Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11421: A blessing in disguise (third more)

"The little guy seems to have moved." Ruotao leaned closer at this time, looked at the electric green lizard in Guan Heng's arms, and said anxiously: "My son, it seems to be burning badly now, think about it. How to save it."

"Don't worry, don't worry, care will be messy." Guan Heng said, "Calm down first. With me, nothing will happen to the little green lizard."

"By the way, Mandrill."

"Yes, Lord Guan, what's your order?" The Mandrill hurried over, and Guan Heng asked casually, "You seem to have eaten something for the little green lizard, right?"

"Yes, little things like to eat sweets, so I dipped Xiao Lei Shuzhu with honey pulp and fed it to him."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and the Mandrill said hurriedly: "But when it was given to the little green lizard, it didn't react at all. Really, I swear, the monkey and the fat have seen it, and they can testify. "

"Huh, you still say it!" Ruotao gritted her teeth and shook her fist: "Little Shougong has become like this, it must be because you let it eat her stomach, you..."

"Okay, okay, little girl ghost, don't be irritable."

Guan Heng whispered at this moment: "Don't look at the little green lizard now having a fever. In fact, he can hear it when you speak. Therefore, the more irritable and tense you are, the more restless and more painful it will become, and you don’t want to see this. Fan scene, right?"

"But I..." Ruotao scratched her head and whispered, "I'm really worried."

"Hi, Taotao, you have to have confidence in A Heng, he can definitely cure the little guy, don't worry."

As Qing Huang said, she patted Ruotao on the shoulder to show her comfort. Guan Heng gently stroked the forehead of the electric pulse green lizard at this time, and then slowly said: "The fever has subsided a little, so it can be seen that it is not a big deal."

"I think it should be the little guy who ate a little too much Lei Shazhu, and after hearing the words of Mandrill just now, he violently released the overload of electric energy, which caused his body to be hollowed out for a while, so it caused the body. The internal electrical pulse is disordered, which makes the body temperature too high."

Having said this, Guan Heng glanced at the Mandrill, and then said: "The main responsibility for this incident lies with you. You take the little guy away and instruct it to do something beyond your own abilities. That's why it caused this. Kind of situation."

"Yes, Lord Guan, I was wrong." Mandrill muttered dejectedly.

Ruo Tao folded her shoulders with her hands in an angry tone and said, "Can I just apologize? I won't forgive you so easily."

"Little girl ghost, don't worry, I haven't finished it yet." Guan Heng continued in a good time at this time: "The little guy has a fever, it may not be a bad thing."

"Eh?!" Upon hearing this, whether it was Ruotao, Mandrill, and other partners, they were a little surprised. Then, everyone asked in unison: "What does this mean?"

"Squeak, squeak..." At this moment, the electric pulse green lizard in Guan Heng's arms woke up, blinked at everyone, and shook her head. Ruo Tao suddenly shouted when she saw this scene. : "Little guy, you are awake, my sister is almost dead of worry."

"Hey!" Upon hearing this, the electric pulse green lizard rushed out of Guan Heng's arms, and after a graceful somersault in the air, it fell into Ruotao's arms lightly, and rubbed her cheek with her small head.

"Hey, it's weird." The ancient Sang girl next to her said: "You have noticed that the little thing is getting faster and faster. I saw a flash of light in the sky, and then it fell into Taotao's arms. "

"Yes, it's really fast." Fengxin, Qing Huang, and An Yan also nodded and said yes.

Guan Heng laughed and said: "This is the effect after fever. In fact, it has a fever and is trying to digest the thunder and lightning power that Lei Shangzhu brings to itself. Once all refining, its own strength, speed, and even release. Electricity will be greatly improved."

"Is that so?" Ruotao widened her eyes, looked at the coquettish electric green lizard in her arms, and then said: "This little guy is a blessing in disguise, right?"

"It's true." Guan Heng nodded, and continued: "It is also thanks to the mandrill that allowed it to release a large amount of small electric energy. The electric energy in this body has a chance to refine the few that it swallowed. Lei Shanzhu has electrical strength."

"Oh." Hearing this, Ruo Tao gave a noncommittal glance at the Mandrill, and the guy hurriedly laughed in a low voice: "Big sister, I can be considered a demerit, okay?"

"Huh, because there is nothing wrong with Xiaoshougong, let's forget it this time." Ruotao said domineeringly: "But, let's not take it as an example!"

"Yes, I remember it in my heart, and I would like to thank my elder sister for not killing me." The Mandrill finally breathed a sigh of relief, saying everything was wrong. Ruotao was a little bit dumbfounded: "I don't want to kill yet, when did I say I would kill you?"

"Hahaha—" Hearing this, the big furniture burst into laughter.

Guan Heng said again: "Okay, the little green lizard is fine now, let's go into the mine to investigate, Mandrill, you take the gray-brown hedgehog and the icy beast to open the road, and we will follow behind. If you need help, just speak up."

"Yes, Lord Guan, let's go one step ahead." The Mandrill said as he waved to the ice gluttonous beast and the demon hedgehog, and said, "Everyone, follow me."

"Suddenly-huhu hu -" Suddenly, there were wind sounds one after another, and the Mandrill led everyone into the mine, followed by Guan Heng, the girls and other companions.


After more than ten breaths, the gray-brown demon hedgehogs walking in the front of the high-quality loess mines, Mandrill asked everyone to dig these out and pile them on both sides of the road, so that the earth palace toads from behind can take advantage of the opportunity to harvest them when they come over. NS.

"There are a lot of loess mines, but that kind of colorful metal mines have not been found." The Mandrill said to Guan Heng and Zhenwen who came by, "I think it might be found near the veins."

"It would be great if I could dig up this kind of metal ores. In that case, I could study their structure."

Zhenwen said: "Brother Guan, do you have the opportunity to refine various precious metal ores, and then merge them with the carapace of the silver king crab to create a new tiger-head flying boat shell?"

"Well, this idea is very good." Guan Heng nodded and continued to say: "A combination of lightweight and tough materials is perfect for the hull of a flying boat."

"Hehehe, I think so too."

Zhenwen said with a smile: "So, ancient cloud-patterned gold, ancient iron ore, and this kind of multicolored metal ore are all more suitable materials. What we need to do now is to melt them into one furnace and derive something different. Here, what you said..."

"It's'alloy'." Guan Heng reminded. Zhenwen nodded: "Yes, it's alloy. To complete this kind of thing, but it's a big dream of mine. By the way, I also told the ancient Yeqiang people in the Toad Ding space about this, and he said it is feasible."

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