Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1268: Step into the tomb of the dragon (first)

"I see, then I'll go back quickly." Guan Heng finished, twisting his hands and waving to the fat old man: "Mr. Sanqiu, I'm going."

"Boy Guan Heng, pay attention to safety." Sanqiu said, "Don't think that you are invincible in the world, you can't be beaten, be careful."

At this time, Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand, stepped into the center of the beam of light, and Erka Xia's voice still rang in his ear: "Mr. Guan Heng, please remember that before entering the tomb of the dragon, let the The dragon soul wraps your whole body so that the gate will teleport you in. "

"Thank you for reminding me. I'll go and see you later." Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and his figure had disappeared into the beam of light.

"This scumbag, everything looks relaxed." Sanqiu shook his head at this moment, he asked loudly: "Crystal ball ... ah no, Erka Xia, Guan Heng was not in danger when he entered the tomb of the dragon? "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sanqiu, I can't answer this question well, because I don't know the answer," said Erkaxia slowly. "Because of the dragon tomb, besides the ordinary dragon family, there is still a temper that is sleeping. A testament oracle. "


At the same time, Guan Hengyu appeared in a strange space that was as dark as the sky and shining stars everywhere.

"Guan Heng, it really confuses me, where are we?" At this time, Dragon Soul Kufa stunned in Guan Heng's mind: "You said it."

Guan Heng laughed: "Hehehe, here is the gate to the dragon tomb."

"Dragon, dragon tomb? Is it true?" After hearing this, Kufa was excited for no reason, but Guan Heng said quickly: "But this dragon tomb is not the dragon tomb in your hometown of Ashton, but It's the dragon tomb of St. Lompland. "

"Then what did you take me here for?" The tone of Dragon Soul Kufa was inexplicably panic: "Shit, wouldn't you just want to throw me here? I don't want to be in a dragon tomb in a foreign land. Stay here! "

"Be at ease, I didn't say I would throw you here." Guan Heng casually said, "I just came here to save a person, and walked into the dragon tomb by the way, so long, I have not visited the dragon tomb. What does it look like. "

"Hoo, remember to make it clear, but it scared me."

Hearing that Guan Heng didn't intend to throw himself at this inexplicable dragon tomb, Kufa was relieved. He said, "Then you must take me out of here after you've done everything. Seriously, the more you go Moving forward, the more hair in my heart, there seems to be something in front of me that makes the soul tremble, I am a little scared. "

"Really, how dare you be so timid?" Guan Henggang was laughing at Kufa, but at this moment he felt a sudden chill in front of him.

"This is ..." Guan Heng hurried forward a few steps, just to see a huge stone gate in the dark space in front of him, a head of an incomparable dragon, filled with an ancient origin, and he was with the world. The tyrannical breath.

"Hoo--" This overwhelming breath suddenly turned into invisible resistance, and Kankan stopped Guan Heng walking forward, which made him difficult.

"Abominable, you want to stop my Guan Heng's way with all the momentum?" He laughed loudly, and Guan Heng's tone suddenly became arrogant: "Just because you are worth it, give it to me-get out! "

Suddenly, the crimson dragon's breath in Guan Heng's body crystallized agitated endlessly, suddenly bursting out ten times stronger than the invisible breath in front of him, "嗤 啦 ——" is like a white paper gently ripped by a giant giant, The force that blocked Guan Heng's progress was shattered, and Guan Heng took the next step as usual.

At this time, Guan Heng saw a towering ice wall that was more than ten meters thick. It could stand against the stone gate of most of the dragon tombs. At the core of the ice wall, there was a man in a white robe and over five years old. The old man with a white beard at ten years old, this man has a clear face and a thin figure. His appearance is lifelike, but his eyes are closed, and he does not know how to live or die.

"The sage seven hundred years ago, Mr. Hailiedushi, who was blessed by the guardian spirit." Guan Heng gently put his hand on the ice wall, and gently felt a hint of coolness from it, Guan Heng said softly: " Please wait a moment, when I enter the tomb of the dragon to collect ambergris and dracaena, I will rescue you. "

After saying this, Guan Heng looked at the tiny cracks on the stone gate, and he said to himself: "These are the signs of destruction that Mr. Hailiedushi barely sealed with the" Spell of Frozen Soul ", Well, it seems that the dragon spirit that attacked him also got out of this gap. "

"Kufa, listen." Guan Hengyang said, "I'm going to enter the tomb of the dragon now, and I need your help next."

"Me?" Longhunku asked inquisitively in French, "How do you want me to help?"

"The guards of the Crystal Dragon Palace reminded me that the tomb of the dragon is only a place where souls can enter, and it must be a dragon soul full of the power of light attributes, I'm afraid only you can.

Guan Heng said at this time: "Now you wrap my body with your own soul. Only then can we have a chance to enter."

"It's really troublesome," Kufa complained in Guan Heng's mind, and then called out, "Be careful, I'm going to start."

Speaking of time and time, Kufa ’s dragon soul body suddenly grew up several times, and wrapped Guan Heng in it all at once. Guan Heng looked at his palms at this time and found that there was a thin layer of film on it. He nodded, "It should be almost."

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly stretched out a hand and pressed it on the stone gate of the dragon tomb. That position was exactly in the middle of the blood basin of the dragon relief on the stone gate. The huge faucet closed the mouth of the blood basin with awe and closed it, and held Guan Heng's hand unbiased.

In an instant, Guan Heng just felt that the space around him and her could not change. He seemed to be experiencing countless scouring and washing, and countless scenes, dazzling through his eyes. It was between millennia and millennia. All dragon races fought, inhabited and reproduced. , The process from life to death.

"No matter how strong and fierce you are when you are alive, and you have unique strength, you can't escape the passage of time." In this historical whirlpool, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Even if it is a dragon with a long life, in the end Enter this cold, lonely dragon tomb. "

Suddenly, Guan Heng had entered another world, and he saw huge dragon bones in front of him. The bones of these dragons were lying down or standing in various strange postures.

—— [2016.6.10 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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