Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1231: Bilateral meeting

Ma Ze went on to say: "Otello, the young master of the Dragons, ordered that his subordinates continue to dissect these creatures, piece together the strongest limbs on them, and then fused with the dragon's experimental body to try to get transformed. The new dragons are stronger and more scary. "

"Uh, it's a sad beast." Dorie suddenly thought of his slain tribes, and suddenly felt an aversion to it, but he didn't have an attack in front of Maze.

Ma Ze glanced at Doulie and said, "There are also successful examples in the Dragon Tribe, that is, Zaviu of the Ice and Fire Dragon Legion. He is the transformed Dragon Tribe."

"But this experiment was too cruel. Except for Zaviu's vitality, which was barely surviving, the rest of the hundreds of young dragons as experimental subjects all died tragically."

Ma Ze went on to say: "I thought that the experiment of the dragon transformation had been forced to be suspended. I did not expect that the transformed monster could still be seen here. It seems that those guys in Tivelo have not yet stopped."

"Abominable, how many more innocent lives do they want to give up?" In a rage, Dorie punched the stone wall next to him, his face suddenly bursting into blood, but he was a little bit angry. She could not feel the pain, Dorie clenched her teeth and said, "One day, I will make these shameful invaders pay a painful price."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these." Ma Ze kicked the monster corpse blocking the road at this moment, and then said to Dorie: "Let's go and continue to find a way out."

Dorie nodded his head, holding the bow of the dragon wing tightly behind Ma Ze, and walked in the dark and deep path for about seven or eight minutes. Suddenly, Dolie screamed, "Ma Ze, let's head There seems to be movement ... "Dorie's voice didn't fall, Ma Ze had already fit and rushed over, holding him and rolling out on the spot. At this moment, the two heard a rumbling sound above their heads, crushed stones falling and firing, a large billowing dust, accompanied by the fierce howl of beasts.

"Junk stuff, it's not honest until now !?"

"唰 唰 唰-唰 唰 唰!" A low roar suddenly came out, and saw the sword flash in the smoke. A monster with a big head crashed to the ground, then rolled around, and slipped down. At the foot of Dori.

"Uh ?!" Dorie saw the scorpion's skull with his eyes protruding, and stared fiercely at himself, suddenly kicking him and taking it far away: "Go to you!"

"Huh? Who is talking? Is it Doriel?" The man who just slashed the skull of the beast was Guan Heng. He heard Doriel's voice and was very happy, then he shouted, "Where is Maze? Is he here with you?" together?"

"I'm here," Ma Ze said quietly, standing with his dragonbone spear. "What's the matter? You have fallen from the sky."

"Don't mention it, I'll talk about me later, Abu, Abu, where are you?" Guan Henggu couldn't talk to Ma Ze, and he hurried to summon the soul-sucking beast: "Answer me quickly, it won't be a death." ? "

"Oh ... I'm fine."

"Wow!" Yabu said as he arched his head out of a pile of crushed stones. It shouted hard: "Take me a hand, Yabu can't climb out."

"I'm here, I'm here." Dorie saw Abu's clumsy and plump look, and ran with a smile: "Put the front paw over, I'll pull you out now."

"It turned out that Yabu was okay, so I'm relieved."

Taking a look at the soul-sucking beast that was digging out from the gravel pile, Guan Heng turned his head and said to Ma Ze, "It was just unlucky just now. I killed a two-headed earthworm dragon. I did not expect a small shrink in the hole I just wanted to kill it too. I didn't expect this idiot to dig into the ground, which caused us to stand in a big landslide, but it was also crooked and found you. Right now everyone is okay, just go out. "

Hearing Guan Heng's words, Ma Ze's spirit was refreshed: "Why, have you found a way out?"

"Well, let's see where this is." Guan Heng first retracted the Dragontooth Blade into the scabbard. He took a few steps and looked around, and then shouted to Abu: "Come here, help me light up. "

Hearing his call, the soul-sucking beast rushed over, Guan Heng determined a position, and then said to Ma Ze and Dorie: "Our current position should be a few kilometers west of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. The mountain belly here has been hollowed out by them to make a trap. Now if you want to go out, it is impossible to follow the original road, but if there is another way out, just follow me. "


A few moments later, the Carlinlun Mountains, somewhere on the edge of the mountainside.

"Ice Devil's Fight!"

"Spiral blast drill!" For a while, Guan Heng and Ma Ze shot at the same time. A few meters thick mountain wall was collapsed in an instant. After the rumbling sound, a large amount of sunlight suddenly entered the hole.

"It's really dazzling!" Dou Lei, who was walking subconsciously behind him, tried to avoid the strong light, and then asked: "Brother Guan Heng, what shall we do next?"

"Next? Of course, it's time to kill the Iron Dragon Riding Team." Guan Heng and Ma Ze smiled, and then said loudly, "After dealing with the Dragon Army for so long, Master Ben ate this kind of loss for the first time. , This account I have to make good calculations with Newin's **** thing. "


Without a word, it took them only a few minutes to kill the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment again. The deputy head of the army, Newin, who had a bad feeling for a long time, slipped away a few minutes ago. Hundreds of elite evil dragons and dragon knights were left to stop Guanheng.

The moment the enemy and I contacted, the fierce battle broke out! After Guan Henglian cut more than a dozen evil dragons and knights of the Demon Dragon, he suddenly felt something wrong: "Why didn't you see Newin's **** thing? Couldn't it say that this boy has slipped again?"

"唰-噗嗤!" Guan Heng thought, waving a knife and slamming a dragon knight around him, and the shadow of the kid's ghost floated out of the corpse, and Guan Heng immediately released the devouring beast. Break the evil pupil, turn that guy into the soul stone, and quickly search his memory.

Coincidentally, the slain dragon knight was the accomplice of the deputy regiment leader. He knew naturally about Newin's whereabouts. After a few seconds, Guan Heng stomped and yelled, "Abominable, Newin escaped!"

"Slap!" Guan Heng played the magic pet's tube, let out the beak Long Lude to stand up and rode on, he said loudly to Ma Ze, "Newin's kid is slipping, I'll go to him now, the iron dragon ride here It ’s up to you.

"唰-噗噗 噗!" Ma Ze kept his hands, and the keel spears stabbed the evil dragon one after another. The bow string next to it trembled, he kept firing arrows, and he kept harvesting the life of the dragon knight of the Demon Domain. They said in unison: "No problem, it's enough to have us here."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.2, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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