Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11556: Small box (third more)

"I made this box specially for you and Zhenwen."

Guan Heng explained at this moment: "You see the button under the box. It is a special spring setting. With a single press of your finger, twelve beads can be ejected from the hole to attack enemies within a few meters. You can use the Xiaoyan Explosive Bead and the Xiao Leisheng Bead to fill the projectiles."

"Hahaha, this is a good thing, thank you, Brother Guan."

"Thank you brother-in-law." The two of them took the small box, overjoyed, Guan Heng said, "Actually, you don't have to thank me. The structure of this small box is based on the mechanism of Zhenwen's multi-armed puppet that releases flying thorns. Made it."

"Hehe, I said how familiar the structure is. Brother Guan's hand is really a coincidence." Zhenwen said, shaking the box in her hand, and then said: "This thing can be used as a killer, but it's definitely not weak, I I don't think I can do it casually, right?"

"That's right, so you have to look at Xiao Hei too, don't let her play with this casually." Guan Heng said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you trust me?" Xiao Hei pursed his lips and said, "Why am I the kind of person who just messes around?"

"Uh, aren't you?" Guan Heng said with wide eyes, pretending to be surprised.

"Hahaha—" Upon hearing this, the sisters all laughed. Without waiting for Xiao Hei to argue, Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "It's all right, let's not gossip, come, and check this great evil spirit king first."

"First of all, do we have to figure out why this guy can absorb and devour the loess ore, and then investigate its purpose of occupying this pit?"

"Yes, that's it." Guan Heng listened to Qing Huang's words, nodded, and then said again: "Dark ghost, use the soul search to read memories!"


Hearing Guan Heng's call, the big ghost immediately whizzed out, and suddenly landed in front of him, grabbed the big evil spirit king with one claw, and began to search for his soul and read memories. The other party was seriously injured, and then the big ghost continued to exert pressure. Searching for the soul, he uttered a hoarse scream: "Aoaoao—"

Fortunately, this great evil spirit king is different from ordinary goods. Even if he suffers, this guy can hold it for a while. Therefore, when the great ghost search for the soul is finished, although it is dying, it has not completely died.

"Huh, it's cheaper for you." The Mandrill said, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the big evil spirit king, and hurled it back and forth in the soul urn. The opponent was immediately sucked into the big belly urn, and it was completely refined into soul power within a few breaths. Reserve it.

"Dark ghost, what information did you get?" Guan Heng asked at this moment, and the ghost immediately leaned in front of him and passed all the information to Guan Heng.

"So that's it, I understand." Hearing the other party's narration, Guan Heng nodded his head.

"A Heng, what did the big ghost say?" Qing Huang asked at the moment.

"It said that in the memory of the Great Evil King, there are treasures in the underground mines here, which are directly related to the loess mines."

Guan Heng explained: "It is also said that the leader of the local evil spirit king is the three great evil spirit kings. This guy is only the weakest one. The other two great evil spirit kings are now in the big mine on the other side. Treasure hunt."

"What? Is there such a thing?" Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions were very surprised. At the same time, Guan Heng waved his hand to call the blue water spider and asked: "Have you ever been to the big mine on the other side? ?"

Upon hearing this, the blue-patterned water spider nodded, and then squeaked at Guan Heng a few times. It turns out that other water spiders don't go to the other side of the mine very much. Only the naughty guy, the blue water spider, likes to wander around. He has been there several times, and he knows that there is a secret tunnel leading from this mine to the opposite side.

"That's just right, you take us over." Guan Heng said to the blue water spider: "I won't let you lead the way for nothing. If you want any rewards later, just tell me and satisfy you all."

As soon as he said this, the blue-patterned water spider was so happy, so he nodded, turned around and flew forward, turning them off and following behind.

After a few moments, everyone followed the water spider's instant secret tunnel to the mine on the other side.

"So it's here?" Xiaoxin said as he walked forward: "It looks a little different from the opposite side, it's too quiet."

"It's true, even the aura of evil spirits seems to be very thin." Ruo Tao said to the side: "It's as if there are no large numbers of evil spirits around here."

"Or, it's another situation." At this time, Guan Heng said leisurely, raised his hand and pointed to the front, and then said: "Mother Chong, is there a rock wall five feet away from that direction?"

"Exactly, Master." The insect mother replied. "There are a few guys who spy on us, catch them all."

"Really!" Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother fluttered her wings in a flash, and then released a large stream of original flames toward the rock wall.


"Boom!" In a flash, a lot of fierce fire started to burn the rock wall, and at the same time, a few screams were heard: "Haw-Haw-Woo-"

In an instant, the shadows of several evil spirits emerged from the surface of the rock wall screaming and rushed into the air. These guys were monitoring the movement of the passing enemies. Unexpectedly, they would be caught in a few breaths, and then tasted. The taste of the worm mother burning with fierce flames.

"Hmph, it looks like this is the guy left by the other two Great Evil Spirit Kings, but unfortunately, the ability to hide is not enough."

Having said this, Guan Heng narrowed his eyes and said casually: "Mother insect, old rules, leave two and let go, grab the rest and throw them into the soul-recovering urn."

"Good." Upon hearing this command, the evil worm mother agreed, and immediately threw out several fiery filaments, "chachacha!" At the next moment, these attacks penetrated the four evil spirit kings with the wind. The spirit body suddenly burned the opponent to ashes as soon as the fire broke out.

"Squeak!" Seeing this scene, the remaining two evil spirit kings screamed like crazy, and suddenly turned sharply in the air, turning into the appearance of huge bats with two wings, spreading their wings far away. Fled.

"Have you swallowed the soul eater of the bat-like monster?" Guan Heng looked at the other side's form, and said so.

"It is indeed a soul eater." Ruotao widened her eyes and said, "I haven't seen such a guy in a few mines recently. I thought they wouldn't appear anymore."

"According to these young people, the two great evil spirit kings may also be Soul Eater evil spirit kings." Guan Heng touched his jaw and whispered, "Speaking of which, it seems that we have not encountered the Soul Eater. Evil Spirit King, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it." Gu Sangnu smiled and said, "Soul Eater Great Evil King, I want to see what is different from ordinary Great Evil King."

"I know." An Yan said with a smile: "The difference is that they swallowed beast souls."

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