Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11579: Suffering (first more)


Hearing this, Mandrill felt cold and sweat on his back. At this time, it would be too stupid if he didn't understand Guan Heng's plan to use himself as a shield, but Mandrill still wanted to quibble, because the girls' anger was so angry. Not everyone can bear it casually, it still wants to die.

But Guan Heng gave Mandrill a fierce look in an instant, which meant that he was giving a silent warning: "If your kid dares not to admit it, I will kill you now."

"Uh... it's really unlucky."

Mandrill closed his eyes in pain, and then tremblingly said against his will: "Yes, I begged Master Guan to bring back that ugly monster. I am guilty. I am sorry for the princess, sorry for the eldest sister, sorry for all of you, I Willing to be punished!"

"Oh, is it true?" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang'e glanced at the mandrill, she was icy and smart, and instantly noticed something was wrong, and then coldly said, "Is this what you did, or'something People' force you to carry it down and become a scapegoat?"

"Uh, this, this is really what I did!" Mandrill's mouth was full of bitterness, fearful in his heart, but now I have to admit the matter, and I don't want to memorize it.

Fortunately, Guan Heng didn’t let this guy suffer too much. He said in a hurry: "Everyone, everyone, no one is wrong. Besides, Mandrill is also unintentional, and everyone can't hold it back. no?"

At this point, he paused for a while before Guan Heng cautiously continued: "Can you give Mandrill a chance?"

"Huh, if it is wronged, I can open the net, but if it has been committed for someone else, then it will never be forgiven, and the punishment will be doubled." Qing Huang said with her arms akimbo at this moment and said viciously.

Upon hearing this, Mandrill was crying and crying: "Master Guan, save me."

"Mei Huang...this..."

Guan Heng mustered up the courage at this time, intending to intercede with Mandrill, but Qing Huang glanced at him coldly, and the corners of Guan Heng's mouth twitched, and had to swallow the words of pleading, but Guan Heng was Guan Heng after all, a ghost idea. That's too much, and in a flash he thought of another idea.


"Huh!" When he said this, Guan Heng had already swooped at the opponent, and then hit the Devil's stomach with a fierce punch.

"Oh!" All of a sudden, the facial features were distorted by the pain, and Guan Heng shouted, "You bastards, how dare you scare sister Huang and the others into this way, you really owe you a beating, come over and let the young master teach you severely. !"

With that said, Guan Heng dragged the mandrill behind a huge rock more than ten steps away, cursing while doing his hand: "Smelly boy, I will beat you to death, beat you to death!"

"Oh, uh... it hurts... Lord Guan, forgive me... ooh... I, I don't dare anymore."

The demon's scream was extremely stern, with a high and a low, the girls' complexions changed slightly, and they were a little unbearable. At this time, Xiao Xin pulled Qinghuang's sleeves, and then whispered: "Mei Huang , You let Guan Heng hold your hand, or you will break the Mandrill."

"That's right, anyhow the mandrill has followed us for so long, and there is hard work without any credit." Ruo Tao also persuaded him: "In my opinion, forget it."

"Could it be that A Heng really can do it?" Qing Huang heard the screams at this time, and believed a little bit, then nodded to the sisters and said: "Okay, then I will persuade you. Close your hands horizontally."

Immediately afterwards, Qing Huang shouted: "A Heng, A Heng, don't fight anymore, let's stop it, we won't be angry anymore."

"Oh." Hearing this, Guan Heng quickly poked his head from behind the stone, and asked again: "Really not angry anymore?"

"Of course I'm not angry anymore." Xiaoxin said in a hurry: "In fact, it's a trivial matter. Just a few curses. Look at you, you are so fierce and evil, you must kill it? Stop it quickly. "

"Okay, then I see the princess and sister Huang's face, so I spared the stinky boy Mandrill." Guan Heng said, as if he kicked each other, and deliberately roared: "Don't pretend to be dead, get out of here. stand up."

"Oh, yes yes." Hearing this, the mandrill behind the stone immediately sat up.

Seeing this guy move so quickly, Guan Heng glared with anger: "Idiot, how do you look like you just got a fat beating? Don't you know how to pretend to be injured?"

"Oh, yes." Hearing this, Mandrill nodded, reached out his hand to take Guan Heng and handed over a piece of rag that he didn't know where he got from, then wrapped it around his head and yelled: " Whoops, whoops, thank you, Lord Guan, for your life. I'm so grateful."

"Thank you, you should go and thank sister Huang and the princess. If it weren't for your plea, I'll beat you to death." Guan Heng raised his voice and winked at Mandrill: "Don't you hurry to thank you?"

"Okay, I'll go right away." As he said, the maniac deliberately staggered, and walked in front of Qinghuangxixin and the others for a long time, and then tremblingly bowed and said, "Thank you girls for begging."

"Uh, it's miserable."

"Yes, blood is bleeding on the head, right? It soaks the cloth."

"Madman, why are you doing this? Don't be naughty anymore, or else, Big Brother will definitely break your leg."

Sisters, sisters, you talked and talked a lot, the mandrill nodded repeatedly, and then said pleadingly, "Well, I want to go down and rest for a while, okay?"

"Okay, then you go to the meeting now." After Xiao Xin finished speaking, he waved to it to signal it to leave.

But at this moment, King Jia Yao stared at the appearance of Mandrill carefully with a pair of small eyes, and then looked at Guan Heng. The corners of this guy's mouth were slightly raised, and a smirk appeared on his face, and then he called the white eyebrows beside him. The old monkey whispered in his ear.

"Kiss?!" Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, the white-browed old monkey was skeptical, and then nodded. The monkey moved so fast, if he walked towards the back of the mandrill without incident, because it lightened his footsteps, even the mandrill Did not notice the monkey approaching.

"Huh!" The white-browed old monkey suddenly grabbed the rag on the mandrill's head and screamed, "Yeah!"

"Look, this guy doesn't even have any scars on his face!" Zhenwen yelled, pointing at Mandrill's face.

"Oops, I was seen through." Mandrill hurriedly stretched out his hand to block his face, but Ruotao grabbed its wrist and cursed: "Good boy, dare to pretend to be hurt and sympathize with us. It should be a play on us. What a crime?"

"I, I..." Suddenly being exposed, Mandrill looked very embarrassed. It covered his face and said: "I really know that I was wrong this time, everyone, please forgive me."

"Ujiji, Ujiji!" The mandrill had already apologized, and the girls had forgotten what happened just now. Now it's okay to say a few words to soften, but the white-browed old monkey danced with rags and jumped around. , Arched their fire again.

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