Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1260: Notes and pendants (third)

At this moment, the fat old man Sanqiu did not see the subtle changes in Guan Heng's face. He said to himself: "The two monsters used wind magic at the time, and the power was amazing. I originally planned to watch two He walked away, but accidentally stepped on the dead branch in the ground, and the other party was immediately noticed. "

Guan Heng asked casually: "After that?"

"The two monsters were crazy when they saw me. They actually talked and talked." Sanqiu said, "Screaming, what's the big deal is not good, the hiding place was found, you must Kill me and kill my mouth. "

"Then the two monsters shot at me and attacked with a variety of wind magic to cover their face for a while."

Sanqiu looked at his clothes cut by the wind blade and sighed. "At the beginning, I still wanted to compare with those two goods. Who knows that my fire magic is in the hands of the other party, but I can't beat it. . "

"What ?!" Guan Heng asked suddenly, "Can't even your Fire Demon Wrath spell win the other party?"

"If it's better to go it alone, I might be able to tie with each other."

Sang Qiu shook his head and said, "But when the two mixed **** shot, they always made progress together. One of them used the wind system to stop my Wrath of Wrath, and the other shot his side to dispel my magic. Two The **** things worked well together, and as soon as I saw the situation was not good, I hurried back with the teleportation spell. "

"But that's it. When I ran away, the two guys gave me a blade with a wind blade, hey ... hh ..." Sang Qiu said here, touching his shoulder on his hand: "It hurts. , Is still bleeding. "

"Then your bluebeard flatworm caught?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "I guess Mrs. Jiang Ge is still waiting for it."

"Oops!" Upon hearing this, Sanqiu suddenly cried out, "Just patronizing and fighting with the two guys, I forgot about catching the blue-bearded flatworm."

"I wish you good luck, and Mrs. Jiang Ge's temper will definitely teach you well." Guan Heng's mouth flashed a joke of laughter suddenly and turned to leave: "Farewell."

"Guan Heng, wait." Sang Qiu, the fat old man, saw Guan Heng going and quickly reached out to stop him: "Hey, you have to help me this time, the old man will never treat you badly."

In fact, Guan Heng didn't plan to let go, just now he thought, "Lake Yodali? It sounds familiar to me, ah, by the way, according to Recamo's memory, the hometown of Beak Long Lude seems to be there, because Rudd's dragon egg was obtained there. "

"Hey, boy." Sanqiu saw Guan Heng standing still, his face undecided, and he hurriedly said, "Looking at my old man who helped you a lot in the past, you can't abandon me this time. And go. "

"Right, Father Sanqiu, do you know this thing?" Guan Heng suddenly took out the pendants and pamphlets obtained at the abandoned temple fair, and handed them to Sanqiu: "This is a breeding manual about the ancient guardian elves, If you can help me understand the above, I will go with you to Lake Yodali to be your bodyguard. "

"Take it for me." Upon hearing this, the fat old man Sang Qiu grabbed the black leather booklet, he looked down a few pages, and a sudden surprise appeared on his fat face.

"Guan Heng, where did you find this treasure?" Sanqiu shouted excitedly at this moment: "This is a real manuscript of the ancient guardian spirit breeding book, and it is still 700 years old The note of the former famous sage, Herods of the Sea. "

"Oh my God, Sea Martyr is the last sage with the protection of a guardian spirit."

Sanchu murmured to himself: "I traveled to various places in St. Lomplon when I was young. I have seen many ruins and manuscripts left by the Martyrs, but I have never seen such a complete guardian elves breeding note. , This thing is priceless. "

Sang Qiu said here, his greedy light could not be concealed in his eyes: "Give it to me ..."

"Slap!" Sanqiu's voice didn't fall, and the pendants and booklets in his hand were long taken away by Guan Heng. He said angrily to Sanqiu: "This is what this master bought for money. Anything for you? You're just a bad old man, not a big beauty, and you won't get my extra gift. "

"Don't say that, boy Heng Heng." Sanqiu said quickly: "I am amusing you to play, how can our elderly people grab children's toys, misunderstanding, hey, a misunderstanding."

In order to keep Guan Heng from taking the matter just now, Sang Qiu also said, "I glanced at it just now and found that the pendant seemed to be a 'guardian spirit branded stone.'"

"The Guardian Elf's Branded Stone ?!" Guan Heng said with a question mark in his head, and shook the inconspicuous item in his hand, "What is it?"

"I also just saw it in the booklet." At this time, Sanqiu smiled and said with a smile on his face, "but when you saw the word, wasn't your note taken back by you?"

Sanqiu's meaning was obvious. He wanted Guan Heng to show him his notes. Guan Heng gave Sanqiu a vigilant look, and then passed the booklet. He said fiercely in his mouth. If you dare to take it, then run away, then the incident of catching the blue-bearded flatworm is smashed. "

"Okay, your kid really looks like a dog who feeds."

The fat old man muttered in a low voice, and quickly grabbed the booklet. He opened a few pages and pointed to the above figure and said, "See? It's exactly like the item in your hand. It says that the guardian spirit is branded. The stone is my own guardian elves 'home, just like the elves' home. "

Then, Sanqiu told Guan Heng a lot of legends about the ancient guardian elves. It turned out that before the "god" on the land of St. Lomplon did not disappear, the life of the guardian elves was one of the "convenience pets" given to human beings by God. .

The so-called guardian elves are all hatched from the eggs of god-given human beings. Initially, they were only the size of rice grains. Only with the true care and care of the owner can the guardian elves thrive and share various tasks for their own masters.

Only those who are pure in heart and possess great power can have their own guardian elves, such as the wise man seven hundred years ago-Sea Martyr.

Speaking of them, the guardian elves after being fully grown are very capable. They are not only proficient in various attack and defense auxiliary magic, but also absolutely loyal to the master. They have a fast learning ability. Most of the guardian elves like to ingest, learn and digest all kinds of knowledge. Art and cooking are also what they are good at.

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