Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1212: Brain Eclipse (first)

Borui was persuading Dorie to stop. At this moment, a bird-billed dragon appeared in the sky, and Guan Heng's voice came over: "Hey, what are you doing?"

The next moment, Guan Heng and Zuo Wei turned over and jumped out of the beak dragon. Ruta, who was still in a coma, was also thrown on the flat ground. Then, Guan Heng made a clear statement in two words.

"Why do you discourage Dole?" Guan Heng said indifferently at this time: "Maze is willing to give up the will to find Tirilo to take revenge, willing to die under Dole's arrow, everyone need not stop."

Guan Heng's sentence was like a mallet, and he woke up Ma Ze sitting on the ground. He thought, "Yeah, I can't die yet. The reason why I turned back into this world as an undead creature, no Are you going to get revenge on Tivelo? "

"Oh!" After listening to Guan Heng's words, the night elf boy Dorie suddenly put down his bow and arrow, and asked, "Ma ... Ze, your enemy is Tivilo. Is it the leader of the Devil's Legion ?!"

"Yes! That's the guy Tivelo!"

Ma Ze thought that he was applauded by the demon dragon all his life, and his anger rose up suddenly. He suddenly got up and half-knelt in front of Dorie: "Last of the night elves, I am not afraid of death, What if you could allow me to live a few more days and wait for me to kill the enemy, Tevero, and make atonement in front of you? "

"My hometown, the Night Elf Territory, was destroyed by a Devil Dragon Army led by a regiment named 'Tivelo'. They were cruel and cold-blooded, not even the infants in their arms."

At this moment, Douri's hand holding the bow of Dragonwing slightly trembled, and he resentfully said, "Forget it, I will not kill you, because my enemy is also Tivelo, and I will not throw the fire of revenge. Feel free to anger others, if that's the case, there will be no difference between the beasts of the Dragon family and me! "

"Well, even now you are all very happy." Guan Heng saw this scene in his eyes, a sigh of relief secretly, and then he said to Borui: "I have an urgent matter to return to the unknown island of Mrs. Jiang Ge, Send me over with the teleportation spell. "

"As for the other people, stay here for a while to rest." Guan Heng whispered to Akin at this time: "You have the most prestige among them, look at these troublemakers, don't let them act lightly, not long, I'll be back with Borui. "

"Yo, I didn't expect you to trust your sister so much." Akin said with a smile: "Well, I'll watch the monkeys for you, go early and return early."

Guan Heng then carried the stunned Ruta in a hurry, Borui grabbed his arm and quickly started the teleportation spell, and the two disappeared in a stun.

A moment later, Mrs. Jiang Ge lives in the small island grotto.

At this moment, Mrs. Jiang Ge was examining Ruta in a coma. Shaojian, Mrs. Jiang Ge looked up and said to Guan Heng, "I checked it by secret method. The person's mind was empty and there seemed to be no memory of the past. His eyes do n’t seem to be injured, but rather they are partly taken out, which is really weird. "

"Abominable, it must be the poisonous hand under Pawn." Guan Heng clenched his fists at this moment, the blue tendons on his forehead twisted back and forth like a rambling earthworm, Guan Heng secretly said, "The Lord of the Abyss, you take Ruta What conspiracy is there in memory? "

"Wait a minute, before the head of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment and Ruta incarnate, I once said that after being ordered by the Lord of the Abyss, I must take my own life." Guan Heng's heart moved slightly: "Did it say, I stepped into the land of St. Lomplon, looking for Ruta. This guy Pawn knew that already ?! "

Taking a look at Ruta who was still in a coma, Guan Heng thought to himself: "It must be like this, Punk's **** also wants to kill me by Ruta's hand, and sever all our hopes of returning to Ashton mainland, This move is too vicious. "

At this moment, Mrs. Jiang Ge continued: "I infer that the method of taking away this person's memory is a very evil magic domain spell, and I have only seen such descriptions in ancient books. "

"Magic Spell ?!" Guan Heng asked quickly: "What kind of magic is that? Is there a solution?"

"The demons in the demon domain are good at cursing and magic. As for this evil method that captures the memory of the victim, it is called 'brain ecstasy.'"

Mrs. Jiang Ge tilted her head and thought about it, then turned around and pulled an ancient book from the bookshelf. She flipped the book on the table and looked at a few pages, and said, "The use of the Brain Essence is for the people in the Devil. In fact, it is very simple. The Warlock of the Demon Clan can use the black energy of the Demon Realm to forcibly compress the victim's memory into one eyeball, and finally extract and seal the entire eyeball.

Guan Heng heard a frown here, cursing inwardly: "That's Ruta's symptoms now, **** Pawn, it must be a good thing you do!"

"At this time, the victims' memory is completely lost, and some demons will turn them into their own puppets and do all kinds of bad things."

Mrs. Jiang Ge paused and said, "But the victims who lost their memory because of the ecstasy were not able to live for half a year, because while the demons captured the eyeballs, they also kept the black spirit of the magic domain in the other's brain In China, the black gas will gradually spread throughout the body, and the victims will die miserably as soon as six months have passed. "

"Six months? The last time I saw Ruta was in the World of Warcraft Canyon in Ashton. At that time his eyeballs were still intact, which was about ten days ago."

Guan Hengzheng pointed out: "The timing of Paine's poisoning hand is very fast, almost when I came to the land of St. Lomplon, I took Ruta's eyeballs away."

"Mrs. Jiang Ge, is there any way to cure this person?" Guan Heng frowned and whispered, "He is a close friend of mine. For me, his importance is second only to life, and I agreed. His lover, I want to take this boy back to his world intact, I don't want to say nothing. "

"Well, if you can't get back the eye that was taken away, his life will never be saved." Madam Jiang Ge sighed and said, "But if you can drive away the remaining black magic in his body, it will last a few more for him. Months of life. "

"Darkness in the Demon Realm ?! If I have the firepower of the flameless undead bird in Ashton's land, these dark areas in the Demon Realm are nothing."

Guan Heng's mood was tightened tightly at this moment, he cried secretly: "But in this place of St. Lomplon, I can't even use magic, how can I help Ruta dispel the dark energy of the demon domain?"

"Boss, have you finished everything here?" At this time, Borui pierced his head from the cave door and asked, "When will we leave?"

—— [2016.5.29 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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