Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12376: Corpse Jade (third more)

As soon as these words were spoken, King Jia Yao immediately spit out a large amount of original fire flames, causing these fire spirits to swirl sharply in the air, turning into a huge flame vortex, worthy of surrounding the body of the corpse evil spirit.

"Oooooo——jijiji——" Being scorched by the flames, the body of the corpse evil spirit continued to howl, and it fell directly to the ground in an instant, and it fell with a bang. : "Come on, grab it!"

"Boom-whoosh-whoosh--" In the flash of lightning, the fire-clawed ape souls quickly gathered around and stepped forward. According to the body of the corpse evil spirit, it was a fat beating. .

"Master Guan, catch this guy."

"Well, leave it to me." With that said, Guan Heng signaled the big ghost to take over the body of the corpse evil spirit, and the other party was unable to struggle now, so the big ghost successfully performed the soul search and memory reading.

Soon, the big ghost nodded to Guan Heng, saying that he had found a lot of clues on this guy, including the information of several other mutant evil spirits, and the corpse evil spirit hidden in the hole. certain treasures.

"What? Are there treasures?" Hearing these words, the three worms and the king of Jia Yao came to the spirit and asked almost in unison: "Where is it, what is it?" "The thing is somewhere in this deep pit. , I don't know exactly what it is."

After a brief pause here, Guan Heng continued, "All in all, it is something unique to the corpse evil spirit. It must be useful to have it in our hands, so hurry up and search for it."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, Gu Huanghou was in high spirits, and he waved his hand and whispered: "Little ones, don't be stunned, hurry up and search with me."

"Black sting (Zi 蚨), you all help too." The evil slug mother and the golden sting king also gave orders at this time, so the worms also flew into the deep pit and got busy with the fire claw ape soul.

Just after counting the breaths, the fire claw ape soul was the first to discover, and one of them pointed to the ground in front of him and shouted loudly: "Squeak, squeak!"

"Come on, let's work together and dig up all the soil here." As soon as Guan Heng's words fell, everyone immediately started to dig the bottom of the pothole several feet deep.

"Dang!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The metal shovel of the ancient wasteland roar hit a hard object, and sparks splattered in an instant. It hastily dug a few more shovels, and then came out with something, and whispered. Said: "Master Guan, what do you think this is?"

"Is it 'corpse jade'?!" Guan Heng saw the oval object dug up by the roar, and immediately said: "This product is produced in a living corpse and is used to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, but it is difficult to condense it. Thinking that this white-haired corpse evil spirit has such a treasure."

"But is this thing really owned by the white-haired corpse evil spirit?"

Guan Heng said to himself this sentence, and the next King Jia Yao said: "Master Guan, isn't this corpse jade found from the place where the corpse evil spirit lives, that is, the deep pit? Why do you suspect that it is not? what it has."

"Although the corpse evil spirit can control some low-strength living corpses, it is not the kind of living corpse, and there should be no corpse-like jade in the body, so this, it should not be it."

Guan Heng had already made a thorough judgment at this time, and then continued: "I think, this corpse jade should be left by some kind of living corpse before, that thing is either dead or left here. , All in all, I failed to take the corpse jade away, and now it is cheaper for us."

"Then according to what you said, corpse jade is a useful treasure?" King Jia Yao asked from the side.

"Of course, corpse jade can absorb all kinds of corpse breath and convert it into aura, and this kind of aura is called 'corpse aura', which is very suitable for living corpse guys to absorb, think about it, we have raised a large group of snakes What about the corpse dog?"

Guan Heng said at the moment: "Although the dogs have evolved long-term after ingesting things like the bloodline and bone marrow of ancient beasts many times, they still retain a part of the living corpse state. The spiritual energy extracted from the corpse jade, they absorb There are also great benefits.”

"Oh, so that's what it is."

"Yeah, I understand." Both the three worms and the king of the turtles nodded their heads, expressing their understanding.

Guan Heng weighed the corpse jade in his hand, and then said: "Ruotao is now in charge of taking care of the snake-headed corpse dogs, and this corpse jade is just taken back for her safekeeping."

"Let's go, we can find the remaining two mutant evil spirits." Guan Heng led his companions toward the outside of the cave, and as he walked, he said, "This time, with the information of those two guys, More confident to take care of them.”


First of all, they are going to the "Red Earth Canyon" located in the northeast area of ​​the small alien space.

This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one entrance in front of the canyon.

Sheep Demon Evil Spirit is different from Corpse Evil Spirit. This guy is the Soul Eater Evil Spirit King who has undergone countless mutations. In order to break through his own strength, even the Great Evil Spirit King, this Goat Demon Evil Spirit has already devoured a lot. Seek to be stronger.

It's just that it's bad luck, no matter how many evil spirits it devours, its strength always stops at the first line of the ordinary great evil spirit king.

Therefore, the Sheep Demon Evil Spirit has gradually become mad and cruel, bloodthirsty and fierce, and the other mutant Evil Spirits are unwilling to provoke it easily.

In this way, it has also developed the arrogant and arrogant temper of the sheep demon, and in its territory, the red earth canyon, no resistance will be allowed to exist.

"Come on, this is the red clay canyon, right?" King Jia Yao walked at the front, and soon came to the mouth of the valley, and saw the yellow sand raging in the valley, the wind was very strong, and countless dust and even small broken stones were rolled up, rushing towards everyone. Swept over here.

"Huh—" Guan Heng waved his hand impatiently. Those sandstorms were immediately contained and quickly stopped. He said casually, "The sandstorms here are not natural phenomena, but caused by something."

"Hey hey, master, I think so too." The evil slug mother said so, and then glanced at the ancient wild roars beside her, and said: "Young third, you have Sufengshi by your side, and you are also good at playing this game. A trick, what do you think?"

"The other party's technique of fighting the wind is still so-so, it's naturally far worse than mine."

Gu Huanghao said so boldly. Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Hmph, don't blow, kid, let me ask you, do you know where those guys who create the Taniguchi wind are hiding?"

"Of course I do." Gu Huang said, "Master Guan, you are looking down on me with such a simple question, don't you?"

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you kid." Guan Heng waved his hand impatiently and said, "Quickly find those guys."

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