Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1164: Harvest and calculation (first)

"As the saying goes, people are fluttering without pressure, and people are struggling to reach the top." Guan Heng said with a serious touch on his chin. "Since the sister-in-law of Borui has been following me for thousands of miles, it seems that he has entrusted the blessing of Master Ben."

"Go to yours, what about our efforts? It was so obliterated ?!" Sanqiu and Borui yelled angrily: "Your cheeks are too thick!"

"Anyway, I have to admit that this kid does have some talent." The fat old man picked up Borui's collar and held him in his hand: "While the sky is still dark, I want Teach this boy a little more, so that when you play the Dragon Army tomorrow, your chances will be greater. "

"Boss, don't give me this fat pig old man." Borui said with tears in his eyes, "I fell in his hands, I have to peel off the skin to save my life."

"Is that so? Good luck." Guan Heng said with a smile, and then said: "I'm going to find Mrs. Jiang Ge now and see if the explosive crystal shotgun is ready. See you tomorrow, Of course, the premise is that you can live up to that time. "

"Hahaha--" The words didn't end, Guan Heng had left a long list of laughter and ran away.

"Don't go, you don't talk too much about your buddies' morale!" Borui stretched his hand weakly to the back of Guan Heng's disappearance, tears swirled in his eyes: "Woohoo ..."

"Had your virtue, really no prosperous!" Fat old man Sanqiu slapped on the front of Borui's head, he said angrily: "Lao Tzu will not covet your dragon and magic wand, but you know this thing How do you use it? If I do n’t know, I have to work hard to teach you again! "


Not showing how the fat old man tossed Borui. At this time, Guan Heng has entered Mrs. Jiang Ge's grotto. The other party is busy at the experimental table. Hearing footsteps, Mrs. Jiang Ge asked without raising her head. Are there any gains from this trip? "

"Well, a little bit." Guan Heng smiled humbly: "Madam, is my explosive crystal shotgun ready?"

"Oh!" Mrs. Jiang Ge pushed a small wooden box in front of Guan Heng: "Oh, thirty explosive crystal bomb shots, one-third of them, I have poured my own ice spell. Once inside, pay attention. The power is very powerful. When using the magic guide to send out, you must distance yourself from the people around you, otherwise you may accidentally hurt your allies. "

"Yes, you are really helpful, Mrs. Jiang Ge." Guan Heng said with a smile. "The younger generation is very grateful for your help."

"Don't say that. In the meantime, you also helped me find the magic explosion spar, and you promised to give me the dragon-destroying weapon to study later." If I changed to Borui and begged me, hum, I wouldn't have agreed easily. "

"By the way, Borui's move" Ice God's Indifference "should be taught by your wife, right?" Guan Heng raised his thumbs and said sincerely: "It is really powerful."

"What? You mean ... Borui can already perform that trick of advanced ice magic?"

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Mrs. Jiang Ge also seemed a bit surprised. She said: "Borui was rubbing softly in front of me when you went to Coro Island. I had to give him pointers. This taught him a perfunctory trick, but he didn't expect that the child was really talented. "

"At that time, Borui may have been forced." Guan Heng smiled and said, "This guy is usually lazy. He must beat him hard at the moment of life and death to make a little progress."

"Really? Now that the boy Borie has some insight, I should consider teaching him more."

Mrs. Jiang Ge muttered to herself, thinking secretly, Guan Heng hurriedly said, "Mr. Sanqiu has just taken Borui for special training. He said that he would teach Borui some ice gods than yours. Indifference is even more powerful. "

"What are you talking about ?! Damn fat man, Sanqiu dare to look down on his aging mother?" Madam Jiang Ge was so angry when she heard this, "He's just a timid fat pig. He usually knows what to run and what can he do Tricks better than me? I'll go to Borui now. "

After saying this, the angry Mrs. Jiang Ge took a heavy step to find Borui and Sanqiu, and Guan Heng covered her mouth with a smirk and said, "It is difficult for the fat old man and the little sister-in-law. . "

After a while, Guan Heng rode a beak dragon back to the castle of Coro Island. He threw the staff of light that Bory found in the tomb of the Serpent King to Zowei: "Take it, it was an accident. Harvest. "

"Haha, thank you Brother Heng Heng." Zuo Wei laughed: "This new staff is really good."

Next, Guan Heng dived himself and Borui into the bottom of the sea to explore the tomb of the Seven Star Serpent King, and told everyone that even Jeff was dazzled by what he heard.

When he heard that Guan Heng said that he had found three more dragon-destroying weapons, Jeff said with emotion, "In fact, we also have the same dragon-destroying weapons from the royal family, which are more than three feet long. We have seen it once before, it is called 'Dragon Toothblade'. It is said to be made from the two sharpest fangs of the dragon. Among the thirteen types of dragon-destroying weapons, Dragontooth Blade is the most destructive weapon. . "

"Really?" Guan Hengwen heard his words, his eyes lit up, and then he asked, "Where is this Dragontooth Blade now?"

"I don't know too well." Jeffi spread his hands and shook his head with a bitter smile. "This is the treasure of the royal family. Only the king and prince know where to hide. At present, His Royal Highness can find the Dragontooth Blade, but he They have been taken away by the villains of the Dragon Army. "

"Well, it seems that I haven't had the chance to see the edge of the Dragontooth Blade for the time being." Guan Heng slowly shook his head, and then said to Jeffrey, "You don't want to get a lot of venom from Samsung giant sea snake, and make poison to deal with the dragon family Legion? I have a solution now. "

Hearing this, Jeff overjoyed, "Really? That's great."

Guan Heng said, "Let Mr. Jeff take your people and prepare a cauldron for making toxic glue. Let's go to the beach."

After a while, Guan Heng, Zuo Wei, Imila, and Jeff brought a large group of people to the beach of Kero Island with a large number of iron pots and iron buckets.

At this time, Guan Heng took out a seven-star sea snake king's soul stone, and after clicking and crushing, he instantly merged the power of the beast soul. As the overlord of this sea, the seven-star sea snake king has a strong call for all the sea races. Force, not to mention Samsung giant sea snake is their bloodline.

At this moment, Guan Heng murmured in his heart: "The sea snake king I am merging is the one with weaker strength. Of the seven kinds of magic, it can only be hurricane and tsunami, but this is also enough. Try to summon the snake group first Ability."

—— [2016.5.13 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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