Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12374: Weird Voice (First Update)

"Ow!" The moment the bone flying knife was stabbed into the eye socket, the Qingshou evil corpse was already in a heartbreaking pain. Even if it became a living corpse, the extreme pain could not be completely avoided.

What's more, in the next instant, the fierce and fiery fire aura wrapped around the bone flying knife broke out in an instant, covering the head, face and body of this guy, burning the corpse to the point of pain, and then it was a dilemma of bruises all over the body.

"Kill!" The Ancient Wilderness Roarer would never give the opponent any chance to react, so he swung the poisonous worm bone sword down in an instant.

"Hey!" In the blink of an eye, the sword edge swiped across the brows of the evil corpse, and then extended down to the face, neck, and front, until it crossed the middle of this guy's hind legs. With a single sword, the evil corpse was cut into two pieces!

"Little ones, burn the corpse." After saying that, Gu Huang Houlu waved his hand, and several fire-clawed ape souls flew over immediately, releasing flames at the evil corpse, turning it into ashes.

"Hehehe, Hulu, you played well." Guan Heng slapped his palms and smiled, "We won this battle beautifully."

"Hey, it's just so-so to deal with a little guy."

Gu Huanghou hurriedly looked humble, bowed and said, "I said just now, if Master Guan had not transformed my Bone Flying Knife and prepared a groove for inlaying flame beads on it, it wouldn't have been. It may carry great flame power, speaking of which, I can win so easily, or rely on Guan Ye's help."

"Hehehe, good boy, he can talk." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said to the three insects and King Jia Yao: "Okay, not much more to say, let's hurry into the cave to find the white-haired corpse evil spirit."

"Yes, I sent the Fire Claw Ape Soul to open the way."

Saying that, Guhuang Houshou waved his hand, and the ape souls roared into the cave immediately, at the same time, the evil slug mother and the golden sting king said in unison: "Then let's also send Zijing and Glancing Black Stinger to go in and have a look. Let's help each other, and it's more convenient."

At the same time as Guan Heng nodded, the group of insects had already rushed into the cave ahead of everyone, and then, Guan Heng and his companions also filed in.


"Kala, cluck..." After a while, a lot of half-corpse skeletons appeared in the soil of the cave.

In a fit of rage, King Jia Yao used a flaming charge to dash over, and in a flash, he slammed the opponent into burning slag.

"Hahaha, the useless trash is simply vulnerable." At this moment, King Jia Yao raised his head and laughed wildly, roaring with great arrogance.

"Hey, did you hear a strange voice?" Suddenly, Guan Heng said.

"I didn't hear it, is there such a sound?" After hearing this, the Evil Slug Mother and the Golden Sting King, the Hulu and the Jia Yao King all shook their heads.

Guan Heng twisted his face and said, "Ape Soul, have you noticed any sound coming?"


It was too late, it was fast, one of the fire-clawed ape souls landed in front of Guan Heng, nodded, then raised its claw and pointed to a dark tunnel in the northeast, Guan Heng said: "Well, it should be It's there, let's go, go to the place where the sound is made first."

"Is there really a voice coming over?" At this moment, the three worms and the king of Jia Yao looked at each other, and then said in unison: "It's weird, why didn't we hear it?"

"It's very simple. This sound is transmitted from a high place, and I can barely hear it. As for the ape souls, aren't they flying in the air? So you can hear it. You are all on the ground, so it's not surprising that you can't hear it."

"Oh, that's right." Hearing this, everyone nodded to show their understanding. After a few breaths, Guan Heng and his companions hurried to the area where the sound was emitted.

"Baoso!" It was too late to say, but it was so fast. As soon as everyone got here, they saw a swift black shadow outside Zhangyu rushing into the distance, rushing to escape.

"What a beast, you still want to run when your grandfather sees it? Dreaming!"

"Dong dong dong - dong dong dong -" In the flash of lightning, the roaring King Jia Yao suddenly pulled up like an electric gallop, and in a few ups and downs, he shoved the other party.

"Hu chi!" The next moment, King Jia Yao opened his mouth and suddenly spit out three fires, "Puff puff!" In an instant, the fire pierced through the opponent's back legs and back, burning the cockroach. The fox-shaped evil corpse that fled screamed, and then rolled on the spot.

Fortunately, King Jia Yao intended to capture him alive, but he only severely injured this guy, and did not kill him immediately.

Seeing that the two hind legs of the fox-shaped evil corpse were completely destroyed, there was no way to escape. King Jia Yao suddenly strode proudly, stepped on the other's head with one foot, turned his head and said, "Master Guan, what do you say? What to do with this guy?"

"First check what's special about this guy." Guan Heng stepped forward and said, "I think its sound is different from what I heard just now. It shouldn't be a fox-shaped evil corpse, but something else."

"Master Guan, Master Guan, look here." At this moment, Gu Huanghou, who was walking behind, shouted loudly, and Guan Heng signaled King Jia Yao to watch the fox-shaped evil corpse, himself, the mother insect and the golden sting. Wang Ben went over and asked, "What is it?"

"There is a hole in the ground, which was covered by floating soil just now. If I hadn't found a lot of fox-shaped corpse footprints nearby, I wouldn't have found it here." Gu Huanghou said: "You said the thing that made that strange sound, Could it be in a cave?"

"There is a possibility." Having said that, Guan Heng winked at Gu Huang Houzhe: "Immediately dig it up and take a look."

"Yes!" Hearing this, Houli was in high spirits, and suddenly flashed out a metal shovel, and shoveled a few times towards the floating soil at the entrance of the hole, "Shush! Swish!" Just in the blink of an eye, the entrance of the hole was opened. appear in front of everyone.

"Woo woo - woo woo -" Suddenly, a low voice gushed out from inside.

"That's right, that's the voice." Guan Heng whispered, "Let Ape Soul go in immediately to check the situation."

"Okay, little ones, come on!" The Ancient Wilderness Roar waved his hand instantly, and several fire-clawed ape souls rushed into the cave immediately. "Bang bang bang!"


"Dong, dong, dong!" In the blink of an eye, a series of violent noises came from the cave. Obviously, this is the fire claw ape soul and some guys getting started!

However, it was easy to decide the outcome, and the ape souls who displayed their swift and fierce fire, aura, and claws had the upper hand. They took two or three breaths, and they rolled out of the hole screaming in agony.

Guan Heng, San Zong and Jia Yao Wang could see clearly, it turned out to be a living corpse that looked like a gibbon. This guy had red mane all over his body, but his eyes were as black as ink, shining with vicious evil light.

Seeing the fox-shaped evil corpse stepped on by King Jia Yao, the red-maned ape's corpse was so angry that his eyes were about to crack and smoke came out. This guy didn't even care about being chased by the fire-clawed ape soul, and without hesitation, he roared towards the fox-shaped corpse. Evil Corpse!

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