Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12397: The temptation of food

"Bang!" After colliding with the headbutt of King Jia Yao, the body of the pointed-mouthed agate bear suddenly fell out and slammed directly into the rock wall, causing it to be dizzy, and Venus shot out in front of him.

Moreover, the sharp agate stone pieces on the sharp-billed bear did not hurt the king of the eagle, instead they shattered and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" But the injured sharp-billed bear was a little unconvinced, because King Jia Yao threatened to take away its important ingredient, the agate ore layer.

Once those things are lost, it is not easy to find other food in this barren, small alien space. There is only one fate for the sharp-mouthed agate bear, that is, to starve to death.

Rather than waiting for death slowly in starvation, it is better to fight with the enemy. This is the idea of ​​Agate Bear at this time, so even though his head is covered in blood, this guy does not want to give up resistance.

"Do you still want to fight? This guy really has a bit of backbone." King Jia Yao said at this time: "Okay, since you have made such a decision, then Master Yao will accompany him to the end..."

"Fatty, wait a moment." Just then, Guan Heng stepped forward and patted King Jia Yao on the shoulder, and said casually: "Okay, since it has been proven that it can't beat you, then it's okay to continue. There's no point, let me do the rest of the negotiation."

"Uh, this... well, it's all up to Master Guan's arrangement." King Jia Yao grinned and said so carelessly.

"Yeah." Guan Heng nodded at this time, and walked to the pointed-mouthed agate bear not far away. As soon as the other party saw Guan Heng approaching, he immediately stood up and raised his claws to start. "Wait, I don't mean to hurt you, let's stop."

"Shuh!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng abruptly moved from Zhang Yu to the Agate Bear, and reached out and patted its forehead.

Although it was only lightly and effortlessly, the sharp-mouthed agate bear only felt a violent shock all over his body.

"Well, that's right, let's have a good talk."

As he spoke, Guan Heng spread out his hands, with a spiritual brick in his left palm and a piece of agate ore in his right hand, he said with a smile, "If you had to choose, which food would be better?"

"Ouch?!" Seeing that Guan Heng suddenly took out something and asked himself this question again, the sharp-mouthed agate bear scratched his head subconsciously, as if he was lost in thought.

It stands to reason that the "staple food" agate ore that he usually eats is in Guan Heng's right hand, and Agate Bear should take it without hesitation.

But that spiritual brick exudes a strong earthy aura, and the taste is refreshing. Just smelling it, the halal seeds from the corner of the agate bear's mouth dripped down, which is why it hesitated.

After a few breaths, the sharp-mouthed agate bear actually stretched out two claws and grabbed spiritual bricks and ore at the same time.

"Hey, don't you feel ashamed?"

"That's right, Lord Guan asked you to choose only one, but you took both? You're not ashamed!"

At this moment, King Jia Yao and Gu Huang Houlu stuck their heads out from behind Guan Heng, accusing the agate bear for his shameless behavior, which made the guy blushed, and immediately retracted a paw, and then grabbed the spirit brick, Guan said. Heng smiled and said: "Since you have chosen, then eat it, this thing is already yours."


Hearing this, Onyx Bear happily threw the spiritual brick into his mouth, chewing it creaky, as if he had never eaten such delicious food in his life, until he swallowed the last mouthful, he still squinted. It tastes like smacking your eyes.

"How about it, my spirit bricks are better than agate ore, right?"

At this time, Guan Heng said with a smile: "Actually, you eat ore just to absorb a little bit of earthy spiritual energy in it, which is much less than the spiritual energy contained in my spirit bricks, so let's mix with me in the future, spirit brick tube You can eat all you can, and there are other delicacies that you can eat whenever you want.”

"For example, this." After saying that, Guan Heng flipped his wrist to reveal a horn of Rhododendron ginseng. He gently cut off half of it and shook it in front of the pointed agate bear. The pleasant aroma emanating from the object immediately Give Onyx Bear's nose a few twitches.

"Hey hey, Master Guan, this guy doesn't seem to want to eat it, why don't you give it to me."

When he said this, King Jia Yao had already opened his big mouth and moved closer. Seeing this scene, the Agate Bear became anxious. With a nervous look on his face, he swayed his claws at Guan Heng, which meant he was saying: "No no, I don't mean it at all, I want to eat, I want to eat!"

"Well, here it is." Seeing the other party's appearance, Guan Heng was amused, and immediately threw half of the ginseng into the big mouth of the agate bear, and the rest was thrown to King Jia Yao: "You also have a share, eat it. ."

"Delicious, delicious, the hornwort ginseng always tastes so good."

King Jia Yao praised loudly while eating, and the agate bear next to him was also munching on it. It seemed that the taste of Lingshen was so good that this guy almost swallowed his tongue, and his mouth hesitated. I don't know what it means.

"Hey, you have eaten Lingshen too. What is the answer to what Master Guan asked you before?"

Gu Huanghou slapped the agate bear on the shoulder and asked. Hearing this, Onyx Bear smirked and stretched out his paws at Guan Heng, which meant to say, "Give me another bite, and I'll follow you."

"Gluttonous, another guy who succumbs to food, I despise you." King Jia Yao finished eating the ginseng and said with the tip of his tongue picking the gap between his teeth.

"Bah, Chubby, you are the least qualified to say this."

Hearing this, the three worms swept the King Jia Yao with a look of contempt, Guan Heng slapped the agate bear on the forehead, and immediately said: "It's okay for you, but we have to wait for us to remove the agate here. Pack up the ore layer and take it away, you and us will talk about it after we go back, let’s help together.”

"Ouch?!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the pointed-mouthed agate bear was stunned at first, then nodded hastily, and then tugged at Guan Heng's sleeve with its claws, which meant that there was something to talk about. He says.

"If you have something to say, say it."

"Ow, woo..." Because he ate the spiritual brick that contained Guan Hengtu's profound spiritual energy, the agate bear had no obstacle to communicate with him now, and it said to Guan Heng, "If I can tell you that other agate ore has this agate ore. is there any reward?"

"Hehehe, of course there is." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Tell me where those places are, and I will immediately reward you with a whole root of ginseng."

"Hoohoo!" After hearing this, Onyx Bear was overjoyed.

At this moment, the ancient wild roar and the fire claw ape soul have already stripped off the ore and rock layers, and let the little toad transfer back to the toad. What's wrong with you?"

"That's right, Onyx Bear said that it can bring us to find more ores."

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