Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11744: The ferocity of the mutant scorpion (first update)

"Hahahaha!" In the flash of lightning, with the screaming and screaming, a few gray-brown sarcoma geckos swooped towards the colorful ferocious clam in front of him. Although the ferocious clam was surrounded by the other party alone, he was not afraid. , and immediately stepped forward aggressively.

"Bang!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The multicolored vicious clam swooped into the head of a sarcoma gecko in front. It collided with other companions while rolling.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

In the blink of an eye, a few unlucky sarcoma geckos were knocked to and fro, screaming again and again.

Then the fierce cockroach flew onto one of the slightly injured sarcoma geckos without hesitation, biting the other's neck, and tearing it up in an instant!

"Hey, puff!" In the next instant, the wound of the sarcoid gecko bitten through the blood vessels in the neck spurted out a **** mist. The guy didn't even snort, and immediately fell to his death.

At this moment, the rest of the injured sarcoma geckos struggled to get up. How could these guys think that the little bug in front of them would be so difficult to deal with, and they really brought a death **** to themselves. If they don't run now, they will die. !

"Squeak, chirp!" At this moment, the screams of other sarcoid geckos were heard nearby, which made these injured guys even more frightened. But it's too late to run away now!


"Shhh!" It was too late, but it was too fast. The colorful vicious cockroach suddenly screamed and grabbed the first place. The sarcoma gecko's body trembled and its limbs became weak. Then, it began to carry out its own slaughter action!

"Xuuuuuu!" Suddenly, the mutant cockroach moved and spun around in the air, shaking out seven or eight ghostly afterimages, making the sarcoma geckos dazzled and dizzy.

Suddenly, Zibi had already bullied a gecko, and suddenly bit the other's throat, and then landed on the head of another sarcoma gecko beside him like lightning, and smashed the guy's head with his forelimbs, as if knocking on a walnut. .

Killing two sarcoma geckos in one fell swoop, Mutant Zijun raised his head abruptly and neighed: "Zhizhizhi—"

This sound immediately affected the other companions, and the multicolored vicious cockroaches became even more arrogant and arrogant, constantly killing the gray-brown sarcoma geckos who were screaming and wailing.

In just over ten breaths of time, more than half of the hundreds of sarcoid geckos were killed or injured, and only twenty or thirty were left covered in blood.

But this opportunity, the vicious mussels will not leave the sarcoma gecko to the sarcoma gecko, they just hear the sound of tearing flesh and blood one after another, and the bodies of more than ten geckos were forcibly torn apart, their stumps and blood, flesh, intestines, Dirt all over the place.

"Oh, you guys are having a lot of fun here." At this moment, the girls rushed here, and Ruo Tao immediately asked loudly, "Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

"Shhhhh!" As she spoke, a multicolored vicious cockroach hurriedly landed on Ruotao's shoulder, and then squeaked a few times in her ear.

"Oh, I see." Hearing this, Ruotao nodded, and then said to Qianxin and the other sisters, "These gray-brown sarcoma geckos first attacked Zijian, so they were destroyed. Humph, really. Do it yourself."

"Okay, alright, they're just little evil beasts, let the scorpions get rid of these guys, we still have to find the ancient iron ore, who has the time to spend with them?"

When Qianxin said this, she waved to the Zifans in front of her: "Give you ten breaths, and start immediately!"


"Haw haw!"

Hearing Qianxin's words, the ten or so zebras immediately regained their spirits and aggressively slashed at the remaining sarcoma geckos in front of them. Originally there were only a few of them left, and then they were attacked by the zebras, and they were all torn apart and fell to death. .

After a few breaths, there was only one seriously injured sarcoma gecko that was trembling like a sieve. !

"Roar!" At the moment when the colorful cockroaches were about to kill, a roar suddenly came from a nearby rock wall.


In an instant, the rock wall was shattered, and a tall figure emerged from it. It was the "sarcoma gecko king" who was far stronger and stronger than the same kind. , suddenly rushed over with heavy steps.

"Shhhhhh! Huhuhu!" In an instant, the Gecko King swung his long and narrow red tongue, and swept away many fierce cockroaches viciously. Everyone didn't intend to fight this guy recklessly.

"Squeak..." The sarcoma gecko who was injured and fell to the ground whispered towards its boss, as if thanking the other party for saving him. Who knew that the first thing the sarcoma gecko king swooped over was to open his mouth fiercely and bite its skull.

Immediately after that, there was a sharp click, and the injured hapless head and half of the body all entered the belly of the gecko king.

"This guy actually ate his only companion?" Seeing this scene, Gusang Nu was a little surprised, and said with a bit of disgust: "Beasts are animals, and they can really do such evil things."

"Actually, it's nothing." Ruo Tao said beside him, "This beast saw that the remaining sarcoma gecko was seriously injured and disabled, and he didn't have any to keep. It might as well eat it, it must have thought so. "

"That's right, an evil beast, you don't know anything about friendship and friendship with your clan." Ruo Tao squeezed her fists and said, "Hurry up and kill this beast, and let's go look for ore."

"In my opinion, if you want to find the ancient iron ore, you can't kill this gecko king." Suddenly, Qin Xin said so.

"Hey, sister, what do you mean by that?" Hearing this, the other sisters were a little surprised and asked in unison.

"Hey, you guys just didn't observe carefully enough, if Huangmei was here, you would definitely be able to see it." After saying that, Qianxin stretched out her hand and pointed to the sarcoma gecko king not far away, and said, "Look at this guy's back first. Something different."

"Oh." Hearing this, Ruotao, Gusangnu and the others looked at them intently, and then, Zhenwen raised her voice and shouted, "There seems to be a lot of stuff in the seam of that guy's back!"

"It's ore dregs!" The next moment, Ruotao and Gusangnu also saw it, and they both shouted in unison, "Is this guy drilled out of an area with ore?"

"Nine percent of the time." A playful smile appeared on Qianxin's face, and then he said, "Teach this guy a lesson and scare him away, so we can follow the Gecko King to find the ore area. "

"Then what are you waiting for, come on!"

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, Ruotao had already sprinted over.

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