Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1253: Forced to advance (first)

"But you're not like that dwarf, strong."

The Skeleton Leader continued: "Your strength has touched the bottom line of our palace undead guards, plus you have killed my men, I must avenge them, for public or private, I will not let You passed, unless you knock me down, you can go to the palace of the dragon monster to find out. "

"What are you waiting for?" Guan Hengxi pulled out the dragon's teeth and said slowly: "Brother Weng Li, Borui, Abu, all of you are back, I'll fight against this skeleton leader a bit."

"Courage!" Skull commanded the whole body's high-spirited warfare, and he shouted, "I don't know for the past hundreds of years, I haven't had the pleasure to kill the enemy myself for a long time, come on!"

"Uh-huh!" In the low roar, the skeleton's giant sword in Aso's palm suddenly gathered a layer of intangible gas, the **** gas of the blade spread, and even the scorpion's head on the handle seemed to start flashing. The coldness of his eyes.

"This is my strongest stunt--the undead skeleton fights!" Shouted Aso: "Strong, you are qualified to die under this trick!"

The words did not fall, the figure of the skeleton leader suddenly disappeared in place, and moved to Guan Heng in a moment: "Kill!" The voice had not fallen, and the giant sword had been wrapped around the heavenly spirit, and he was chopped against Guan Heng's heavenly spirit. And fall.

When the blade was one inch away from Guan Heng's forehead, the dragon's tooth blade of Guan Heng's hands suddenly crossed and greeted: "When 啷 —— 锵!" He held on to the slash of the giant knife without hesitation, "creak ... "The dragon tooth blade and the giant knife have begun to froze in an instant, and countless Mars shot out!

"Ahhhhhh!" The dagger in the palm of the skeleton's command was growing stronger in his roar, and Guan Heng saw this scene also screaming: "Okay, let you also teach me the fighting spirit of the dragon!"

"Boom!" For a short time, the battle dragon fighting spirit wrapped in the two forces of ice and fire, and slammed away at the giant sword led by the skeleton.

Suddenly, Aso felt that his bone-boned arm was shrouded by a cold chill, and a skull led him, screaming, shaking his arm and waving his knife instantly, and the cold air of the ice magic knife was shaken away.

"It is worthy to be the boss of the Skeleton Soldier. He has two sons."

Guan Heng secretly praised him, but the offensive on his hand was like a raging swell, and he was out of control, and he saw a pair of dragon tooth blades wrapped in ice and fire, fighting violently, slashing wildly, and making a skeleton with a drum of pressure. Commander Aso stepped back step by step, the huge knife in the opponent's palm left and right blocked, and there was no room for counterattack.

"When!" Suddenly, the dragon's blade slanted the handle of Aso's giant sword obliquely, the opponent's forearm trembled, and the grasping knife's hand was almost loose. The skeleton leader had no time to make the next reaction, closing the dragon's teeth in the other hand. The blade of cold light suddenly emerged, and the tendency of slashing suddenly turned into a spike: "Kill!"

"Uh!" Aso took a back-up hid and moved a little slower, and the golden helmet on his head suddenly split into two, when he fell to the ground.

"Good opportunity!" At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly jumped up into the air, and the dragon's blades gathered the ice and fire swords and wrapped up the dragon's fighting spirit, smashing in a violent drink: "Bingyan double magic fighting with gas."

"This momentum is really too strong!" The skeleton leader felt as if a mountain was pressed down from his head. In a distressed atmosphere, it was unavoidable. Aso yelled and lifted the huge knife, and greeted him with all his strength. Go up!

"Boom!" The power of Bingyan Demon's combat slash is like a violent flash flood. A pair of dragon's tooth blades chopped on the giant sword led by the skull with a thunderous potential. Clicking and crunching, the giant knife in the master's hand suddenly Cracked and cracked, one red, one blue, two shattered blades, and it struck his whole body in a blink of an eye.

"Uh-huh ..." In the stern roar, the skeleton led Assona's huge bones, half covered with ice, and blazed by flames, and the scene was unbearable.

"Awesome ice flames and vindictiveness ... but it's impossible to kill me Aso!" The skeleton leader disturbed by flames and ice seals suddenly gave a roar: "Skull King's vindictiveness, blow me up !!"

"Bang, bang, huh!" Suddenly, the fighting spirit of the skeleton leader suddenly changed from pale to pale gold. This pale gold fighting spirit was far more powerful than Aso's outburst, and the skull led his fists. Touched, suddenly the whole body of Bingyan knife shattered.

"Hahaha, I haven't been promoted from the level of" command "to" skeleton king "in these years. I know that this is because I have not encountered a real opponent and cannot break through my own bottleneck."

At this moment, Aso, who was extremely weak and indifferent, exuded the whole body, looked at Guan Heng and sneered: "I want to thank you, because you made me feel threatened by destruction, so I was promoted to the skeleton king."

"Also, I have this kind of power!" "Oh!" Aso's white bone arm waved gently, and the golden bones wrapped around the metacarpal for a long time, forming an invisible palm knife.

"Yeah yeah-look at the trick!" The bone-booming Qi Zhang Dao suddenly drawn a half arc, wrapped in strong wind and chopped towards Guan Heng. Guan Heng only smiled slightly at this time: "Promotion from the commander to the skeleton king is nothing more than to help you delay the death."

"Since you're going to play, then I'll show you the gap between us." Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and he suddenly entered the sheath. On his own palms, a layer of fiery red color was attached instantly, It is the power of Dragon's Breath crystal encircled by Qing Huang's residual soul in Guan Heng's body. This power is extremely indescribable.

Suddenly, Guan Heng also waved a hand knife wrapped in crimson dragon's breath, and Kankan collided with the light gold fighting hand knife of the skeleton king Aso.

"Bang! Click!" Aso, who had just been promoted to Skeleton King, unexpected things happened. The moment his light gold vindictiveness came into contact with the opponent, he was defeated, and then the whole was protected by Skeleton King vindictiveness. His boned arm shattered in response to the ground, and it was turned off by Guan Heng's hand knife.

"Ah !! This is impossible!" Skull King Aso yelled out of control, "I obviously and I have got invincible power, why did I ..."

"Well, nothing in the world is impossible."

Guan Heng cut off the opponent's white bone arm with a knife and did not chase after victory. Instead, he sneered sneerly: "In front of me, a skeleton king is not in my eyes at all. To be honest, an opponent better than you, I have seen No less than a thousand, you, just a toad at the bottom of a well, you haven't seen too many days. "

"Abominable !! How dare you look down on me!" Upon hearing this, the angry skull king yelled: "Bone tiger, come here!"

"Oh!" Skeleton King's mount, at this time rushed to its front, Aso said coldly, "Let your spine use!"

—— [First update of 2016.6.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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