Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11724: Strange spirits in the dark (first more)

While the girls were talking, they hurried in all directions.

After a short while, Ruotao and Gusangnu came to a hidden corner, and suddenly, the boy Hei Teng fell to the ground instantly, he pointed to a big stone on the ground and said, "Sister Sang, Sister Taotao, quickly put this piece on the ground. Stones smashed."

"Oh, I'll come." Saying that, Gusang Nu stepped forward and slammed the wooden divine staff on the surface of the stone, "Bang, kacha!" The broken stone fragments flew everywhere, and the things hidden inside suddenly followed suit. Gululu sound rolled out.

"These are loess ore doped with other ores, boy, it's really a blessing that you can find them." Gusang Nu picked up the things and said with a smile. "That's because I remember the smell of loess mixed with other minerals, and their taste is very special."

Kuroto Douji explained: "So I remembered it all at once."

"It's amazing, keep working hard." Gusang said with a smile: "I will try to find more ores, and then my sister will reward you well."

"Yes, thank you Sister Sang." Hearing this, the boy Hei Teng was very happy, and immediately threw dozens of rattan flying thorns, which were driven into the ground by the wind, and then quickly drilled into the soil.

He said proudly at this time: "My rattan will sneak in the subsoil and continue to extend in all directions, so that other ores can be found quickly."

"Well, this method is not bad, let my spiritual root also help." Saying that, Gusang girl tapped the ground with the wooden divine staff, "Shhhhh! Chichi!" In the flash of lightning, countless narrow and long spiritual roots Break out of the ground, and then continue to extend in all directions.

After a short while, Gusang Girl and Hei Teng Boy's spiritual roots and rattan have already detected the whereabouts of the remaining piles of mixed ore. In this way, the second girl and boy rushed there in three steps, but they encountered unexpected things. Get in the way!


"Ping ping pong pong!" It was too late, but then, dozens of huge three-eyed black-skinned monsters rushed out of the soil. These guys seemed to have been in ambush here for a long time, waiting for Ruotao and Gusangnu. They come.

"What a beast, how dare you sneak attack on us, you are impatient?!" The next moment, Ruo Tao pulled out the Thunder Swallowing Blade like lightning, and then slammed down at these guys: "Go to death!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Crack clap!"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of swift blade strengths had already hit the black-skinned monster, smashing its body into pieces. In an instant, the flesh and blood flew through the sky, and more than a dozen monsters died instantly.

The rest of the three-eyed black-skinned monsters were shocked and dumbfounded. These guys have always bullied the soft and feared the hard. At this time, seeing their companions howling and screaming, they turned around and ran away in fright.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy, kill!" In an instant, Gusang girl snorted, and the wooden divine scepter in her palm controlled the surrounding spiritual roots to sprint away, penetrating all the bodies of the black-skinned monsters who were trying to escape, and then the spiritual roots The tip keeps stirring.

"Hey! Puff puff!" In a flash, Linggen ripped the bodies of the evil monsters to shreds.

In the next few breaths, the rest of the three-eyed black-skinned monsters were also annihilated. At this moment, Ruotao laughed loudly: "Hahaha, at this level, it's really beyond your control to want to sneak attack on us!" , Ruo Tao wanted to keep moving forward.

"Tao Tao, wait a minute." Suddenly, Gu Sang Nu suddenly grabbed Ruo Tao's wrist to stop her footsteps. Ruo Tao turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There seems to be something ahead..."

"Is it some other monster?"

"No, it seems to be an invisible body."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Ruo Tao touched the handle of the Thunder Swallowing Blade and continued, "Could it be an evil spirit? We rarely see evil spirits in this mine, walk around, hurry up Go take a look."

After saying this, Ruo Tao had already rushed forward in three steps and two steps, but Gu Sang Nv didn't hold back, so she had to run over.

"Hooooooooh-" It was too late, but it was too fast, several swift and incoherent shadows roared, bullying the two girls like lightning, and Ruo Tao roared: "Go away!"

In an instant, Ruo Tao's thunder-swallowing blade swept across the shadows, rushing towards the shadows, thinking that the opponent would definitely be crushed by the light of his own blade, but these spirits were like lightning. Scattered apart, he actually avoided his own sword light.

"It's really evil, these guys are too fast." Ruo Tao whispered: "I didn't even cut them!"

"Hey, it's probably because you were careless." Gu Sang Nu said casually, "You didn't use your best, right?"

"Hehehe, only 30% of the knife strength was used." Ruo Tao rubbed her head with a smile at this time, and then continued: "I'm afraid that killing them all at once will not be fun."

Then, she said again: "But these guys are really fast."

"It doesn't matter if it's fast, we have a way to toss this group of beasts." A wicked smile appeared on Gusang's face, and she continued, "You see me."

"Woodling Wisdom Eye, now!"

"Shhhhh!" It was too late, but it was so fast, dozens of wood spirit wisdom eyes suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then continued to shine and spread blue light, and as a result, those strange spirits that moved quickly everywhere were suddenly swept away by the aura of Mu Xuan. Light shrouded.


In an instant, the strange spiritual body was illuminated by the blue light, and immediately burst out with extremely shrill screams, and then scurried around like headless flies, and even collided with other companions, causing them to fall directly to the ground, okay? Embarrassed!

"Hahaha, I'll catch them!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The black rattan boy laughed, shaking his hand and throwing out more than ten rattan flying thorns, "Duo Duo Duo!" In an instant, the flying thorns pierced through the strange spirit body, "Ping ping pong pong!" Immediately, hit the opponent's rattan flying thorns It immediately exploded and entangled those spirit bodies tightly.

"Boom!" The screaming weird spirits couldn't run away this time, and they were fixed on the ground one by one.

"What exactly are these spirits?"

Saying that, Ruo Tao stretched out her hand to pick up a spirit body that was entangled in rattan sticks and screaming strangely. She looked at it carefully, and the Gusang girl next to her also came over, and after looking left and right, she opened her mouth and said, "Hey, It looks like the spirit body of some kind of small beast."

"Oh, you mean beast spirits? Well, it's quite similar." After speaking, Ruo Tao shook the spirit body in her hand, and then said, "Then, how do you deal with these guys?"

"Grab more, and give it to the Soul Recovery Urn to refine the soul power."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Hearing Gusangnu's words, Ruotao nodded repeatedly, agreeing, and then Gusangnu said to Hei Teng boy again: "Go, use the soul bead you are holding to put these All the spirits are captured."

"Yes, Sister Sang." Hearing this, the boy immediately did as he was told.

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