Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1217: Praying for Rain (Third)

"Woo!" Qi Beast did not expect to be caught up by Guan Heng at his own speed. It responded extremely quickly. In a low roar, he twisted his waist to avoid it. Guan Heng's grasp suddenly fell through. When you land, you will plunge into the grass.

"It's too late to run now." Guan Heng laughed loudly, and walked two steps to the front of the strange beast. He fluttered, and the twins held each other in impartiality.

"Bone is sturdy--" A man and a beast tumbled on the spot. The strange beast was not Guan Heng's opponent at all. He was pressed to the ground three or two times and wailed.

"Haha, I can catch you." Borui is the one who loves to shoot down water dogs. He strode forward and struck the monster's head with his wand: "How dare to catch my flower Face, but I won't break your head! "

"Stop it." Guan Heng stopped Borui angrily. He said, "Forget it, just grabbed your face lightly, and it didn't destroy your capacity, there is no need to kill it."

At this time, a cry came suddenly in midair: "Benefactor, please stop."

"This sound is familiar, who is it?" Guan Heng suddenly raised his head, and saw a huge beast falling from the sky. Guan Heng looked at it suddenly, and suddenly cried out, "Why are you?"

It turned out that it was Kam, one of the two ancient strange beasts that he had known when Guan Heng was looking for the magic spar before.

Guan Heng asked, "Kam, why are you here?"

"Benefactor, please don't hurt this 'Praying Rain Beast'." Cam said. "Praying Rain Beast is my friend. I'm here to visit it."

"I don't intend to hurt it." Guan Heng gently let go of the rain beast, and then said to Kam, "My companions and I just came here to get some springs of the miracle fountain."

"What ?! It turned out that you were just here to get spring water ..." At this time, Qi Yu beast shook his head and got up, and then uttered a word: "Scared me, if not just that idiot magician said he was going to chop me I'm too lazy to do it with you. "

"Wow, I can talk to people!" Borui heard him praying for the rain beast to speak, and he took a few steps back in shock, Guan Heng said angrily to him at this time: "Don't make a fuss, it's really a shame, but it's not you Say what you want to peel and how can it attack you? "

"Eh, how can you blame me? Just talk about it, I didn't take it seriously." Borui glared at him when he saw the huge stature, and he said quickly: "I'm not right, I ask Rain Beast Apologize to the head office? "

Borui said, whispered to Qi Yushou: "That ... I'm sorry, don't be angry, let me see, my face is also scratched, shall we straighten out?"

"Huh, tell you, pay attention to talking in the future." Qi Yu beast raised his head and said, "It's just a little human fart. How dare to say that I want to peel my old man's skin, it's so unruly, anyway, I live too. Hundreds of years old, enough to be your grandpa's grandpa. "

"Ah? Are you so old?" Borui murmured as he looked at the light and flexible praying beast, but he still didn't believe it. At this moment, Guan Heng shouted to the soul-sucking beast hiding in the grass in the distance: "Yabu, come out, it's not dangerous!"

"Uh, I'm here." When the soul-sucking beast heard Guan Heng's call, he came to Guan Heng with a bit of timidity. He saw that the rain-raining beast shaking his front paws was still a little dazed, and he hurried to the level. Behind him.

"Strange, isn't this a soul-sucking beast?" The strange beast Kam looked at Yabu with a little surprise at this moment, and then said: "There should be no soul-sucking beast in this world, why do you appear? What about? "

"That's it. When I found this guy in an abandoned fortress nearby, it told me that I accidentally fell into a black hole and woke up in this world." Guan Heng casually explained: "According to I reasoned that Yabu might have fallen from this alien space gap. "

"It makes sense, too. Thousands of years ago, when the land of St. Lomplon was just born, some strange beasts were born. We, Sabison beasts, rain-seeking beasts, and soul-sucking beasts all appeared at that time."

Cam was caught in the memory at this time, he said: "But the soul-sucking beast is different from other strange beasts. They feed on the beast soul and other species' dead souls, but they do not easily conflict with other lives, but Just after some species have died, they just **** the soul. "

"Aha, speaking, I have heard of rumors of soul-sucking beasts."

Praying for the rain at this time, the beast was lying beside the spring, combing its fur with its own paws. It said: "In ancient times, many evil forces were also born. Most of them are invisible, so they are afraid of the existence of soul-sucking beasts. Later, I do n’t know who it was, I thought of a gloomy way to introduce all the soul-absorbing beasts into a different space, and smashed the entrance and exit, so that the soul-absorbing beasts are always isolated from the world, and they can no longer return to St. Lomprum.

"It turned out to be this way, but the soul-sucking beast is really powerful when dealing with other species." Guan Heng thought to himself: "The dragon of the Dragon Army can't stand the spray of bone fog, no wonder so many evil forces are afraid of sucking the soul. Beasts. "

"Hey, you." At this moment, Praying Beast nodded Borui in front of him, and said lazily to him, "Come and help me comb the fur on my back. My back is now itchy."

"What do you think I am? Do you wait for someone?" Upon hearing this, Borui was furious: "I am the greatest magician in St. Lompland ..."

"Slap!" Borui slaps his head before he finishes saying, "Jumble, don't brag anymore, let you go, you go, don't you be humble when you make a mistake?"

"Okay, I'll go, who made you the boss?" Borui walked to her knees and crouched in front of Qiyu Beast with a weeping face, and started combing the back's fur for the other.

"Oh, this guy is very skillful, has he been a masseur before?"

Praying for the rain beast at this moment feels very comfortable, it said slightly to Guan Heng: "You are a very friendly person who has prevented that soul-sucking beast from hurting me. Just now you said you came to take the miracle fountain and what you did. use?"

"Yes, I have a friend who is seriously injured and unconscious, and has lost his memory." Guan Heng said, "I heard that the spring of Miracle Spring can restore him, so I want to try."

"Seriously injured? Amnesia?"

As soon as he heard Guan Heng say this, Praying Rain Beast suddenly looked up at Guan Heng, and then said: "IMHO, although the fountain of miracles can ease people's injuries and recover their illness, but if the other person is too seriously injured or If the magic is in your body, the fountain of miracles may not work. "

—— [2016.5.30 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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