Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11716: The Counterattack of King Jia Yao (the third update)


In an instant, the fire aura of the old white-browed monkey had already swept over the surrounded Mine Mist spiritual body, burning the other party's spiritual body to keep making "sizzling" sounds, and the whimpering Mine Mist spiritual body seemed to be in pain. But it was too late to try to escape.


"咻咻咻!" At the same time, the freezing cold air of the ice dragon and the demon also surrounded them. Before these guys could react, they were frozen for the most part, and they fell to the ground in an instant, making a bang, and finally Captured alive.

As for King Jia Yao, it stood by, staring at those guys, intending to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net. Sure enough, more than a dozen large and small ore spirits were far away. The attack was avoided by them by luck, and these guys immediately turned around and planned to escape.

"Want to run? First ask grandpa if he agrees or not!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" It was too late, but it was fast, King Jia Yao roared, and his hooves flew like lightning, and he caught up with those mine mist spirits in an instant.

Although the other party was afraid of the ferocious King Jia Yao, he subconsciously wanted to resist.

King Jia Yao sneered, and suddenly spit out a large amount of original flames, "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu——" The fiery breath swept in, burning the ore spirits like fireballs, and they fell after a little struggle. On the ground, seeing this scene, King Jia Yao suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it's useless to struggle, you should just keep your hands down."

Before these words were finished, King Jia Yao suddenly saw a strange scene. Those large and small ore spirit bodies suddenly whined in the air, and then spun wildly and sharply, with the help of a wind pressure. The fire spirit was torn apart.

"how could this be?"

King Jiayao moved in his heart, just as he was about to continue his attack, many ore spirits were already crowded and fused together in the air. Aggressively slammed into King Jia Yao.

"What a bastard, dare to provoke grandpa with a counterattack, I will kill you!"

"Huh!" In the thunder and fire, the roaring roar of King Jia Yao greeted the fusion spirit body, "Boom!" The two sides slammed into each other in an instant. Although King Jia Yao's brute force was strong, he only felt that he hit a soft piece Something like a sponge.

"No, this..." Suddenly, King Jia Yao felt that something was wrong, and was about to retreat and struggle, but it was too late.

"Huhuhu... squeak..." The soft fusion spirit body directly covered the mouth and nose of King Jia Yao, making it unable to breathe and gasping for breath.

"Fat is dangerous?!"

Seeing this scene, the demon wanted to rush over to help, but Guan Heng said, "Wait, Fatty can handle it himself, don't help him yet."

"But..." Seeing that King Jia Yao's face was flushed red, and he couldn't stop shaking his body, he really couldn't bear it.

Guan Heng said: "This time it was purely because of its negligence that it caused itself to be recruited. If you help it, it will think that the fatal crisis is nothing more than this, and it will be even more lazy to do it by itself in the future. If you don’t work hard yourself, it will lose money sooner or later when it is placed on the order.”

"Uh, what Master Guan said makes sense, and I completely agree." After hearing this, Mo Man was really convinced, nodded repeatedly, and then retreated to his companion.

At this moment, King Jia Yao saw that he had repeatedly issued a distress signal, but everyone ignored him and stomped his feet anxiously, but the next moment, this guy had already taken a deep breath and decided to get out on his own.


"Boom!" In an instant, King Jia Yao suddenly burst into flames, causing him to frantically burn the fusion spirit body covering his head and face.

"God-killed beast, there is no precedent for the guy who plotted against Master Yao to escape. Come back to me!"

"Deng deng deng!" The moment he said this, King Jia Yao had already roared and sprinted towards the front. Between three jumps and two jumps, this guy suddenly jumped up on a boulder, using this thing as a pedal, he suddenly jumped into the air .

"Dong Dong Dong!"


In an instant, King Jia Yao kicked his hooves again and again, and merged with his spiritual body in the middle. Although this guy was soft all over, King Jia Yao also had more attention this time, so that his front hooves were attached to the fire aura, and the moment he stepped on the other side one after another, he just It has already been kicked by its hooves and it shattered in the air.

"Okay!" Seeing this scene, the companions all raised their voices and praised, and King Jia Yao roared triumphantly: "Hmph, don't try to provoke me, Master Yao is not easy to bully."

"Okay, alright, I know you have two chances, so hurry up and move forward." Ruo Tao said and stepped forward, patted King Jia Yao on the forehead, it immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I will open the way for you now, go. Come on, brothers!"

"Let's go—" The demons agreed, and followed behind King Jia Yao, dashing forward.


In just seven or eight breaths, countless screaming mine spirit bodies emerged. Obviously, the murderous aura of the group of beasts had already startled them, since it would be meaningless to continue. They can only fly out of the corner and fight to the end.

"Everyone, get out of the way, and leave the large group of enemies to me." After speaking, Tu Gong Toad had already jumped to the front of the team.

"Buzz!" At this moment, it released the ethereal toad tripod, and turned the tripod's mouth toward the large group of mine spirits like lightning, "Huuuuuu————————" The other party still didn't know what was going on. It was caught by the powerful suction of the giant cauldron, and Qi Shushu was taken in.

"Hahaha, to clean up a large group of enemies, it is still the most useful toad's ethereal toad tripod." The magic mandrill said with a smile.

"Actually, if the space here is large enough, you can even release the stone turtles and beasts together, and use the soul recovery urn to absorb them." At this time, Tu Gongchan said: "In this case, I don't need to pour my hands again here. ."

"Hehehe, that's true." While everyone was discussing this matter, Fen Xinbahuo suddenly whispered in the air: "Hey, have you noticed? There is a strange aura ahead, it seems to be evil."


"Yes, yes, I feel it too." After hearing this, the reactions of the companions were different, each with a different expression.

Guan Heng said: "Ba Huo, what direction is the other party in?"

"If you go out more than ten feet to the northwest, you should be able to find clues about the other party." Fen Xinbahuo fell to Guan Heng's side and said, "Master Guan, do you want us to investigate?"

"I'll go with you, there is one thing I want to confirm in person, let's go." After saying this, Guan Heng had already walked forward with the other party.

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