Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1205: Assault Dragon Riding Team (third)

"Ahhhhhh, Dole really speaks." Akin was a little bit praised, she patted Dole's head and said with a smile: "Okay, my sister promised you, just follow me."

"Wait, Sister Akin, have you promised him this way?" Borui wailed with a crying face. "Our journey is very dangerous, and we often have to fight fiercely with the Dragon Army. Who will take care of this oil bottle?"

"Shut up, you're the oil bottle." At this time, Zuo Wei had completely become A Jin's girlfriend, and of course she would speak to A Jin. She said, "Dowlie's bow and arrow technology is superior, at least this Just a few of us can't reach him. "

"Zovi is right." Imira helped aside. "Borry, wait until you can pull the bow of the dragon wing, then raise objections."

"I really can't stand the three women, and each time they join forces to bully me." Borui looked discouraged at Guan Heng at this time, he said, "Boss, you just say a fair word, if we bring one Is there any inconvenience for the child? "

"Dolly." Guan Heng walked to the night elf boy and whispered, "What about your loved ones at home? Do they rest assured that you are running around alone?"

"My loved ones ?! They are all gone ..." Dole just said this, and his voice suddenly sobbed: "When the Dragons invaded, my father, mother, four brothers and sisters, all fought to protect their homeland. I'm dead, and I've been forced to wander around until now. "

"Brother Guan Heng, I hate to kill the dragon clan, seeing that you are killing evil dragons in King King Dez, I think I should follow you."

Dole wiped her tears with her sleeve and said, "At the very least, I can also use bows and arrows to help you destroy more evil dragons. This is not only for revenge, but also to quickly destroy the invaders, and to let some young people like me The child becomes an orphan. "

"Dollie, don't be sad." Akin took the night elf boy gently in her arms at this moment, she said: "I won't let you become an orphan, I will be your sister in the future."

"Well, the orphan who is bitter and hateful, really, there is no way to reject him." Guan Heng glanced at the bow of the dragon wing, and then nodded slowly: "Well, you follow us, But everything must obey Akin's instructions, don't act without permission, understand? "

"Yes, thank you brother Heng Heng." Dorie was very polite. When seeing Heng Heng promised to follow everyone, he immediately smiled and said, "I will definitely listen to Sister Akin."

"Good boy," Akin slaps Dorie's shoulder and smiles at Zuo Wei and Imila: "We have a little brother, and the team has grown again, oh."

"Huh, I think it's only that the women's army team has grown again." Borui whispered to Guan Heng at this time: "Look, the three girls have another little bodyguard, and our status has dropped again. . "

"Fool, you are the only one who degrades." Guan Heng smiled with a joke: "Don't get me involved."

At this moment, a sudden bird suddenly appeared in the mountains in the distance, and Guan Heng and Borui and others suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Woohoo!" A sudden roar of a terrifying dragon roared through the valley, and then, three huge steel dragons carrying dragon knights on their backs, flew from a distance, and closed Hengyan's eyes suddenly: " It appears to be the patrol of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. Take it down in one fell swoop and ask for intelligence. "

"Okay!" The companions agreed in unison, the first was action, and it turned out to be an extremely agile figure. He jumped up and down on a raised hanging rock, and then took off the bow of the dragon wing and half-knelt on Ground, ready to go.

At this time, Guan Heng suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out a dark dragon soul stone, and called the dragon soul Kufa: "Brother, I have to trouble you ..."

In this way, the crushed dragon soul was quietly integrated into the night elf boy's body, allowing him to slowly reborn and make rapid progress.

At this moment, Dorie shouted on the raised rock: "Five hundred meters ahead, the enemy is here." His voice had just fallen, a trembling bowstring trembled, and a keel and arrow had been engulfed into the wind and shot straight into it. A dragon.

"Boy, how dare you offend the Iron Dragon Riding Team ?!" The knight on the dragon's back saw the Yaya flying, and suddenly burst into anger, he waved his riding gun and stepped forward: "Yeah--"

The bow of the dragon wing issued a strong bone and arrow. In addition, the dragon knight coped with haste. When the two collided, "Bang!" The tip of the dragon rifle suddenly broke, the dragon knight was just a small **** in the legion. Ordinary soldier, where can withstand such a violent collision, this person suddenly spit out blood and turned over and planted the dragon's back.

"How can this be, you guys are so brave!" The other two dragon knights each pulled the reins of their mounts with one hand, brushing up and holding the dragon rifle and screaming, "Kill!"

"Huh! Don't be too arrogant, soldier soldiers." Imela, Akin, and Zuowei, the three female evil stars, murmured in unison, each performing his own tricks.

Imila rushed forward and rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, a steel dragon approached, and her knees were bent slightly to accumulate force. She jumped suddenly: "Ancient martial arts, the tiger breaks the jaw!"

"Bang! Click!" The fierce upper hook from the bottom directly smashed the jaw of the steel dragon, and the behemoth fell on his back with a terrible cry.

The dragon knight on the dragon's back oops and jumped down. When he just landed, someone behind him suddenly shouted, "Bound foot stone demon."

"Oh!" A large hand suddenly broke out on the ground, and slammed the ankle of the dragon knight, followed by a heavy knock on the back of the man's back, and he immediately collapsed and was unconscious.

At the same time, Zuo Wei releases the arrow of sacred light in succession to another steel dragon, "Oh!" He shot through the dragon's eyes at the same time. At the same time that the dragon fell down, Akin's hundred dragon dragon tail whip Suddenly, the knight on the dragon's back made him fall to the ground.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it took less than a minute. Guan Heng didn't even take the shot, and the others had leveled the battle. This surprised Guan Heng a little: "These guys, progress is so fast, go on like this , The power can certainly soar to an extremely scary level. "

At this point, the two captured dragon knights were stepped on their backs by Borui, and asked loudly: "Honestly explain, where is the location of the Iron Dragon Riding Team?"

Guanheng thought that they needed to torture their confession and spent a lot of time to ask for information. Who knew that the two dragon knights didn't hesitate to tell the truth, they took a bamboo tube and poured beans about what they knew, all of them explained clearly.

—— [2016.5.26 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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