Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1138: Unexpected

"Oh!" The Dragon Sword in Guan Heng's palm broke into the air, and he shouted, "Dead !!"

"Yeah!" Ma Ze snarled abruptly. He could not avoid it at this moment, and suddenly struck out with his own keel spear. The target was also Guan Heng's front heart.

"Want to have the same thing?" Guan Heng knew the intention of Ma Ze. He could not retreat the dagger, but suddenly held the opponent's spear handle: "Give me a hand!"

A surge of force rushed to take away his own weapons, and Ma Ze allowed the other to succeed. He shouted suddenly, "Dragon bone spear, shrink!"

"Eh!" With the roar of Ma Ze, the two-meter-long keel spear suddenly changed, and it suddenly shrank into a two-foot spear.

"Hey." Without waiting for Guan Heng's reaction, the sharp spear tip of the opponent had already scratched his palm, and immediately broke Guan Heng's palm skin.

"Oh my rubbing, it hurts! How can this broken spear be shortened?" Guan Heng snarled his blood and screamed, "I said Maze, your boy is too cunning. ?mean!"

"Whatever you say, obviously you first hit me with a magic guide." Ma Ze said angrily: "Go to death!"

"Extend it, keel spear!"

"Wow, wow!" In the low roar, the keel spear in Ma Ze's palm suddenly stretched out, and even went straight to Guan Heng seven or eight meters away.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng screamed angrily, waving the hands of the dragon dagger and magical magpie hurriedly blocking and avoiding: "Dangdangdangdang!"

Suddenly, Ma Ze's fierce offensive turned Guan Heng into a mess, Guan Heng couldn't help screaming: "Lao Tzu's short sword was not as good as the keel spear. Now it's better, even the opponent's clothing corners can't touch.

"Boom!" Blindly beaten is not Guan Heng's style. After blocking a round of keel spear attacks, he slipped his heels back.

"Where to go !!" Ma Ze gave a violent sigh, and waved the keel spear like a shadow, chasing after him.

"Brother Guan Heng, let's join hands ..." At this moment, Imila saw that Guan Heng was struggling, and she came forward to help.

"Little girl, this is the battle between Guan Heng and me. Others don't want to intervene!" Ma Ze's eyes were sharp, and when he saw that Imila wanted to be a horror, he suddenly took out a magic pet and opened it: "Gold Skull , Stop me from messing with this little girl! "

"Hmm! Hmm ... bang!" The huge skeleton figure, several meters high, suddenly fell in front of Imila. This is a huge skeleton warrior with four arms and a pale golden light shining around it. Among the four arms are a long and narrow curved blade, a three-meter epee, a bone shield, and a thick and long steel fork.

"Woohoo!" The Golden Skeleton Warrior waved four weapons in his hand, and rolled fiercely towards Imira. At this moment, two people on the battlefield were caught in a hard battle.

"Yeah! Kill!"

"Oh!" Ma Ze's keel spear came suddenly and obliquely. "Oh!" Guan Heng left and flickered, and numerous pits suddenly appeared on the ground. He raised his hand to As Ma Ze fired another round of magic shots, "Hey, crack!" This blow barely hit Ma Ze's golden armor.

"Ahhhhhh!" A scream screamed suddenly, and powerful electric power was spread all over the body in an instant, making Ma Zeru thundered, and stunned, he knelt on his knees.

"Good opportunity!" Guan Heng's action was swift and incoherent, and he flung his short sword straight towards Ma Ze. "Oops!" Jian Feng pointed to exactly that of Ma Ze's neck!

Immediately before the blade's tip was close to Ma Ze, and he was about to kill him, Imira, not far from Guan Heng, suddenly screamed: "Yeah--" "Bang!" It turned out to be a golden skull The warrior's Bone Shield flew into Ymira impartially.

Between the light and the flint, Guan Heng had to give up hunting Ma Ze, and disappeared in a moment.

At the next moment, Guan Heng catches up with Imila in the air, and the two land securely between the two rolls.

Guan Heng whispered, "Is it okay?" "Hum, I'm okay." Imila gasped and said, "I was just startled by that big guy."

At this time, Ma Ze was also panting slightly with the spear of the keel. He secretly exclaimed: "If it hadn't been for the girl with the golden skeleton flying off, the sword of Guan Heng might have penetrated my neck throat. . "

Just as the fierce fighting between the two sides was about to reignite, someone suddenly called out in the distance, "Stop everyone! I'm here!"

"Is she ?!" Ma Ze was startled, and it turned out that Zuo Wei ran over, and she was followed by the breathless Borui.

"Gold Skull, be on my side." Ma Ze doesn't know what the other party is going to do, but since they have come to reinforce, Ma Ze's vigilance has skyrocketed.

"Brother Guan Heng, don't do anything with this guy first." Zuo Wei ran to Guan Heng and Yimera and said, "I have something to say."

"Maze!" Zuo Wei turned to the armored warrior Ma Ze, "You once said to me, on behalf of Dragon Lord, avenge all human beings, right?"

"Yes, I used to say that," Ma Ze said blankly, "that's the only purpose I live for."

"I found something in the secret room of the underground palace." Zuo Wei suddenly took out a note and said, "You can take a look at it, maybe there is a truth you don't know!"

"Notes ?!" Ma Ze felt suddenly a little anxious in his heart. At this time, Zowei had thrown the notebook over and was caught by him.

"Well." Turning on the first page, Maze stared at the familiar handwriting on it, and said with a trembling suddenly, "This is ... Master Rasius' handwriting."

"That's right, this is the Terran strongman who taught you the fighting skills, notes written by Rasius during his lifetime." Zou Wei said, "This underground palace is said to have previously belonged to the forbidden area of ​​the Roman Kingdom, and Mr. Rasius once He was the captain of the defensive team here, so it's no surprise that his laptop was found here. "

"Hehehe ... What's so nice about this tattered note?" Ma Ze whispered, "Rasius is an idiot. He taught me this enemy a lot of skills, but he died in my hands. It's really a stupid guy here. "

Although he said so in his mouth, Ma Ze's eyes couldn't help falling on the notebook, but it was this look that made his face more and more ugly.

Rathius, the strong human race, is the leading master of martial arts on the land of St. Lomplon. He was employed by the Kingdom of Lomon as the guard of the underground palace of Purgatory. He lived near the ice vein volcano all year round. Deeds of Xius's life.

—— [Second more in 2016.5.4, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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