Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11604: Explore the dangerous place again (first shift)

"Dang!" The King of Odd Insects, who was bombarded by the puppet captain's heavy fists, suddenly fell down and hit the rock wall before slumping to the ground.

"Puff......chuff!" As soon as he spouted a **** arrow, the King of Curious Insects felt like they were burning, and there was a feeling of being in a fierce fire oven, and it instantly burned to make it scream hysterical!

This is the fire fist that the puppet captain contains fiery energy. It was originally learned from the white-browed old monkey and Guan Heng. After proper improvement, it can play a big role. At this moment, the King of Strange Insects has suffered a lot. .


It’s too late. It’s almost time. Mo Shiwei and the puppet soldiers have already gathered around, intending to capture the strange insect king alive. This guy knows a lot. If you want to find the hidden treasure in the insect nest, you have to treat it. "This guy, let him tell everything he knows.


After more than ten breaths, the dying king of worms, who had suffered from the fists of the ink stone guards and the puppet soldiers, finally recruited them. When this guy swallowed his last breath, Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers also found the strange weirdness. Worm’s secret treasure location in this nest.

There is no doubt that when it comes to collecting miscellaneous things, weird and weird bugs can be regarded as experts. These guys want everything. As long as they are eye-catching, they will be moved back to the nest and hid. Therefore, this treasure hole is of various types. There are all kinds of items.

All kinds of ores, weird plants, colorful crystals and gems, and even the bones of various ancient animals, etc., these are the things in the treasure cave of weird and weird insects, and there are a lot of them.

But Shi Jingwei was carrying the little earth toads around him, and they could send the items they found back to the ethereal toad cauldron at any time, which was very convenient.

Soon, everyone packed up everything, and then left the strange and weird bug's nest and hurriedly joined the mandrill and the earth palace toad.


After a few moments, Shi Jingwei and Shi Jingwei were greeted by Mandrill and Earth Palace Toad.

Hearing everyone recounting their past experiences, Mandrill nodded: "Well, it seems that your gains are not small, not bad."

"Speaking of which, we also found a lot of useful things here."

Earth Palace Toad grinned at this moment, and then said: "We are here mainly for three things. One is to hunt down various evil spirits and beasts and to capture them back alive. The other is to find local mineral deposits. Hunting and killing the ancient dry-gas blaster, after breaking up with you just now, we have caught the evil beast."

"Yes, and they are all powerful guys that can control the aura of the earth." The mandrill folded his hands on his shoulders, and said leisurely: "Although there are not many mines and those ancient explosive insects, the chances of evil spirits and evil beasts appear more It’s coming higher."

The earth palace toad said again: "Hey, Mandrill, according to the ancestor's orders, we should pay more attention to the traces of the ancient explosive insects."

"I know if you don't tell me." The Mandrill scratched his head, and then said: "But it is strange to say that after we killed that huge ancient blaster, other ancient blaster similar did not appear very much, this group The guy is extinct, right?"

"Impossible." Hearing this, Tu Gongchan shook his head, and then said: "After all, we have encountered sporadic ancient poplars on the road. It is impossible for them to be completely extinct."

Immediately afterwards, it said: "One more thing, it can also prove that the ancient dry air blast insects are not so easy to die. In this small cave in different space, the fork roads crisscross and lead to many hidden areas, so people of different ethnic groups The ancient blaster must still be alive somewhere, and we must find these guys."

"Ha ha ha, toad, you are quite invested in the ancient blasters now, do you like them?"

Mandrill asked happily at this time. Earth Palace Toad shook his head and said casually: "Don't be kidding, these guys are quite dangerous fierce bugs. I don't like them. If I say I like them, I just like their insect crystals."

"Ha, that's right, only those ancient explosive crystals are of some use to us."

After hearing this, the mandrill nodded. Just at this moment, there was a buzzing and flapping sound from the other side. Everyone raised their heads and looked closely. It turned out to be the flying-winged little earth toad and the colorful evil who were sent out to investigate the situation. Hu Lian came back and quickly flew to the front of the Mandrill.

"Well, did you find any new prey?" The Mandrill asked at this time.

"Squeak, squeak!" The first to answer was the Zixu that flew onto its palm. It swung around in the mandrill's palm, and then used its forelimbs to make a gesture to describe itself and Little Earth Toad along the way. Things experienced.

"Yeah, did you run into such strange things?" Hearing the narration of the colorful and fierce mandrill, the mandrill's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "You have good luck."

Hearing this, both Zifu and Xiao Tuchan were very proud. Tu Gongchan said at this time: "Okay, don't gossip, take us to that place quickly."

As soon as it uttered these words, the flying winged little earth toad nodded, and then flew into the air with Zi Fu, and then swiftly towards the fork in the front left. The mandrill, earth palace toad and other companions followed him. Rear.


After more than ten breaths, the little earth toad and Zixu took everyone to a hidden area, which was located on the edge of a huge underground slit. Immediately after, the colorful fierce flight flew around above, which meant to tell everyone , His own discovery is at the bottom of the gap.

"It seems that there are a lot of evil spirits and beasts living around here." The mandrill's nose twitched a few times, and then slowly said: "It makes the air all smell of them."

"Hey, it seems that the strength is not weak, try them later, if they are not killed immediately, they will be caught in my toad cauldron fire pool and locked up, and then given to the soul refining urn for refining soul power." Toad grinned, "Don't waste what you can use."

"That's right, let's go." After saying that, Mandrill waved to Zixu and Little Earth Toad, motioning them to lead the way, and then he and Earth Toad followed closely.

On the surface, the depth of this huge gap in the ground is unknown, but as soon as you dive in, you will find that it is definitely more than ten or twenty feet, and the more you go down, the wider the area.

"Deadlines.i - Xiu Xiu call out -" All of a sudden, the bottom suddenly thrown Sharp bursts of wind pressure, like a ferocious hurricane rushed to the top of the magic elf them.

"Huh, I thought Grandpa wouldn't be able to see you by hiding in the wind circle? So naive."

The earth palace toad sneered, and suddenly spit out his colorful cobblestone, "Bang! Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the enlarged colorful cobblestone slammed against the wind circle fiercely, and smashed it to pieces.

"Ping-pong-pong!" It was too late, it was fast, four or five little beasts hiding in the evil hurricane circle were shaken out by the violent impact, and fell on the rock wall and turned into minced meat powder.

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