Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11347: Rescued successfully

"Sizzle!" It was too late, and then quickly, the golden wren chicks that swooped down suddenly grabbed a few granulation shoots, making the skulls of the devil king that were bound by them appear.

At the same time, the four-armed mountain ridge, the heavy fists and claws of the demon-bound demon king slammed on the surface of the other granulation that bound the thunderhopper, tearing it to pieces, and a dozen demon immediately pounced. Stepped forward, trying to pull the Thunder King out.

But the granulation was not all in a passive state of being beaten. This guy realized that the opponent was coming towards King Thundercamp, and immediately gathered a large amount of granulation together.

Just listen to the sound of "Shu La La" one after another, constantly, they actually weaved into a "net", and instantly blocked in front of the demon, preventing them from approaching the Thunderclap King.

"Damn, you guy still want to make trouble? You're going to die!"

Ruo Tao let out a low roar, and the Thunder Devouring Blade in his palm suddenly slashed down and slashed, "Kacha!" In the blink of an eye, the web of granulation was smashed by the blade and shattered into several pieces in an instant, but the granulation that bound the Thunderbird King was crazy. Backing backwards, he retracted into the destroyed dark heart like lightning.

"Madman, Shanwei, Ghost King, let's do it together!"

Seeing this, Ruotao knew that he couldn't let the opponent indent, otherwise, the offensive would probably fall short, so he directed everyone to attack the outside of the dark heart. In this way, even if it was to create a violent shock, it would be possible. Make the other party unable to escape.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom!" In an instant, four fierce and unrelenting blows landed on the surface of the dark heart that was already riddled with holes, and instantly shattered the opponent. At the same time, the "granulation body" hidden inside also appeared. Out.

It was a huge tumor that occupied almost all the space inside the heart of the ancient beast. The granulation sprouts that emerged from its surface criss-crossed, one part entangled the almost immobile King Thunderhopper, and the other part of the granulation was waving like a demonstration. Intimidate the enemies around.

"Hehehe, I thought it was a terrific character. It turned out to be such a trash thing like you." Ruotao sneered at this time: "A tumor in a small area, dare to be arrogant in front of us, isn't it a bit too arrogant?"

"Big sister, let me immediately abolish it and take the Thunderbird King over."

As the mandrill said, he was already eager to try. Ruotao waved his hand and said, "Hey, don't worry, this guy is already a turtle in the urn, where can he escape? Let's cook the frog in warm water and slowly toss it."

After that, Ruotao suddenly raised her voice: "Shanwei, Ghost King, surround this guy with flames so that it can't escape."

"Ooooooo!" Upon hearing this, the group of ghosts suddenly let out a deafening roar, and then released a fierce and fierce fire spirit towards the surrounding area.



In a short time, a whole circle of fire wall surrounded the "granulation monster monster", and the body surface of this guy was scorched, and even the granulation was scorched, and there was a big burnt smell spreading around. Come.

This time, the Monster Tumor was frightened. It never expected that the enemies would disdain to do it by themselves. Just burn it with fire, and it can make itself painful. If it continues like this, let alone resist, it may be dead at any time!

"Let go of the Thunderclap King who is trapped by you, I can also make you die faster without any bitterness, otherwise, what is waiting for you is a thousand swords and endless pain!" Ruotao's mouth is slightly tilted. Said with a sneer.

But this Granulation Monster Tumor Monster couldn't understand her. At this moment, he turned around and wanted to jump up and escape through the wall of fire. The Mandrill immediately shouted angrily: "Don't want to escape, come down!"

"Whhhhhhhhh!" When it was said that it was too late, it was fast, and the mandrill threw out several ice thorns in an instant, right behind the opponent.

"Lala!" The next moment, half of the sarcoma was wrapped in cold air, and this guy fell to the ground hard and could no longer move for half a step. At this time, Ruo Tao had already brought the Mandrills to the front.

"Hmph, I said it a long time ago, you can't escape!"

"The end of disobedience is the unending suffering!"

"Clap!" The moment Ruotao's words fell, the Thunder Swallowing Blade in his hand had been split several times, and several knives fell viciously on the frozen half of the monster's surface, cutting off the opponent's epidermis abruptly. .

"Gu Lulu!" The painful monster tumor was rolling and struggling, and accidentally touched the surrounding flames. It was so hot that it made a "belch, noisy" sound, and almost lost consciousness in pain.

At the same time, the demons had already rushed forward, scratching and tearing the granulation that had tied the Thunderbird King to this guy, and finally broke them all, and then everyone worked hard to pull the Thunderbird King out.

"Mandrill, trap this guy."

"Yes, big sister."

Hearing Ruotao's words, the magic mandrill promised and immediately threw three or four ice mysterious balloon bodies at the monster tumor monster, "Ping pong pong! 咣咣咣!" These ice **** hit the monster tumor monster and immediately spread the coldness. , Frozen the Granulation Monster Tumor Monster in its place.

It's ridiculous that the guy still raised a few granulation shoots before being frozen, and the way they were stuck in the air was a bit weird.

"Hey, King Thunderclap!"

"Wake up, wake up!"

At this moment, Ruotao slapped King Thundercamp’s face with a few slaps, and the other party shook his head and opened his eyes. Actually, from just now, King Thundercamp’s consciousness has been half-awake and half-conscious, and it is faint. Yoo also felt that someone was saving herself.

At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked at Ruotao and Mandrill, and King Thunderclap understood it and nodded at them, but this guy was indeed too weak, and it was very difficult for him to speak out now.

After all, he has been trapped for so many years, and the Granulation Monster Tumor constantly tortured himself, squeezing the power of thunder and lightning in his body, if it weren't for King Thundercamp's life hard enough, I am afraid that he would have broken himself because he couldn't bear the extreme pain.

"Squeak, squeak!" At such a time, the whole group of small thunderhoppers rushed over with excitement, and shouted around the king of thunderhoppers, and Ruotao said: "Hush, don't be noisy, It is very weak now and must have a quiet retreat."

Hearing this, the little Leihopper who showed the way for everyone looked at his surrounding companions, and then suddenly shook his body, "Hey Hey--" In a short time, a swift electric energy was released by it, and it happened to fall on the surface of the Thunder King's body. , Was absorbed by it homeopathy.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the little thunderhoppers did the same, and immediately released their electric energy and fell on the king of thunderhoppers. Gradually, the body of this guy trembled slightly and began to regain his strength.

Seeing this scene, Ruotao waved her hand hurriedly: "Okay, you don't want to send power to King Thunderclap. If you continue like this, it will be you all who are weak later, let me and Wrenbao come."

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