Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1233: Tour of the monument (first)

Therefore, Guan Heng didn't hide it, so she told Mrs. Jiang Ge about her encounter with a large number of souls and monsters after she saw Rain Beast.

"Soul demon can produce a kind of spirit shield to protect himself from the black gas of the demon domain or be blackened." Guan Heng explained: "I think the existence of this kind of foreign body is how we deal with the abyss demons. It ’s a good way, so I thought of the steles all over the place, and captured these soul demon. "

"Well, this is a good idea." Mrs. Jiang Ge heard this and slightly nodded her head. "It is good for everyone to prepare for the Demons in advance."

"Exactly, the" Remembrance Grass Seeds "required by the rain beast is also in a place where the stone monument is placed, that is, the abandoned temple mentioned earlier." Guan Heng said: "I can do two things together, and save Less effort. "

Mrs. Jiang Ge said: "You can rest assured, Ruta and Qiyu Beast here, I will take good care of them and will not let them be affected."

Guan Heng nodded. After thanking Mrs. Jiang Ge, she turned to find Akin and several others.

"Well, here's what you want, a map showing where the four Demon Spellstone steles are located."

Akin handed a roll of drawings to Guan Heng and said casually: "Most of these places are in the northwest and southwestern areas of St. Lomplon, not too far from the island. I think you and Borui will be riding on your way to If you go back and forth to four places in a day, you should be almost there. "

"Well, thank you Akin." Guan Heng took the drawing with a smile: "Thanks to you, this matter is quite troublesome."

"Brother Guan Heng, remember to go back quickly," said Imira. "After you return, we should start working with the Phantom Dragon Army."

"I see." Guan Heng said, "I'll go to Borui now and set off immediately." On the open side of the beach on the other side of the island, Borui is launching a fierce attack on Maze opposite.

"Furious fire mantra!" In a low drink, Borui issued a large fire wave empty-handed, immediately surrounding Maze.

"This kind of heat is such a sharp fierce fire spell." Ma Ze was surrounded by the fiery fire without smiling. "Borui, you really made great progress, but this flame is far from trying to trap me!" "

Ma Ze's voice didn't fall, and the keel spear in his hand turned between the light and flint, and he suddenly turned at a high speed with a forcible force: "Oh!"

"Lightning Dragon Drill!" The sharp cross-gun front rips the waves of flames under Boreb, and Ma Ze emerges calmly the next moment.

"Okay, your martial arts are also good." Borui laughed. "Try my Fury Wrath this time."

"Advanced Fire Magic Mantra? I have long wanted to teach." Ma Ze smiled and keeled his keel spear: "Come on."

"Hey, stop first." At this time, Guan Heng strode over from a distance, he exclaimed: "Sorry to interrupt your duel, Borui has to go with me first."

"Ah, I remembered it." Borui slaps his head and said, "I promised to go with the boss to find those stone seals that seal the soul and demon. Our discussion can only wait until the next victory or defeat."

"Then there is no way," Ma Ze said with a wave of greetings to Guan Heng, "I can only wait for the next opportunity."

"Speaking of which, I feel that my combat effectiveness is a bit inadequate," Ma Ze said suddenly, "so while you leave this time to improve your spear skills, Guan Heng, thank you for leaving Master Rasius's notes to It gave me a new understanding of my deficiencies. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng smiled and asked, "Is that so? What do you decide to do?"

Ma Ze replied, "The vast expanse of the sea is a good opponent. I want to ask you for some snake avoidant cream and dive to the bottom of the sea to find a suitable exercise place."

"Exercise in Haiti ?! You really will find a place." Guan Heng took out a small square box and threw it to Ma Ze. "Well, avoid snake demon cream. After applying the whole body, you can breathe in the sea for an hour."

"Thank you." Ma Ze took the things and turned away, Guan Heng turned his head and beckoned to Borui: "Let's go, brothers, let's take advantage of the darkness, let's set off."


Moments later, Guan Heng and Borui rode to the beak dragon hundreds of kilometers away, a barren desert in the mountains.

"Well, it seems that the first Demon Spell Curse should be near here." Guan Heng opened the map and glanced at it clearly.

At this moment, Borui suddenly said: "Boss, have you heard ... there seems to be something moving in the air."

"Huh ?!" Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and then said to Borui: "Conceal first and see what the other party is about."

It was said that time and time later, the two rushed into the surrounding grass and disappeared into the night, as if there had been no person or thing in the place just now.

A few seconds later, the sound of huge wings flapping suddenly came from the air, and then three snake-necked dragons slammed onto the mound.

"That's right, it seems to be here." Someone suddenly said on the back of the snake-necked dragon: "The stele that the commander of the Kouhan army said must be in front."

Guan Heng and Borui, who were hiding in secret, heard the name of "Kou Han" and suddenly looked at each other. The two still remembered the leader of the Phantom Dragon Army.

At this time, the other knight on the dragon's back drank his mount and lay down, then he jumped down from the dragon's back and then whispered, "I don't know what His Excellency the Chief of the Corps really means. Look for a few pieces. What's the use of a broken stone? "

"I said, guys, you don't have to discuss it any more." The third man in black jumped off the dragon's back and shook his hands and feet and said, "Master Kohan's mind, how can the average person guess? We just follow him. Just do it. "

"Keep in mind, Your Excellency said that after you find the stele, you must not break or crack it." The first man in black who spoke said cautiously: "Because the terrible monster was sealed in the stele, Be careful about restraining us demons. "

The three said, and went to the front of the desert. Their snake-necked dragon mount lay down and rested in place, without any abnormal behavior.

However, what made people in black unexpected was that behind them, they had already followed Guan Heng and Borui.

"Boss, I didn't expect these phantom dragon legion guys, also came to look for the stone monument of the soul demon." Borui said quietly beside Guan Heng: "There must be weirdness among them."

"Kou Han doesn't know where to get the news. It's not so easy to remove the stone of the soul monster." Guan Heng sneered in a low voice: "He didn't expect that his men would be followed by us. We're going ahead. "

—— [First update of 2016.6.3, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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