Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1239: Parting gifts

"No problem, just raise your hand." Guan Heng said, "Let's go to the clock tower now."

The next moment, Guan Heng, Yabu and Borui, as well as the two sisters Soni and Penny, were already standing on the bell tower. Borui squeezed his sleeves and shouted, "Boss, I'll knock first!"

Guan Heng nodded and took a step back. At this time Borui slammed his strength and hit the giant bell severely.

"咚 ——" The long bell rang through the clouds, and time passed through every corner of Luduo Fa. All the ghosts wandering aimlessly in the dark corner stopped suddenly, listening to the melodious bell. Sound, just then, Guan Heng rang the giant bell for the second time: "咚 ——"

Guan Heng, who rang the bell, said in his heart: "Repose, undead who wander in the land of suffering after death. Your experience has been miserable enough. It is time to be relieved."

When the second bell rang, the ghosts and ghosts of Ludopha City flashed a light smile on their pale faces. Then, some ghosts had fallen off the ground and flew to the distant sky, and in the clouds Time fades away.

Guan Heng and Borui constantly knocked on the giant bell, letting the long and long bells echo in the streets and alleys in the city. Gradually, all the ghosts flew to the cloud with a smile, no regrets, no trace of regret Disappeared.

"Sister, we are leaving, too." Princess Suni, on the side, gave her sister Penny's hawk lightly, and said, "Before that, Mr. Guan Heng, we have something for you. "

Speaking of which, Suni and Penny took off two crystal clear and dazzling emerald earrings from their left earlobe and handed them to Guan Heng. "Mr. Guan Heng, these two earrings are the treasures of our Royal Family of Ludopha. They are made of rare precious stones, 'Enjia Divine Stone'."

Suni said: "Enjia Divine Stone has the reputation of" Tiege Qibao "on the land of St. Lomplon. As the name implies, it can save the wearer from a bad luck. I hope this thing can help you. Please put two pieces at the same time. Wear it on your left ear. "

"Ah, thank you." Guan Heng said, and put two earrings on his left ear. At this time, Penny took off a delicate square ring on his hand and handed it to Borui: "I can see Mr. Borui is an extremely powerful master of magic. This 'Yuanli Fangjie' can make the wearer recover the lost magic power in a short time, please accept it. "

"Oh, is that okay?" Borui said, putting the ring on the **** of his right hand, and then said, "His Royal Highness Princess Penny, thank you for your gift."

"Two strong human races, the light of hope on the mainland of St. Lomplun, our sisters sincerely wish you to destroy the Dragon invaders as soon as possible and re-grant peace to this land."

At this moment, Suni and Penny's bodies gradually drifted into the air. The sisters held hands and smiled and said, "I really hope we can continue to guard you in the sky and wish you all the best. Goodbye, two benefactors."

"Goodbye, Princess Penny and Princess Suni." Borui waved and saw that the other party disappeared in the clouds, he could not help but whispered, "It is a pair of admirable princesses, even after death, always remember With his own people, hey, unfortunately, he died prematurely. "

"Don't feel any more." Guan Heng patted Borui's shoulder, he said, "All you have to do now is to get rid of the Dragon and Moyu guys as soon as possible and fulfill their last wish."

"The boss is right, destroying the Dragon Legion and exorcising the villains of the Demon Realm. This is the most important thing to do." Borui clenched his fists, he said loudly, "The last stone monument should be in the southwestern marshland of St. Lomplon. Abandoned temple, let's hurry over now. "

"Well, Yabu, what's the matter with you?" Guan Heng noticed at this moment that the soul-sucking beast lying on his shoulder was a bit listless and looked sleepy. "Guan Heng, I feel so sleepy, no, just sleep for a while."

Abu yawned at this moment, and his eyelids suddenly made a slight snoring sound: "Hoo ..."

"This little thing is really a sloppy and lazy article." Borui couldn't help complaining when he saw the scene: "We have also been tired all night, haven't we got a rest till now? It just feels relaxed."

"Okay, quickly find the next stone monument, and then return to Mrs. Jiang Ge." Guan Heng took Borui, while walking in the direction of the snake-necked dragon, said, "At that time, you can rest. "

The next moment, the two rode on the snake-necked dragon and hurried to the abandoned temple in the southwest swamp.

"Speaking of this abandoned temple, before we left the island, Akin also told me something interesting." On the way to the swamp, Guan Heng told Borui: "That is a legend more than a thousand years ago. Then. "

It is said that more than a thousand years ago, a strong and unknown country appeared in the land of St. Lomplon. In its heyday, the country even occupied more than half of the area.

But suddenly one day, in a small village near the kingdom of the kingdom, suddenly the sky subsidence was generally collapsed and destroyed, and a huge and deep underground maze appeared. At that time, the first old man who found the maze couldn't help curiosity. Heart, bring your own tools to explore the maze.

Who knows, three or four days later, people who heard the news came near the entrance of the maze, but found the old man's shriveled and shrunken figure.

At that time, the old man could not be called a "human" anymore. He seemed to be possessed by something and uttered some amazing words.

According to the old man, the bottom of this huge labyrinth is a place called "Qi Lie Kingdom" long ago, which was a country proud of prosperity and prosperity, but because the king appointed an evil magician as prime minister, this is the way to go The astray of self-destruction.

The evil prime minister, who is greedy and cruel and vicious, has murdered many royal family members, including the king, and plundered countless nations' wealth. However, he has been fiercely resisted by the people. In exchange for the powerful mana, all enemies and themselves, as well as the endless wealth, were buried at the bottom of the huge maze.

The first old man who got down to the maze was nearing the end of the oil lamp, and he took out a lot of gold and silver treasures he carried with him: "The endless treasure of the evil magician is buried at the bottom of the maze. Anything, as long as you don't fear the evil curse of the magician, you can get a lot of wealth for yourself, but ... "

Speaking of which, the old man died and died. At this moment, the red-eyed explorers rushed to this mysterious underground magic palace.

—— [Second more in 2016.6.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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