Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1224: Unexpected accident

The essence of Shenshui is the life source of the rain beast. At this moment, he suddenly left the body, praying for the rain beast's face full of faintness, and suddenly his limbs lay soft.

"Hey, are you okay?" Guan Heng and Borui hurriedly ran over and called, "Oh my God, what's going on?"

"I don't know very well, but I feel that there is a powerful power of the strange water monster in the essence of Shenshui." Qi Yushou said pantingly: "This thing seems to be completely integrated with my Shenshui essence. Together, Guan Heng, does this really have anything to do with you? "

"Well, uh ..." Guan Heng's face suddenly burst into tears and laughter, and cold sweat on his forehead was frequent. He shouted, "I pray for the rain beast, I'm afraid this thing you said really has something to do with me. I'm really sorry this time. "

"What are you talking about?" Qi Yubei hurriedly asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Yes, I have the ability to fuse the soul. When I collect the essence of Shenshui into my body, the soul that was fused by me is out of control and suddenly attaches to your essence of Shenshui."

Guan Heng rubbed his forehead and said, "Well, I didn't have much time to pay attention at the time, who thought it would hurt you deeply now."

"Isn't it a victim?" Qiyu Beast said, "The beast soul you merged with must have your own brand of spirit. Now it is fused with the essence of my divine water, even I will suffer. Your mind is controlled. "

"Controlled by my mind ?!" Guan Henglian waved and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to control you. Is there any solution?"

"Kuan Heng, for us the other beast, if someone keeps the spiritual imprint on the source of life, it means that he will be controlled by this person in the future, and there is no resistance." The beast Kam said: "This matter Although you accidentally caused it, it is quite troublesome, unless ... "

"Unless what? Kam, you have to say it quickly." Guan Heng heard that there was a turning point in Kam's words, so he hurriedly asked: "As long as I can do it, I am willing to do it."

"Let me do it," Qi Yushou said. "You want me to be free from your mind. There are two ways."

Guan Heng asked, "Which two ways?"

"The first way is to use up your life and use all your power to erase the imprint of the essence of Shenshui, but this is too dangerous. Even me, I don't recommend you to try." Qi Yu Beast said here paused, It said hesitatingly: "The second way is that if you leave the world of St. Lompren from now on, I can no longer be controlled by your mind."

"Haha, the second method is right for you and me."

Guan Heng suddenly shouted with a smile: "Tell you one thing, I was originally a person who did not belong to St. Lompland. The time limit for coming here is one month. So far, about fifteen days have passed. When the time is up, I will leave right away, maybe I wo n’t be able to return in the future. "

When Guan Heng finished this sentence, Borui, Kam, and Qiyu Beast were all shocked. Qiyu Beaver said slowly at this time: "No wonder, I look at your appearance, and the black pupil and black hair are not like It ’s a human feature of St. Lomplon, so you are a real alien. "

"Yes, because of some important things, I came to St. Lomplon, but I will never stay here for a long time." Guan Heng whispered, "So, pray for the rain beast, you don't have to worry about being controlled by my mental power. ,do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand this." Qi Yubei nodded and said, "The matter of spiritual imprint can be uncovered in the past, and now I want to ask you another thing."

Guan Heng felt a little tired at this time. He found a stone beside the spring and sat down casually, "What else?"

Qi Yuyu blinked and said, "The essence of the magical water is my life's original power, and it is impossible for a general beast soul to fuse with it, but I am a strange creature in the water system, and that beast soul is also in the water system, and the power is far away. Better than me, which made me curious. Can I ask who this beast soul belonged to during his lifetime? "

"It turns out that this is what you want to ask, then I'll tell you." Guan Heng said without concealing, "It is the seven-star sea snake king beast soul that blends with the essence of your **** water."

"What ?!" Hearing Guan Heng's name, Qiyu Beast looked shocked. He glanced at the beast beside him and said, "Kam, do you remember what I said before? All the water systems are ancient. The origins of the strange beasts all come from the sea, and the overlord in the sea-the seven-star sea snake king, is also the strongest of all water strange beasts. "

"Yeah, you did talk to me about the Seven Star Sea Snake King before," said the beast Kam. "I remember that you still wanted to travel to the ocean and meet the real Seven Star Sea Snake King."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the fusion of the origins of my life today turned out to be the Seven Stars Sea Serpent Beast Soul." Qi Yushou groaned at this time: "Maybe the fusion with the Sea Serpent Beast Soul today is not a bad thing, but an opportunity. . "

At this point, Guan Heng looked at them and asked, "What are you two talking about? How can I not understand?"

Borui said on the side: "Yeah, I can hear my mind thinly, as if covered with fog."

"In a word, the source of my life is likely to be further sublimated by the accidental fusion of the sea snake king and the beast soul."

Praying for the rain, the beast shook his head and said excitedly, "For example, a broad river, its source must be the most powerful, just like the source of our strange beast, that is Existing like the Seven Star Sea Snake King, after merging its beast soul, I may get a deeper evolution, maybe I can transform into a beast. "

"That said, you are taking advantage." Borui scratched his head, turned his head and said to Guan Heng: "Let's have been here too long, haven't we? Boss, when will you return to Mrs. Jiang Ge's island?"

"Oh, you don't say I'll forget it soon." Guan Heng patted his thigh, and then said to the praying rain beast: "Can you take back the essence of Shenshui now?"

"If there is your spiritual imprint on the essence of the divine water, then you can try to control it." Qiyu Beast said: "This way I can absorb the divine water after the soul melts without being excluded. It's fine. "

"Understand." Guan Heng nodded, and said to Kam, "Trouble you, lift the petrified state of the essence of Shenshui."

In the next few minutes, under the pressure of Guan Heng's spiritual power, the essence of the magical water after the melting of the soul was finally absorbed by the rain beast, and then the rain beast jumped into the miracle spring next to him. Soaked in it for a while, and then crawled out.

—— [Second more in 2016.6.1, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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