Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12366: Evil black-winged thick armor monster (third more)

The roar of the leader of the thick armored monster was saying: "Little ones, it's time to hunt those lowly worm souls again, you all listen carefully, don't let one go, catch all those worm souls, come on !"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Hearing the leader's roar, these thick-mouthed thick-armored monsters were extremely excited, screaming from their mouths, and at the same time, a large amount of black gas emerged from their bodies, covering their whole bodies, making these guys More and more terrifying.

"Squeaky, squeaky!" At this moment, a dozen ordinary worm souls suddenly appeared nearby. When the other party saw the thick armored monsters covered with evil spirits, all of them were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

The moment he saw the prey, the thick armored monsters seemed to be crazy, staring at the red eyes one by one, rushing to chase after the insect soul, but the speed of the insect soul was not slow, and it ran out a few feet away in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that they could not catch up with their prey in the first time, these thick armored monsters did not panic, and suddenly shook the dark evil energy on their backs.

"Swish swish—huhuhu—" In a few breaths, the black gas behind the thick armored monster turned into four giant wings. Under the violent fanning, they suddenly drove their sturdy bodies up from the ground, chasing the wind. Those worm souls.

"Unexpectedly, these beasts can use the evil energy to create wings, which is a bit interesting." At this time, Guan Heng and his companions had been watching for a while, and at first, he didn't care about it.

But as soon as the thick-armored monsters took off, Guan Heng and the girls immediately became interested, and Qianxin said, "Guan Heng, let's do it, let's compare who killed more thick-armored monsters, how about it?"

"Don't worry, I want to check the situation again."

Guan Heng said: "For example, how the other party will store the insect souls captured, and where they will be stored, this situation is very important, we must understand that we stay here for the insect souls, as for killing those thick armors Weird, it's just a small game that comes with it."

"Well, what you said makes sense, I agree." Hearing this, Qian Xin nodded again and again, expressing her approval.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

It was too late, but it was fast. At this moment, a fat and sturdy thick armored monster grabbed two ordinary insect souls, and I saw the black energy on this guy's back swirl sharply, turning into a vortex, hard. Suck the worm soul in, and then rush to other prey again.

Everyone could see clearly at this time, it turned out that the other party captured the insect souls like this, at this time, Qinghuang whispered: "A Heng, those dark evil spirits seem to have the function of storing and imprisoning the insect souls. The worm soul is also imprisoned in the black air, right?"

"Well, it's definitely possible." Hearing her analysis, Guan Heng nodded in agreement, and then he continued: "If you want to confirm this situation, then grab a thick-armored monster and check it out, who are you? go?"

"Hey hey, Master Guan, I'll do this." Suddenly, the fiery Jindiao who was beside him was terrified, opened his mouth, and Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, then you should be more careful."

"Okay, everyone, I'll be back when I go, please wait a moment."

"Shu la la-" As soon as these words came out, the flaming golden eagle suddenly fluttered its wings into the air, rushing towards the large group of evil black-winged thick armored monsters.

"Guga!" Before he made his move, the golden eagle let out a snarl and landed in a preemptive manner.

"Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast. The golden eagle's sharp claws grabbed the back of a thick-armored monster with the wind, and the other party screamed in pain. The wings threw out more than ten feathers that carried flames.

"Chichi! Puff puff!" In the blink of an eye, the flame feathers were pinned to the surface of several of the thick armored monsters, burning the other party's body to black, screaming and retreating in pain.

"Hey hey, beasts, you are waiting for your death time to come, but now is not the time, enjoy the few times you can breathe, I will go!"

The flaming golden eagle laughed wildly, then used its sharp claws to grab the captured thick-armored monster, and flew back to Guan Heng in an instant. "Master Guan, fortunately, the prisoner was captured."


While speaking, the flaming golden eagle had already threw the thick-armored monster into the dust. This beast is bloodthirsty, vicious, and extremely brutal.

"Beast, are you courting death? It will fulfill you."

"Crack!" Guan Heng slapped his palm sharply as he spoke, hitting the opponent's head in the middle, and immediately smashed the thick armor monster's head to pieces, bursting his skull and dying.

"Uh, son, why did you just kill him?" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao said in surprise, "I thought you were going to keep alive!"

"There's no need to keep alive." Guan Heng said lightly at the moment: "Because I have already noticed how they capture and store insect souls. It has nothing to do with whether or not to keep alive. Let's see this."

With that said, Guan Heng lifted his foot and kicked the skull-crusted beast corpse, "Huhuhu-huhuhuhuhu-" In the flash of lightning, the thin black wings on this guy's back immediately disintegrated, and then turned into a circle of evil energy ripples.

This thing floated in the air, as if looking for another target that could possess itself, and even stared at the bony old white-browed monkey.

"Shhh!" The black air suddenly attacked the old white-browed monkey. At first, the monkey seemed to be a little stunned, with expressions of disbelief on his face. past.

"Hey, monkey, don't play too much, you have to capture it alive." Guan Heng said calmly at the moment: "If you dare to burn it, I will be angry."

"Jiji, woojiji!" Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey hurriedly agreed, and suddenly rushed towards the black air.


In the flash of lightning, the black air swirled rapidly, covering the whole body of the old monkey. At this time, the monkey was possessed by a playful spirit, jumping up and down on the spot, shouting and screaming, which meant that it was about to be seen. He was devoured by evil spirits, and he was still calling for help.

"Dead monkey, it's quite a decent performance."

"Hahaha, it's interesting." Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill, Tugong Toad, and King Jia Yao pointed and talked with a smile.

"Hey, Monkey, don't play." Qianxin reminded at this time: "Don't forget, we have to catch this black gas and release the insect souls, you have nothing to do."


After hearing this, the white-browed old monkey suddenly flipped on the spot, and then released a large amount of original flames, "Buzz..." It only took a moment, and the blazing fire completed the counter-encirclement of the black gas, burning this place. The thing kept making a screeching noise.

If the old white-browed monkey had originally intended, it would be fine to burn out this black energy in one go, but Guan Heng's order was still in his ears, and he didn't dare to make trouble.

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