Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12405: Abyss Beast Soul

"Pfft—" The next moment, the sharp-horned red-haired monster who collapsed limply on the ground spit out a blood mist, and then the guy whose facial features shifted his position realized that all these people in front of him were vicious, and none of them were It can deal with enemies.

"If you don't run, you won't have a chance to escape!" The sharp-horned red-haired monster thought of this, and couldn't help but shivered in a cold war. Then, it stood up and wanted to turn its head and flee.

"Hey hey, still want to run? Since you're here, don't leave, little ones, give it to me!" At this moment, Gu Huang, with his hands on his hips, sneered and waved his orders immediately.


"Boom!" The moment he heard the order, several fire-clawed ape souls roared and rushed towards them. Fist, and immediately fell to the ground by the ape souls.

In a few breaths, the unfortunate red-haired monster was beaten all over and was almost unable to make a sound.

Just when this guy was dying and was carried to Guan Heng by the fire claw ape soul, the trembling red-haired monster with sharp horns found out of the corner of his eyes that his little minions had been killed by the round-spotted python.

"Hehehe, I heard that all of you red-haired monsters like to sneak attack on others for fun? Very good." Guan Heng said calmly at this time: "Exactly, I also like to kill you.

"Originally, we didn't have time to specifically hunt down scumbags like you, so it's okay to kill all those little scumbags. I didn't expect you to come to the door to find death by yourself, so you're out of luck."

After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Monty Python, this guy is handed over to you!"


"Chuckling... chuckling..." It was just a few breaths, and the red-haired monster, whose bones were all shattered and turned into a pool of muddy flesh, was thrown to the ground.

"Okay, the enemy has been resolved, and we should move on." Guan Heng asked casually, "Which way should we go next?"

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the Buck-toothed Squirrel King approached and murmured twice at Guan Heng, which meant, "I will lead you to the next shortcut. "

"Okay, let's go,"

Guan Heng nodded to the squirrel king, and the other party immediately let out a neigh, "Boom-boom-shhush-shhh--" In the flash of light, a large number of buck-toothed squirrels followed his boss, rushing towards the front. , Guan Heng and the others followed closely behind.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the location of another ore rock formation in the belly of the mountain. The surrounding area is relatively dark, but it is not uncomfortable for everyone, because even in an environment where you can't see your fingers, for Guan Heng, who has excellent night vision ability, it is easy to observe the nearby area.

"Strange." At this time, King Jia Yao looked left and right, and then muttered: "I always feel that the quietness around is a bit unusual, and this kind of unusual dead silence is really uncomfortable."

"It's true." Gu Huanghou, who was next to him, nodded and said, "I feel the same way."

"Hey, Squirrel King." Guan Heng asked at this moment, "Are there any exotic or vicious beasts living nearby?"

Hearing this, the Squirrel King shook his head, and then made gestures and squeaked and told Guan Heng: "Around this is a secret tomb of beasts in the entire mountain, no matter what kind of guy dies. , will be discarded by their own comrades in the nearby abyss."

Even some vicious beasts that like to nibble on each other will throw the leftover corpses and bones of the same race here. Over time, there will be strange wind noises in the nearby abyss, scaring the beasts in the mountain. I don't want to come near here.

"Abyss tomb? This is a bit interesting, but now is not the time to investigate there, let's look for agate ore first."

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced at the agate bear and the round-spotted python. The other party immediately nodded in unison, and then led Guan Heng and the others to the nearby rock wall. Guan Heng said again: "Fat, help."

"Okay!" Hearing this, King Jia Yao suddenly swooped and slammed into the rock wall with his head butt, "Boom! Clap la la—" In just a split second, the rock wall collapsed in a large area. , the layers of agate ore on the inside were immediately revealed to everyone.


"Squeaky!" Guan Heng waved his hand, and the agate bears and buck-toothed squirrels immediately gathered around and started digging hard for ore.

"Master Guan." At this time, Guhuang Houlu leaned over to Guan Heng and said, "There seems to be something unknown nearby quietly approaching."

"Well, I feel it too." Guan Heng said casually at this time: "Let Fatty stay here to accompany the Agate Bear and Squirrel to dig for stones, and the three of you and I will go over to see the situation."

"Yes, I listen to you, Master Guan."

"Let's go." While speaking, Guan Heng has hurriedly walked in that direction with the three insects.

"Ohh Ohh ohh--"

Just after walking more than ten steps forward, everyone suddenly heard a series of strange whistling sounds in their ears, Guan Heng swept the corner of his eye, then pointed to the left front and said: "Over there, Hulu, go and give me the other party. Take it back and see who's at fault."

"Okay!" With a promise, the roar immediately swayed into the air, "Crack!" I just heard a crisp sound from the dimly lit area in mid-air, and then, Gu Huang Roar's cry sounded: "Grab it! this guy."

"Master Guan, look, it's such a thing." After landing on the ground, Hulu handed the thing in his hand to Guan Heng, and said casually: "According to my inference, it should be some kind of beast soul?"

"Well, it is indeed a beast soul body." Holding the object, Guan Heng took a closer look, and then said: "The quality of this beast soul is really good, although its own strength is not good, but if it can be refined into a lot of Pure soul power."

"Master, do you want to..."

The mother of evil worms was blessed to the heart, and suddenly guessed the meaning of Guan Heng, he nodded: "You guessed it right, I just want to go to that abyss beast tomb to see, anyway, there are many beast souls there, rather than stay in It's better to be wasted in the mountainside than to be taken away by me."

"Hey hey, what Master Guan said is reasonable, so it should be done." Hearing this, Gu Huanghou rubbed his hands together and said with great interest, "It's not too late, let's start quickly."

"Well, act immediately after finding the abyss. After all, we have to continue mining the agate ore. The search for the beast soul is just a whim, and it can't be delayed for too long." After speaking, Guan Heng immediately led the evil worms to the front. go.

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