Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1146: Looking for assistance (first)

At this moment, Zaviu didn't pay attention to Borui's questioning, but suddenly made a long howl: "嗷 ——"

Hearing the call of his army commander, all the remaining ice and fire dragons gathered in mid-air in an instant, and Zaviu immediately shouted to spread his wings to the sky.

At this time, Zaviu shoved an iced Sisso under his armpit, and he shouted: "My temporary camp for the Fire and Fire Dragon is near the Coral Island. If you want to save the prince, it is best to rush to noon tomorrow. Arrived before, when the time limit expires, the dragon heart poisonous flame will eat up the heart of Sisuo, hahaha, I am waiting for everyone to come to die at Coral Island! "

"Want to go? It's not that easy!" Zawiu's words didn't end, Guan Heng jumped up to heaven in the sound of Li Xiao long ago: "Extend, Keel Spear!"

"Oh!" The keel spear suddenly extended nearly a hundred meters and nailed Zaviu in midair, but at this moment, all the ice and fire dragons simultaneously spit out flames and ice dragon breath, blocking the keel spear. Offensive.

"Hahaha, it seems you can't keep me today, see you tomorrow!" With that, Zaviu immediately led all his men away.

"Damn, just let him run away!"

"Bang!" The angry Borui punched the ground with a punch: "It's so wicked."

Guan Heng watched the wounded and guards around the city tower at this time, and in his heart he scolded Zaviu's cunning, but now there is no other way.

"Let's go to the seafront of Koror Island, and meet Zowei and Imira." Guan Heng said that he walked down the tower first, Borui shook his head, and then followed them. After the two reached the beach, Just a moment, I heard a hissing in the air. It was the call of a toucan dragon, which carried Zowei and Imira.

The four partners got together and told the past. Zuo Wei told Guan Heng: "After you left the balloon, Imela and I helped the Resistance reach the dragon for a while on the beach, but they seemed to be halfway through. A strange signal was received, and all retreated. "

"Well, the situation on our side is not good." Guan Heng sighed and said, "Is that ice-fire transformation dragon really sly and captured Prince Sisso, now he must have made a trap on Coral Island, waiting for us Jump inside. "

"What are you afraid of? The Zaviu guy scared the boss out of you." Borui said indifferently. "Tomorrow at noon, let's just rush to Coral Island and kill them without leaving a piece of armor."

"It's just the Ice and Fire Dragon Legion in Zaviu. That's not to be afraid." Guan Heng groaned with his chin and thought, "but do you remember who he was with when he was in the Ice and Fire Mountains?"

"Ah, I remember it, it is Tivilo's sly and treacherous thing." Borui smashed his palm with his fist, and he said immediately, "Boss, you mean, these two guys are going to work together against us? Isn't it? "

Guan Heng looked at several others and said slowly: "I just know that with the sly and sly personality of Tivilo, I will never let go of the opportunity to deal with us with others."

"Brother Guan Heng is right, I think Tivelo will lead the Demon Dragon Army to appear on Coral Island." Yimila hugged his shoulders and said solemnly: "The two dragon clan armies join forces. If we deal with this time, , It will be very difficult, you need to think about a detailed strategy. "

"Well, to be honest, now we only have four people, to deal with the thousands of troops and horses of the Dragon race, I have not been scared to death is a great progress."

Borui said with a ridicule, and suddenly fell down on the beach: "You said, if there is any high-powered reinforcement who suddenly falls from the sky, how good it is!"

Guan Heng, Zuo Wei and Imila laughed together: "You are dreaming in the day!" Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly stopped his laughter, and he muttered to himself: "Wait, Borui said When it comes to reinforcements, I seem to remember one thing ... "

"Borui, do you remember?" Guan Heng said, "When the Black Rose Magic Balloon was forced to land on the sea, someone cast a strong ice magic from the small island on the side of Koror Island, completely frozen. When we reached the surface of the sea, we barely ran to the beach. "

"I think of it. As a magician, I have never seen such strong ice magic in my life. It's too good." Borui still remembers that move until now: "The surrounding 100 meters are frozen and solid Now, I dare say, this is definitely the means of the great magician !!! "

"That man rescued us with the ice spell." Guan Heng whispered, "Maybe we can visit him and take him into his own camp to deal with the Dragon Army."

"It's so decided, I agree." Borui is now full of interest, he is the person who wants to visit the great magician most.

"Zowei, Imira," Guan Heng said to the two girls. "I went to the unnamed island on the left with Borui and you stay here, waiting for Mr. Jeffrey of the Resistance Army of the Roman Kingdom to make it happen Explain to him everything. "

"I see, Brother Guan Heng." Imila nodded. "Go there. I and Zuo Wei take care of this."

"In addition, the Black Rose balloon was also broken, and it was thrown on the beach over there." Guan Heng continued, "It would be better to repair it. We may have to use it when we go to Coral Island."

After explaining all this, Guan Heng summoned the beak dragon Lude, and let it take himself and Borui to fly directly to the unknown island.

The unknown island is not too far away from Kolo Island, so the people on the island can use the magic of ice to freeze the surface of the sea, so it only took a few minutes for the two of Guanheng to come to the beach of the unknown island.

"Slam!" At this moment, Borui couldn't wait to jump off the back of the beak dragon, and he said abnormally excitedly: "I don't know what the big magician looks like?"

Guan Heng waved Lude to wait around and turned around and said to Borui: "Be careful when talking and doing things on this island. Generally speaking, the hidden people have strange temperaments. Wrong, annoyed each other, we are not looking for an ally, but a strong enemy for ourselves. "

"You know, I'm not a fool. I won't say anything that offends people. I won't do anything that irritates people, right?"

After a pause, Borui held his staff around his waist, and then said, "Somehow, I always feel weird signs of magical energy flowing near this beach, so we need to be careful."

Borui's voice did not fall, and he heard the gravel of the nearby gravel on the beach suddenly, and then three or four drums were arched in the soil, moving towards Guanheng and Borui at a very fast speed. Rushed over.

—— [First update of 2016.5.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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