Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12395: unexpected result

"Master Guan, shall we rush in directly, kill it by surprise, and avenge Zifan?"

King Jia Yao shouted aggressively at this time, and the mutants next to him also squeaked and whispered, and they couldn't wait to rush into the cave to start.

Guan Heng said casually: "What's the hurry, there is no real benefit to going into the cave now. Do you know what's going on inside? How many enemies are there? Will there be traps or something, these are not clear."

"What do you mean, Master?" The Evil Slug Mother asked.

"I mean, even if we don't have to rush in, we still have a lot of ways to clean up the guys inside."

The corner of Guan Heng's mouth was raised, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he raised his hand, "Shuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" It was too late to say, it was fast, and the moment the strong wind rose sharply, more than ten groups of fire aura appeared in the In the air, there are also many wood spirit wisdom eyes that can enhance the power of fire.

"Let's go." The moment Guan Heng's voice fell, Huo Lingqi and Wood Lingzhi's eyes had already poured into the cave.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Boom!" In an instant, the fire in the cave was soaring into the sky, and the scorching air wave covered it all in an instant. Then, a series of shrill screams rang out: "Ow, ow, ow, woo, woo-"


In the next instant, several swift shadows rushed out from the cave. These guys were attacked by ice mysterious aura and scorching fire waves. At this moment, their vitality was greatly damaged. Of course, they didn't have the courage to fight the incoming enemy again. They just wanted to kill them. Get out of the siege, run away.

But this is not acceptable, because Guan Heng's three insects and Jia Yao Wang did not intend to let them go.

"Beast, go away!"

The angry roar of the ancient Huanghou roared suddenly, and it waved the poisonous insect bone sword, "Shu chi chi!" The three sword beams suddenly rushed forward with the wind, and struck the shoulder of one of the evil beasts like lightning, forcibly smashing the other side. The left front paw fell off and smashed, this guy sprayed blood mist wildly, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ouch?!" The other two weasel-like evil beasts were so frightened that they trembled and trembled. The two fellows didn't care about the safety of their comrades, and scurried away in the left and right directions.

"Whoosh!" It was too late, but the time was fast, the Evil Slug Mother and the Golden Sting King stopped the Weasel Evil Beast on the left like lightning, and tied it tightly with a large net woven with aura filaments.

At the same time, King Jia Yao spit out a large amount of original flames and engulfed the remaining evil beast, burning the opponent's skin to tatters, screaming again and again, and finally completely lost his intuition.



"Plop!" The three weasel evil beasts were slammed into the hole, and the mother of evil slugs immediately instructed a few children: "Go to the hole to see if there are any remaining evil beasts."

"Whoosh whoosh!" Hearing these words, the Ziyu immediately got into the cave to investigate the situation.

At this time, Guan Heng looked down at a few half-dead evil beasts, and immediately said, "Just these guys can make a fool of yourself. To be honest, I don't believe it."

"That's right, just being slightly stimulated by your Fire Spiritual Qi and Wood Spiritual Wisdom Eyes, Master, can't stand it anymore. These evil beasts are not very strong." The evil worm mother beside her said the same.

"Unless..." Suddenly, King Jinqi, Guhuang Houlu, and King Jiayao looked at each other, and then said in unison, "There are other guys in this cave who can sneak attack on Ziqi."

"Yes, let's go into the cave and have a look, let's go."

After saying this, Guan Heng threw out three flames to cover the dying evil beasts, burning them to ashes, and then ran into the cave with the three insects and King Jia Yao.


"Squeak-chirp--" At the same time, several scorpions who entered the cave had already fought with the guys hiding here, and the scorpions who made a sharp cry exuded a fiery spirit of fire. Breath, attacking that guy frequently.

The other party is an extremely fat weasel evil beast. While screaming and parrying the scorpion, it opened its mouth and spit out a yellow mist, sweeping towards the group of scorpions. tricks.

But this time, the mutants have also learned to be smart, knowing that the yellowish mist cannot be easily approached, so they continue to release their own fire energy to disperse and refine these things.

As a result, the fat Evil Beast felt that the temperature around it was getting higher and higher, and it was extremely uncomfortable for those with evil energy in its body. Gradually, the fat Evil Beast also felt that he could not gain the upper hand. This guy couldn't help but feel anxious. stand up.

"Hehehe, sure enough, there are still fish that slip through the net."

At this moment, King Jia Yao had already strode over from the tunnel not far away. When the fat weasel evil beast saw it coming, he was furious. A pale yellow mist rushed towards King Jia Yao.

"Beast, I didn't go to tease you, you want to die in a hurry, I will fulfill you!"

"Hu chi chi!" King Jia Yao sank his face, and immediately spit out three fiery beams, which directly penetrated the aerosol, and galloped directly towards the fat evil beast. Some are so weak that they can't dodge all attacks at all.

"Puff puff!" In an instant, two of the fire beams brushed past the shoulders and the edge of the waist and abdomen of the evil beast, only to draw a red blood trough, but the third fire beam was very vicious, and poked into the guy's left eye socket. .

"Ow, ooh—" The fat evil beast who was severely injured and blinded in one eye immediately burst into a painful whimper, then leaned back and fell to the ground with a thumping sound.

"Go on, kill this guy!" At the same time, Guan Heng, who came over, gave the order, and the three insects immediately swooped over with the wind, according to the fat demon beast who had lost one eye and was in a state of embarrassment at this time. Punch fat.

At this time, when Guan Heng walked to the nearby area, he suddenly found that the rock wall here was a little different, and suddenly slapped it here, "Bang! Boom! Rumble - boom!" It was too late, it was fast, A large amount of earth and rocks collapsed and fell, and what appeared in front of Guan Heng turned out to be a whole ore rock formation.

"Hey, is there any ore in this place too?"

"Hahaha, this is an unexpected harvest." Guan Heng smiled when he heard the words of King Jia Yao beside him: "And these are also agate mines, and there are quite a few."

"Oh, it turned out to be an agate mine..." At this moment, after beating the fat weasel evil beast to its last breath, the three insects also gathered around to watch, Gu Huanghou pouted and said, "These things don't seem to have any practical value. Bar?"

"It's here again, Hulu, you will say that when you see the agate mine." King Jiaxu smiled with a playful smile: "Can't you say something else?"

"All in all, I don't know what the benefits of this fancy agate mine are, I'm just expressing my true thoughts." After speaking, Guhuang Hulu casually touched the agate mine rock formations in front of him.

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