Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1229: Alien beast

"Oh!" The keel spear in Ma Ze's palm turned into a bit of cold light, and his shots were like Xingchi's electric switch. He listened to the sound of crickets, and immediately nailed the remaining black Yalongs to the ground.

"Dowlie, step back, there are still many of these Yalongs coming up from the mountain wall." Ma Ze said frowningly and whispered: "You can't let them touch the magic spar on the ground, otherwise , It will be blown up into the sky, and both of us will be affected. "


On the other side, Guan Heng relied on his agile skills, and after falling for more than ten meters, he reached out and grasped the protruding stone seams of the surrounding rock wall, which allowed him to stabilize his body.

Guan Heng originally wanted to climb up the mountain wall. Who knows that Newin above the entrance of the cave has quickly activated the organs, dropping countless falling rocks has blocked the top, and many falling stones have almost hit Guan Heng. He was so angry that he scolded Newin for the lack of morality.

In desperation, Guan Heng had to climb down the rock wall to the flat ground below. He knew that he could not find Ma Ze and Dorie for the time being, because it was not a cave that both sides dropped. After Guan Heng landed, he opened the magic pet. The tube released Yabu, the soul-sucking beast.

"Well, where is this?" Yabu asked, shaking his fat head, "Guan Heng, what do you let me do?"

"I am temporarily trapped in this place." Guan Heng said angrily: "Your body can emit strange light in the dark, just go forward with me."

"Uh, okay, but I'm hungry," Yabu said, blinking. "Will you give me two soul stones first?"

"It's awkward for you to eat." Guan Heng shook his lips and threw Abou a soul stone. "Now only one for you, give me a good way forward. After we get out of the trap, I will give you two dragons. Soul Stone Tooth Ritual. "

"Okay, let's go now." As soon as he heard of Dragon Soul eating, Abu felt suddenly full of energy. It shook his fat body and ran forward, who knew it hadn't been for three or four seconds. The guy turned around and ran back: "Help, there is a group of monsters chasing me."

"Where?" Guan Heng looked intently, and the other side hula lala crawled over a large group of weird and pointed monsters. Although they were not very large, they were numerous and their momentum was scary.

"Yabu, you idiot," Guan Heng cursed, "I haven't rushed to deal with them with bone fog, what are you going to do?"

"Eh? Yeah, I was scared and silly." Yabu was running towards Guan Heng, and suddenly he was reminded that he immediately took a sudden brake, turned around and opened his mouth to squirt.

"Hoo--" A large, dark yellow mist spread out all around, and swept across the entire group of sharp-cornered monsters in a moment.

"Wow!" As the bone-fog mist passed, the sharp-cornered monsters squeaked into stern bones, and a ray of beast souls slowly emerged.

At this moment, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, laughed, "Haha, my dessert is here."

Between the flashes of light and fire, Yabu opened his mouth and sucked up the beast souls that had just surfaced, and Guan Heng shouted, "You eat slowly, I want to know the way out from these guys."

"It's useless, these are the low-level creatures with no intelligence. There is no such thing as memory in their consciousness." After Abu finished eating, he licked his lips and said, "Let's go on, I feel that there should be a big prey in front. "

"Hmm." Guan Heng sighed and said, "It seems my order is not as important as your appetite. He is really a disobedient guy."

At this moment, Abu just ran forward with his head down, Guan Heng looked at the strangely illuminated front road, and secretly whispered in his heart, "Newy, it seems that we fell into the Carlinlun Mountains. Hinterland, but where is the way out? "

"Huan Heng, the smell in the air is getting stronger and stronger," Yabu yelled as he ran, "I feel that guy is near here, we ..."

Just now Abu said here, the crust suddenly shook violently. There seemed to be something huge to be drilled from the ground. Guan Heng shouted, "Yabu, you can come back first. What might be dangerous in front."

Hearing Guan Heng saying this, Yabu was obviously a bit scared. It was about to turn around and escape back to Guan Heng. At this time, the ground suddenly cracked and cracked, and a huge object shot from the rubble. Spreading out, he opened his mouth wide and bite Yabu's waist fiercely.

"Be careful."

"锵 ——" The dragon's teeth behind Guan Heng's double-edged electro-optical flint came out of the sheath, and chopped down to attack the behemoth that attacked Abu. The thing was sharp and abnormal. Toothblade will make his dead body two points in an instant.

"Hoo!" The giant in the dark twisted the huge skull, and from an unexpected direction, opened the fangs and fangs to bite off the arm holding the knife.

"A good beast, the response is fast enough." Guan Heng's mouth flickered with a sneer: "Unfortunately, my dragon tooth blade is not only one handle."

Speaking at a later time, Guan Heng suddenly turned out with the other hand, and slammed it on the other's mouth.

"Wow!" A red haze splashed in the darkness, and the behemoth screamed, shaking his head again and again, and then Hula quickly shrank back along the ground where he came out.

"Ah, let it run away," Yabu said with a grunt. "It's a pity that this animal's beast soul must be delicious."

"Don't just think about eating." Guan Heng looked at the dark red blood stains on the dragon's tooth blade, he said in a deep voice: "This junk thing has hit a trick, and now it is injured, but here is where it inhabits This monster will hide again, and will come out to attack us at any time, be careful. "As soon as Guan Heng's voice fell, he heard the ground under his feet start to rumbling, and it was an unusual weird movement.

"Yabu, be careful, that guy is coming out again." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "Now the enemy confuses me, although the monster's strength is not tricky, but the trick to drill in the ground is really Some headaches. "

"Guan Heng, it's right at your feet!" In the darkness, Yabu's eyes were sharp, and he saw the other party's rapid movement in the ground in an instant, so it immediately reminded Guan Heng to pay attention.

"Bingyan double magic fighting spirit chopped !!" For a while, the two dragon tooth blades became red and bloody, and became blue and dim. The flames of the enchanted sword and the ice magic sword were wrapped in the fighting dragon's fighting spirit. On the ground: "Boom!"

The next moment, the ground was chopped by a mighty sword, and in an instant, countless flesh and blood flew apart, and the head of the behemoth was shattered into countless small pieces!

—— [Second more in 2016.6.2, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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