Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11585: Scorpion scorpion

"Hey, why didn't you go forward?" Seeing the other person's hesitation, Mandrill suddenly sank his face: "Asshole thing, I think you are looking for a beating, right?"

As he said, it shook its fist toward the black centipede with a broken eye. The black centipede was so frightened that it fought a cold war, shook its head hurriedly, and creaked a few times.

The black centipede meant to say: "Go further, and it will be the territory of the'Scorpion Scorpion'. If I am not injured, I can barely fight against the opponent, but now I can’t match it. If I rush forward. , I’m afraid it will drag the two."

"Hahaha, look at your kind of fear. If you are afraid, you say that you are afraid, and you say that you are afraid of dragging us? You really want to face!" Come out to embarrass you, let us do it ourselves, what are you afraid of?"

"Have you heard? Go ahead, otherwise, I'll let you taste this."

With that said, the devil picked up his own ancient gold icebreaker and shook it on this guy's face. The black centipede was terribly scared at this time and didn't dare to disobey the orders of the two beasts, so he had to crawl towards the front quickly.

As expected by this guy, after a few breaths, a hysterical roar suddenly came from the nest in front: "Squeak!"

"Hey hey, I was discovered by this guy, so let's go." As he said, Mandrill smiled and kicked the black centipede, and then roared: "Don't rush over and have a fight with that guy. Let grandpa see the excitement!"

Hearing this, the Black Centipede with Dilapidated Eyes became completely desperate. It now finally understands why the Mandrill and the Earth Palace Toad will let itself lead the way. At the critical moment, it is a disposable tool. It is really too miserable!

But at this time, if you don't follow the Mandrill's words, I'm afraid that you will die faster. In desperation, the black centipede with remnant eyes must have the courage to roar, and then rush forward.

Faced with the extreme irritation, the stinging stone scorpion rushed out of the hole fiercely. The moment this guy saw the black centipede, he was really scared to shrink.

After all, the name of the first overlord in the underground mine area is not fake. No matter how fierce the stone scorpion is, it has suffered from the nine-eyed black centipede in the past. How can it not be afraid?

But just after a short while, the scorpion scorpion went from being scared to being ecstatic, because this guy was not blind either. At this moment, the black centipede was all in his eyes, and he was blinded with a few eyes. The **** and pus-filled wounds looked so miserable.

The stinging stone scorpion knew that the injury on the opponent's body was not fake. If this were normal, the two of them fought for 300 rounds, and the black centipede might win by a small advantage, but now, it is not clear who wins and who loses.

"Since this guy has been seriously injured, then it's a good opportunity to take care of it!" After making up his mind, the scorpion scorpion let out a grin, and rushed forward with a big appearance, raising both claws and hitting it.

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, the black centipede was also very angry. Once upon a time, Shi Xie had fled around when he saw him. When would Shi Xie directly rush to find and fight?

Under the anger, the black centipede was also mad, opened the blood basin and bit it, "Kacha!" It was too late to say, then, one of the stone scorpion's claws had been bitten by it.

But at the moment the giant stone scorpion was not panicked, but mocking appeared in his eyes, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The sting pierced the big mouth of the black centipede viciously.

The giant stone scorpion thought that the other party’s mouth was stabbed, and would immediately loosen his mouth and free his own claws from the shackles, but he never expected that the current black centipede with remnant eyes is already crazy, because it knows that it will not live long, in that case , Then it would be better to drag a few more guys to lay the bottom of their bodies!

"Crack, hiss!" Regardless of his mouth being pierced by spikes, the vicious black centipede suddenly closed its jaws, and forcibly crushed the jaws of the giant stone scorpion, causing the opponent to scream loudly in pain. , Almost fainted directly.

"Boom boom boom!"


Suffering from the pain of severed limbs, this huge stone scorpion went crazy. It suddenly picked up the remaining claw and slammed the black centipede's skull viciously, making the remaining few eyes of the other party **** foggy, and it also used itself His tail sting stabs the body of the black centipede frantically and attacks frantically.

Although the stinging needle of stone scorpion tail is highly poisonous, it has little effect on the black centipede, so the damage is mainly concentrated on the claws hitting the skull.

At this moment, the black centipede's head was beaten into pits, and the black blood spurted and splashed. Although the pain was so painful, this guy was determined not to let go, and continued to expand the wound on the stone scorpion's severed limb. At that time, these two guys were at best lose-lose.

Seeing this, the magic mandrill said to the earth palace toad: "The excitement is about the same. You can't let the black centipede die here. If you want to find a separate guide and it will be troublesome, we should appropriately help."

"That's right." After hearing this, the earth palace toad laughed and said: "Then let's do it."



Between the lightning and the fire, the two beasts, one on the left and the other on the right, fell directly in front of the giant stone scorpion and the black centipede.

"Pop!" At the next moment, the mandrill nuzzled the tail of the giant stone scorpion, and then pulled it hard, "Huh!" The tail of the stone scorpion was suddenly broken, and the wound immediately sprayed blood and mist!

"Haw!" The tail broke, the giant stone scorpion suddenly screamed, but the earth palace toad raised its webbed claws in an instant, "Ping-pong-pong!" He beat the guy's head, face and body for more than ten times, shaking to stone. The scorpion was cracked and bloodied.

This guy wanted to stand up and resist in the severe pain, but suddenly collapsed to the place with weakness.

It turned out that this guy was not only seriously injured, but even his bones were shattered by the claws of the earth palace toad, and he couldn't even exert a trace of strength anymore.

"Hmph, just let me see if there is any trace of the little earth toad in your stomach."

"Puff!" It's too late to say, then soon, the webbed claws of the earth palace toad engulfed the thick mysterious spiritual energy, and it stabbed into the abdomen of the stinging stone scorpion, and then slashed away. In fact, it was confirmed when the earth palace toad shot. Now, this stone scorpion swallowed two little earth toads!

Because the moment it bullied this guy, the earth palace toad felt the aura of the little earth toad. When it tore the other's belly, it roared: "Beast, dare to eat my little earth toad, I will tear you up first. Let's talk about it!"

"Hiss!" In anger, the big toad abruptly tore away the body of the stinging stone scorpion, splitting it into two pieces, "Pump! Papa!" In an instant, the stone scorpion was severely choked by the earth palace toad. Fell to the ground.

"Guck, guck!" Two little earth toads that escaped from each other's stomach jumped to the front of the mandrill, it counted, and then said: "It doesn't seem to be right."

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