open his mouth and spout a big mouth of blood mist, and suddenly fell forward. Zhang Yuyuan immediately hit the rock wall.

"Go on, clean it up!"

With a cry from the mad queen ant, the flying roan, the underground sand carp, and the pure land catfish all rushed over and beat the spearhead monster eel with it. The other party was unlucky. Everyone's heavy attacks fell on this guy. His body was so beaten that the eels couldn't help screaming, and the pain was so painful.


After more than ten breaths, Guan Heng and the others hurriedly rushed here, the spearhead monster eel had been wounded all over, and only half a breath was left.

"Hey, your hands are too heavy, right?" The Mandrill stretched out his hand to catch the dying strange eel at this time and said: "At any rate, we don't hit a few, so we can understand where this guy came from."

"Hey, I just took care of this guy at the time, I didn't think much about anything else, right!" Fei Qianli suddenly remembered one thing, and then continued: "Madman, this guy seems to have evil remains in his body, you see , Is it an evil beast?"

"In my opinion...then you have to ask Master Guan." Mandrill scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and whispered, "Actually, I can't guess it."

"Hey, you are such an idiot." Fei Qianli said, glanced at the mandrill with a very contemptuous look, and then asked: "Master Guan, what do you think?"

"This guy is not an evil beast." Guan Heng said in a very affirmative tone at this time: "At least, it is not an evil beast when you have been beaten to death."

"The evil inside it is..."

"It should be the result of being invaded by something or the environment. If you discover it later, it must have been demolished by then." Guan Heng said after a moment of thought.

"Then what to do with this guy?" The Mandrill shook its spearhead at this time, and asked the strange eel. "Although it is just an ordinary beast, it is in danger of being evil, so let's refining and expel the evil energy in it, and then let it go."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, the mad queen ant was a little unhappy. It whispered, "Master Guan, just let it go like this? It's too cheap for this guy? We managed to stop it... "

"Yeah, didn't you still beat up this guy?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "Forget it, no grudges and no resentments, you have already vented enough anger on it, and besides, I have to It has figured out some things in it."

"Okay, okay, it's up to Lord Guan." After hearing this, the mad queen nodded after thinking about it, and said nothing.

At the same time, Guan Heng poured spiritual energy into the spearhead monster eel, so that all the evil energy accumulated in the opponent's body disappeared.

Then Guan Heng stretched out his hand to grab the strange eel, shook the opponent's body, and said, "Listen, I won't kill you now, but you have to take us to find the place where evil spirits converge, because you must have caught it there. Evil, you don't know where that location is, right?"

Hearing this, the spearhead eel nodded tremblingly, and Guan Heng continued: "You can keep your life alive by cooperating obediently, otherwise, I will throw you to the queen and they will clean up. I know, these guys are looking forward to continuing to rectify you."

As soon as Guan Heng said the words, he was so scared that the spearhead eel shuddered like a sieve. This guy is now willing to agree to anything, only to beg Guan Heng to spare his life.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng ordered the spearhead monster eel to lead him. This guy immediately flew forward under the **** of the underground sand carp and the pure land catfish.


After a short while, everyone followed the strange eel to a remote corner. Here, it was an area surrounded by rock walls on three sides and pitted, full of jagged rocks. After arriving here, the spearhead eel did not dare to go any further. gone.

"Trash, go!" At this time, the mad queen ant had a bad tone, knocked on the forehead of the strange eel with a colorful bone stick, but this guy was shivering and didn't dare to move half a foot forward.

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