Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11611: Tabby Ancient Blast (third more)


Suddenly, the headless evil beast's corpse with its shattered skull collapsed on the spot. At this moment, the ancient mosquito king swayed and fell to the ground because of exhaustion. At that time, the rest of the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog immediately surrounded it and caught it firmly.

"Hehehe, although the ancient mosquito king's observation ability is a little weak, the emergency measures are done well." The earth palace toad grinned at this time, and then asked: "Madman, what do you think?"

"Uh, I want to scold it a bit to make this guy have a longer memory, but now it seems that this kind of result is also good." Mandrill smiled: "At least, the ancient mosquitoes have also tried their best. Now it should be Encouragement."

"Yes, if Lord Guan was also there at this time, he would have said the same."

"Yes, we are Master Guan's'disciples'." Hearing the words of the earth palace toad, the mandrill put his hands on his shoulders, and said in a big manner: "In everything, we must discipline ourselves according to the master's standards!"

"Hahaha--" When talking about this, the two beasts both laughed.


After a few moments, the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog, the flying winged small earth toads and the colorful fierce flies came back with very accurate information after careful investigation-they have found the exact information about the dry gas ancient explosive insects, and they can now carry them with them. Everyone went looking for those guys.

"Very well, it seems that as long as you look for it carefully, you can still get the message of the ancient blaster." The Mandrill nodded, and then said: "If you work hard, everyone, immediately take us to find each other."

"Squeak, squeak!"

"Guck, guck!"

Hearing this, the fierce worm, the ancient mosquito and the small earth toad flew away quickly. At the same time, the mandrill and the earth palace toad led their other companions to follow them. After more than ten breaths, near the entrance of a cave surrounded by a certain rocky area.

"Sure enough, it is an ancient blaster, and these guys are not the same as the individuals we encountered before, and they should belong to another race." After observation, the Mandrill said.

"Yes, I think so too." At this time, the earth palace toad looked at the dry gas ancient explosive insects hovering in the front of the cave, and then continued: "Their surface is covered with tabby-like patterns, which are comparable to ordinary ancient explosives. The worms are much more dazzling."

"The aura of these ancient tabby poplars is also very strong, much worse than the crappy ones encountered before. If three or five are put together, it will be comparable to that huge ancient poplar."

After speaking lightly, the Mandrill rubbed his palms and said with a chuckle: "It's only such a guy that has the value of capturing it alive."

"That's right, I should move my muscles and bones too." As he said, the earth palace toad shook his body and said: "Let's go, get rid of those guys in the hole first."

"There are a total of eight ancient explosive insects. To make a quick battle, you must let Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain help to shoot together."

"Okay, then do that." After hearing this, Tu Gong Chan nodded and agreed. Immediately afterwards, they rushed forward at the fastest speed.

"Haw?!" Between the electric light and the fire, the eight ancient tabby poplars guarding the entrance of the cave suddenly noticed that the enemy is approaching, and they screamed to meet them, vowing to keep the enemy out of the cave!

"court death!"


It was too late, it was fast, the next moment, the mandrill suddenly threw out more than ten ice thorns, "Puff puff puff!" In an instant, the ice thorn penetrated the bodies of five of the ancient explosive insects, making them freeze instantly. Immobile.

The remaining three turned and fled instantly. They already knew, and staying at the entrance of the cave, they must die. Now the most important thing is to return to their companions to report the situation as soon as possible, and to resist the powerful enemy together. It's just that I want to escape now, it's too late.

"Chuck chuck!" The puppet captain led his comrades rushed to the entrance of the cave between the lightning and the fire, and they all swept their weapons and fell towards the ancient blaster.


"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"

The violent noises immediately rose and fell one after another, and the two ancient poplars were immediately photographed into fleshy meat, and the other one saw that the situation was not good, suddenly squeaked and screamed, and then suddenly swelled.

But before it could explode, Shi Jingwei, who was next to him, had already stretched out his hand to grab the body of the ancient blaster, "huh!" In a flash, Shi Jingwei's big hand released a large amount of earth aura, covering the ancient Blaster.

This kind of breath is the ultimate nemesis of the ancient blasting insects. As long as they are slightly contaminated with earth aura, these guys will be stiff and unable to move.

"Pop!" After that, Shi Jingwei severely smashed the ancient explosive insect to the ground, and the other party was instantly crushed to death. An ancient explosive insect crystal rolled out of his body, which was picked up and handed to the earth palace toad.

"Well, the quality of the ancient Explosive Crystal is much better than the one we got before." The Earth Palace Toad took a look and continued: "It seems that we have found a'treasure house' of the ancient Explosive Crystal. This is just great."

"That's right." The Mandrill nodded, and said: "Well, we can just go in and clean up the other ancient tabby poplars."

"Let's go." After saying this, the earth palace toad took the lead and rushed into the cave.


After a few breaths, the group of beasts, group of insects, puppet soldiers, and ink stone guards that rushed into the cave continued to clean up the ancient explosive insects. Of course, this group of guys are dangerous killers that will explode, but the earth palace toads have become accustomed to how to deal with them. The way of ancient blasting insects.

As long as Mo Shiwei rushed to the forefront, while releasing the earth's spiritual energy, he continued to move forward. As long as the ancient explosive insects that appeared dared to surround him, his body would immediately become rigid and unable to move, and then he would be captured alive.

In this way, the earth palace toads and mandrills are like no one, and they will rush to capture the ancient explosive insects. After a while, everyone will be killed in the middle area of ​​the hole of the worm nest.

"Suddenly!" Between the electric light and the fire, there were more than ten swift shadows rushing from all directions, which could stop the path of the earth palace toad and the mandrill.

"Good beast, have you started to attack?" Seeing the ancient explosive worms surrounding him, Mandrill had a joking smile in his eyes, and then said: "Inkstone guards, just rush over to clean them up!"

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" In the electric light and stone fire, several ink stone guards immediately waved the weapons in their hands to face the ancient explosive insects.

"Ping pong pong!"



In the blink of an eye, Mo Shiwei's weapon flew seven or eight ancient explosive insects, and the opponent was contaminated and wrapped by the earth palace toads they released, and even if they wanted to blew themselves up, they had no chance.

"Bang, plop!"

"Bone Lulu——"

After the ancient blaster was attacked, his body repeatedly rolled and fell into embarrassment. At the same time, the flying-winged small earth toads all around quickly rushed over, swallowed the body of the ancient blaster into his mouth, and then quickly transported it to the ethereal toad cauldron. Inside, keep it for later.

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