Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11573: Unexpected discovery in the mine (fifth outbreak)


The angry and hateful sludge tentacle monster opened his mouth and sprayed out a big blood mist, then his body softened, and immediately collapsed on the spot. This guy is completely desperate at this moment. It regrets it extremely. Why does it have to resist when he is seriously injured? Heng, as a result, I lost everything.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and the Tentacle Monster is too late to regret it now.


At the next moment, Guan Heng stepped on the head of the Tentacle Monster again and said: "You resisted just now. I just cut off the things on your head. Now if you are not obedient anymore, I will cut off the flesh from your body bit by bit. It’s called Lingchi. If you want to taste this, you can just make trouble."


"Hmph, if you are not honest, you won't have the next chance." Guan Heng finished this lightly, and suddenly stroked the trapped wild vine on his wrist.



Suddenly, the trapped beast wild vine splits several branches and entangles the other's neck. Guan Heng said casually: "These wild vines can cut your neck forcibly with just a little effort, don't blame me. I didn't remind you, hurry up and take us to the loess mine."

After he uttered these words, the beast and wild vine nodded like crazy, then reluctantly got up and staggered towards the front.

Entering the deep pit dug by the earth palace toads, everyone walked for a while after reaching the bottom, and finally followed the sludge tentacle monster to the entrance of the mine.

"Ha, it really is here." The earth palace toad looked left and right at this time, and then said: "Master Guan, you guys, you see that the outer area of ​​this mine is very large, right?"

"It's really big, and it's still a hidden loess mine." Guan Heng said casually: "It looks like the scale is much larger than the one I encountered just now, but it's deep underground. If it wasn't for a mistake, let's I may not be able to find it here."

"Master Guan is right." At this time, Mandrill also nodded and said: "It should not be too late. I will let the gray and brown hedgehogs start digging the loess mine here."

"Well, it's still the same, I have to work hard for you." Guan Heng nodded, and continued: "Also, pay attention to the nearby associated mines."

"Don't worry, Lord Guan, I have already asked the gray-brown hedgehogs." The Mandrill slapped his chest, and said confidently: "It won't be long before I can give you a satisfactory answer."

"Squeak, squeak!" After hearing this, many gray-brown demon hedgehogs also hummed and nodded, and the mandrill waved: "Okay, less gossip, little ones, let's start working."



In the blink of an eye, the hedgehogs rushed in all directions and began to dig loess ore, occasionally they could find the kind of weird and colorful ore, and then they all gathered together, digging more and more.

"Well, what is the use of this weird ore?" At this moment, Zhenwen picked up a piece, looked left and right, and then said: "I also took them and did some research, but I just couldn't figure it out. ."

"By the way, Brother Guan, do you have any clues?" Zhenwen asked, turning her head back. "I knew you would ask sooner or later."

Guan Heng said, "So I also analyzed it. At first, this ore looked very inconspicuous. Only after being exposed to the Water Profound Aura, the whole ore became different inside and outside, so I think they are related to the Water Aura. Ore."

Having said this, Guan Heng glanced at the Shui Xuan spirit beast sitting on the head of King Jia Yao next to him, and then said: "Xiao Shui Shui, do you know that there is a similar existence?"

"Uh, I've been thinking about it since you asked me just now."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast was rubbing his head at this time, and said with some embarrassment: "Although I have some impressions, I really can't remember the specific details. Don't worry, let me think about it for a while, maybe there will be Clues."

"I'm not in a hurry." Guan Heng said in a leisurely manner: "Just think about it slowly, I won't rush you."


After hearing this, the Shui Xuan spirit beast's expression relaxed, and continued to close his eyes slightly, thinking hard. At the same time, the mandrill said loudly: "Guan Ye, the loess mines outside the pit and the colorful ancient quarries are almost collected, we will continue to search inside."

"Well, let's move on." Guan Heng waved his hand and motioned the Mandrill to consider it for himself. He and everyone followed the gray-brown demon hedgehog team that was digging and searching for minerals.

After a while, everyone came to the deeper area of ​​the mine.

Suddenly, Mandrill motioned the gray-brown hedgehog behind him to stop. Seeing this, Guan Heng and everyone stopped, and Ruotao asked impatiently, "Hey, Mandrill, why didn't you go forward?"

"Sister, everyone, there are signs of the Evil Spirit King appearing here." When the Demon Mandrill said this, he turned his head slowly, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Hearing this, Guan Heng had already taken three steps and made two steps to get closer. Then, he released his mental power to explore the surrounding environment, and then solemnly said to everyone: "The Mandrill is not wrong, there is indeed Signs of evil spirits lingering nearby."

"Moreover, it didn't take long for the other party to disappear. It might be in the surrounding area!"

When Guan Heng finished speaking, Ruotao immediately asked anxiously: "Where is the evil spirit king?"

"The other party's aura is going far to the true north, and it has gradually disappeared." Guan Heng said this, and Mandrill also added: "The loess mines and colorful ancient stone mines we are looking for are also mostly concentrated in that direction. "

"Then I think it's right." Guan Heng said in a deep voice at this time: "The local evil spirit king wants to evolve into a great evil spirit king, and it may need to refine a large amount of loess as the power reserve in his own spirit, so They will find here."

"Pop!" At this moment, the mandrill who got the signal from Guan Heng grabbed the neck of the sludge tentacle monster, and then roared and asked: "Why do you guys like the Evil Spirit King appear here, say!"


This guy whispered and kept explaining, saying that he hated evil spirits and things the most, and would never allow the opponent to approach the mine where he lives, but some powerful characters in the evil spirit king, even if they want to stop, he can’t stop him. live.

Therefore, for those evil spirit kings who are too strong, the sludge tentacle monster can only choose to ignore it, and will try to avoid the opponent to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Hearing this guy's explanation, Ruotao sneered: "Huh, it's also a waste scum that is bullying and fearing hardship."

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