Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1153: Giant sea snake

"Isn't it? The kid flew out of the sea just now, using the teleportation spell."

The fat old man explained: "It's hard to understand the technique of performing the teleportation spell. First of all, there must be a place in my mind that we need to reach. We call it the" starting point. " Move by yourself. This is the skill of teleportation magic. "

"When Borui was afraid of death in the sea just now, we were desperately trying to return to our side." Sanqiu immediately explained: "So under the natural reaction of the body and the brain, he used the teleportation spell inadvertently. Wen returned to shore. "

"This kind of teleportation magic is a unique technique that I developed based on my many years of experience." Fat old man Sanqiu said, "It can not only allow you to move thousands of miles away in an instant, but even bring your companions to perform together. It's a very convenient magic spell. "

"Imagine that at the moment of danger, you can cast the teleportation spell to take them out of danger, which is equivalent to countless times to save the lives of the companions." Sanqiu said proudly: "My unique stunt teleportation magic , No less than any curse that destroys the world. "

"Well, to a certain extent, this is indeed the case." Guan Heng and Borui nodded in coincidence: "It is indeed a masterpiece of escape masters, great !!"

"Ahem, just call me‘ Master ’.” Clearing his throat, Sanqiu, who was flushed, said a little awkwardly, “The word‘ run away ’is exempt.”

"However, I don't feel how important it is to master this teleportation spell."

Borui looked at his palms and whispered, "It's like when the lava of the ice vein volcano erupts, if I can teleport the spell, I must take Guan Heng, Zo Wei and It was really convenient for Imira to get out of danger. "

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "Yeah, teleportation spell ... If I perform this trick while detonating the red dragon's breath, I won't worry about being accidentally injured."

"But after coming to St. Lompland, I don't seem to be able to master the skills of magic spells with my own power." Guan Heng looked at his palm: "Even the lightning attack is because the Lightning Lion beast is integrated Soul, so I can cast it, I may not learn the teleportation spell. "

"Guan Heng, even though it's still early, I decided to teach the two tricks of the boy Borui." Sanqiu, the fat old man, chuckled: "I'm in a good mood today, and I have some unique secret skills to let him see."

"Uh ?! Still coming?" Borui just wanted to say, "It's enough for us to have teleportation magic," Sanqiu had long grabbed the boy's neck and dragged him far away. Walk around.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- since there was a scream, Borui came to an abrupt stop, like a male duck with a broken neck. Good luck, don't die in the hands of the fat old man. "

After saying this, Guan Heng looked at the sky close to the dusk, and suddenly cried out, "Oh, I forgot to go back and Zuo Wei to return to peace."

"Lu De, come out soon!" Guan Hengxi blew a whistle suddenly, and the toucan dragon who was snoring in the distant woods woke up staggeringly, it quickly flew out, and Guan Hengxi jumped to its back: " Hurry back to Coro Island to find Zowei them. "

A few minutes later, the beak dragon flew back to the shore of Coro Island. Guan Heng suddenly felt something wrong here, and saw the bodies of many human warriors lying on the beach. Guan Heng thought to himself: "Strange, I leave At that time, there were no dead people. Could it be that the Ice and Fire Dragon Army came again? "

"Lord, let me down here."

Upon hearing Guan Heng's instructions, the bird's beak dragon slammed his wings and landed on the beach. Guan Heng ran to the soldier soldiers who had fallen down and inspected them carefully. It was found that these people did not have weapons such as swords and no fire damage. Frozen marks, but there are many tiny holes in them.

"His face is purple, his mouth is frothy, and his whole body is smelly." Seeing this, Guan Heng frowned suddenly. "Is this bitten by a poisonous snake and then killed?"

Looking at the other corpses, they were all the same. Guan Heng's heart was a little stunned: "No, you have to quickly determine if Zuowei is safe."

"Lu De, fly to the castle with all your strength." Guan Heng turned over and rode on the beak dragon, letting it move quickly, but it took only half a minute for Guan Heng and the beak dragon to appear above the castle of Coro Island.

Before Guan Heng had time to jump from Lude's back into the tower, he heard a scream from the other side: "An enemy attack is coming, and there are evil dragons, everyone is ready to fight."

"Oops, it's bad, and they have been regarded as a dragon legion." Guan Heng smiled bitterly, and was about to explain. A general came suddenly from the other side of the tower, and he ran and shouted: "Let's stop! That was Mr. Guan Heng who defeated the leader of the Dragon Army. "

"Haha, it's Jeffery of the Resistance. It doesn't need to be explained." Guan Heng hurriedly jumped off the back of the dragon and shook hands with Jeffery. He smiled and said, "Mr. Jeffery, you have come here."

"Yeah, when I disembarked at the beach, I heard Miss Zuowei say that the prince had been taken away, and now I'm trying to figure it out." Jeff was sad at this moment, he said to Guan Heng: "You Just come back now, and everyone can discuss the countermeasures together. "

"Brother Guan Heng (brother Guan Heng)!" At this time, Zuo Wei and Imila also ran up to the tower and greeted Guan Heng. Zuo Wei came over and asked, "Well, Borui didn't talk to you." Are you back together? "

"The kid is now training with mysterious masters." Guan Hengqiang held back a smile, but didn't tell Borui's current tragic situation, then he said: "First talk about the things here, I am passing by the beach At that time, I suddenly discovered that there were many corpses of soldiers and brothers there, as if they were poisoned with snake venom. What is going on? "

"Well, it's a long story." Jeff sighed remorsefully next to him. "Come on, let's talk in the lounge."

Several people walked to the lounge, Jeff and Zovi, saying what happened on the beach.

It turned out that shortly after Guan Heng and Borui left, Jeff took a large number of resistance troops to the shore of the island of Koror. After learning that Prince Sisso was taken away, Jeff was anxious. From time to time a soldier came up with an idea.

The hometown of this soldier is the fishing village near the Koror Islands. In the sea where they fish, a Samsung giant sea snake lives. The snake body can reach several meters in length, its fangs are extremely toxic, and it can easily corrode dragon scales. And dragon skins, not even dragons can hold their toxicity.

In view of this, the soldiers suggested that Jeff sent people to capture a large number of Samsung giant sea snakes, take snake venom and cook them into "poison glue", and then smear them on the weapons of the Terran soldiers, so that when they attack the coral island the next day, they can effectively kill The dragon is up.

—— [Second more in 2016.5.9, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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