Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12392: dare game

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the three insects and the king of the eagle nodded in agreement. Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said, "Go, go there and have a look."


After a short while, Guan Heng took everyone to the area where there may be "self-exploding rocks".

"Hey, this is... how can there be a strong fire energy aura?" When the mother of evil worms and the king of Jia Yao came here, they said invariably.

"Indeed, I also feel the presence of that fire energy."

Guan Heng said at this time: "It's no wonder that the Fengxie Wolf Spirit King is reluctant to come and stay here, with the state of these invisible spirit bodies, they will feel extreme pain if they stay here for a while, so it just took it away. A massive self-exploding rock that blocked the road and left in a hurry."

"But even if there is only one boulder, it almost caused us to be plotted against. That thing is indeed very powerful." King Jin sting praised and said so.

"So we must get that thing, so that Master Guan can use it to transform the Flame Explosion Bead." Gu Huanghao said with excitement on his face at this time: "Master Guan, do you think so?"

"Hehehe, Hulu, you are too excited now, it's better to calm down."

Guan Heng said this, and then said: "You have to pay attention to the surrounding, if you find unusual rocks, you have to collect them here, worm mother, and by the way, send Ziqi out to look for it."

"Yes, master, I'll do it right away." Hearing this, the mother of evil worms nodded and immediately did as she was told.


"Whoosh whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, hundreds of mutant scorpions rose into the air and scattered around. Guan Heng said, "Let's stop being idle, and continue to search forward." After speaking, Guan Heng said. Heng took a few of them and continued to move forward.

At this time, the one who was in charge of the search at the front was King Jia Yao. After all, it has the sharpest sense of smell. I have smelled the breath of that kind of self-exploding giant rock before. In addition, King Jia Yao is also good at harnessing fire energy, so I am very interested in that thing. The flavor can be locked quickly.


"Shuo ... ... ... ..."

Suddenly, King Jia Yao stopped more than ten steps away, then twitched his nose and carefully sniffed the surrounding breath. Gu Huanghao suddenly landed next to it and asked, "Hey, Chubby, did you find something?"

"Uh, not sure yet, but there is indeed an aura similar to that self-exploding giant rock around here, Master Guan, would you like to go take a look with me."

"Well." Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, Guan Heng nodded and continued: "Then you can lead the way, let's go over and make sure."


Soon, King Jia Yao took Guan Heng and San Zong to the area where he could smell the breath.

Suddenly stopped, King Jia Yao raised his hoof and pointed straight ahead, and said, "Master Guan, everyone, look there, is there a big rock similar to just now?"

"Hehe, the stone is real, but fat, how can you be sure that it is a self-exploding rock?"

Gu Huanghou smirked and said: "It's better to do this, just follow the method just now, you go over and slam it hard, if this thing can explode, it will prove that your inference is correct."

"Fuck you, isn't this asking me to go to court for death?" Hearing this, King Jia Yao rolled his eyes in anger, and he shouted loudly, "Look, Lord Guan, this stinky guy is going to plot against me!"

"Oh, then did it succeed?" Guan Henghao asked in a leisurely manner.

When King Jia Yao heard this question, he seemed a little stunned, and then replied in a low voice: "No, no success!"

"Since you didn't succeed, it means that you have nothing to lose. In this case, I can't punish Hulu."

Guan Heng held back his laughter and said solemnly, "In my opinion, you might as well do as Hulu suggested. If you really get hurt or suffer a loss, I'll avenge you again, okay?"

"It's not good, it's not good at all!" After hearing this, King Jia Yao shook his head like a rattle, and Gu Huang Houlu laughed beside him, "Hahaha, Chubby, you are too bold. Are you small?"

"You say I'm timid?!"

Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao suddenly roared: "If you have the ability, go and confirm it yourself, what is the ability to push me? If that's the case, I'm timid, and you won't be much better, so we are on a par. ."

"You!!" The other party said these words, and Gu Huanghou Tu's face was also a little unbearable, it snorted, and then said: "Go, go, are you afraid that you will not succeed?"

"Master Guan, then I'll go over now to check if the rock in front of me is a self-exploding rock, to prove that I'm not timid." Gu Huanghou slapped his chest loudly and said to Guan Heng.

"Okay, I really don't see how courageous you are, well, it's worthy of praise." Guan Heng nodded with a smile and said, "Then you can go, by the way, in order to show fairness, the fire claw ape souls You can't follow me, just stay with me."

"What? This..." Hearing these words, Guhuang Houlu only felt bitterness in his mouth. This guy originally thought, if it is really dangerous to approach that giant rock, he can block it with the Fire Claw Ape Soul by his side. This is even a peace of mind.

Who knew that when Guan Heng saw his little thought, Guhuang Houlu suddenly became a little embarrassed, and it whispered: "Master Guan, can you let me take the ape soul over there? Even if I take one? Okay? "

"No way!" Before Guan Heng could speak, King Jia Yao hurriedly said: "You also said that you are not timid, and you will have a fire-clawed ape soul when you go to see the stone, hmph, you are as timid as a mouse, you are still Admit it!"

"I..." Hearing the other party's taunting words, Guhuang Roar suddenly covered his eyes with anger, and his evil turned to courage.

It jumped on the back of King Jia Yao and said, "It's fine without the fire claw ape soul, so we can go there together, right? It's more than the two of us who dare to stay in front of the self-exploding rock. In the event of danger, whoever runs first will lose, how?"

"Hey, this gameplay is interesting." As soon as the bold and arrogant King Jia Yao heard this suggestion, he nodded excitedly and agreed: "Okay, okay, then we're done."

"Master Guan, then we two will go."

"Well, be careful yourself, as soon as you confirm the details of the thing, come back immediately, don't stay too long, understand?"

"Yes, don't worry."

"Hahaha, we know what we know." King Jiaxu and Guhuang Houjiao finished speaking, as if reconciling as before, they ran towards the huge rock a few feet away.

"Fat, are you afraid?"

"Joke, even if it scares you, I won't be shaken in the slightest."

"Hehe, this is what you said, let's try it now." After Gu Huang Houlu said this, he actually rose into the air and fell directly in front of the huge rock.

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