Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1270: The plague of infection (third)

The gate here belongs to the eastern area of ​​the dragon tomb. Generally, this place is where the more violent and unruly dragon souls lived. They are also responsible for guarding the gate of the dragon tomb.

But hundreds of years ago, several dragon souls seemed to be infected by some dark power, and they repeatedly hit the inside of the dragon's tomb stone door like crazy, and the dark matter on those dragon souls can even be transmitted. There are many Normal Dragon Souls also join their camp.

In the end, the stone gate was knocked out of the crack and almost collapsed. Fortunately, this incident shocked the Saint-Lombron dragon **** who was sleeping in the stone monument at the end of the dragon tomb, and then there was a turning point.

Although the Majesty the Dragon God fell after the tribal battles in ancient times, he still has some magical powers, so he casts mana to capture all the dragon souls infected with dark matter, and bans them in the west and north areas of the dragon tomb.

"Counting the time, those dragon souls infected with dark matter should make trouble more than 700 years ago."

At this time, for the dragon soul that led the way, Xu Su said, "After the accident, the spirit of the dragon **** fell into a state of extreme fatigue, and then returned to the dragon **** monument to sleep. This pass is seven He never woke up for a hundred years. "

"It turned out to be like this, it seems necessary to see what the infected dragon souls look like in the future." Guan Heng said at this time: "If those guys are too harmful in the dragon tomb, then I will kill them easily. To them. "

"Is that true? Master Guan Heng, don't you know, since His Majesty Dragon God exerted his power and sealed the group of Dragon Souls infected with dark matter in the west and north areas, it is normal for us. My companions were terrified all day, always feeling that the seal was not secure, for fear that those terrible guys would rush out and infect us. "

The approaching dragon soul was called Kaixiu. After hearing Guan Heng's words, he was so happy that he almost didn't cry: "If you can make those dragon souls disappear, it will be a big help for us."

"It's just a matter of hand." Guan Heng said, "I don't want those infected dragon souls to rush out of the tomb of the dragon to harm the souls of Saint LP, and settle them sooner or later."

"Then I would like to thank Master Guan Heng for the normal brothers." Guilu Dragon Spirit Kaixiu said at this time: "Look, the west area of ​​the dragon tomb is in front. The ambergris and dracaena here are us. The blood and flesh after the death of the Dragon Brothers are extremely precious. "

"Yeah!" The voice of the leading dragon soul Kaixiu did not fall. A dozen groups of dragon souls sprang out from the dead bones of the opposite dragon, and surrounded them aggressively.

"Kaixiu, how dare you take the strange human and dragon soul to step on our site?" One of the flying dragon spirits showed a virtual image of the dragon's head, and shouted at Kaxiu: " Don't think that you can be arrogant in your seniority. I have a dozen brothers here and I won't buy yours! "

"Brother Lou Lou, don't get me wrong." Kaixiu hurriedly called, "Mr. Guan Heng, the strong man of this tribe, has great magical powers. He can destroy the infected souls, so I brought him here. . "

"Nonsense, I don't believe it ..." Long Soul Luo Lou's voice didn't fall, and she was too lazy to burst with the crimson dragon breath of its nonsense, and suddenly shook dozens of dragon souls headed by Luo Lou. Luo Lou shouted out loudly, "He ... he has such a courageous power as Lord Dragon God ?!"

"Do you know how terrible right now?" Yinlu Longhun Kaixiu thought to himself: "Lao Tzu has just eaten up, but now I'm letting you, a little boy who doesn't know what to do, taste this taste."

Guan Heng appropriately distributes some coercion, which immediately shocked many dragon souls. He exclaimed, "I'm not hostile to your normal dragon souls now, but if you don't know what to do, don't blame me! "

"Dare not dare. Since the strong man has the general momentum of His Majesty the Dragon God, we are convinced to take it orally, and we never dare to have a heart." Long soul Luo Lou said in a low voice: "I do not know what you just said, to destroy the infected dragon soul Is it true? "

"That's right, only I have the ability to solve those guys." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders, "Why don't you believe it?"

"Faith, we certainly believe it." Lou Lou said quickly: "The infected dragon souls have always troubled us. They used to be our brothers in the past, but now they are in the seal circle, becoming more and more crazy every day. Looking at the suffering of the infected brother, we ... were about to collapse, for fear we would become like that one day. "

"Well, hurry up and take me to the Seal Array." Guan Heng said, "I'll see how to solve their pain."

"Master Guan Heng, please here." Dragon Soul Lou Lou said, flying all the way in the air, leading Guan Heng to the front of a huge seal array.

Guan Heng looked at this circular seal array surrounded by countless gold grating bars, like a prison cage shape. There were hundreds of dragon souls with dark luster around him. He was hitting the light bar in front of him in mad turns, trying to charge. come out.

"The seal array formed by these gold grating bars has appeared in a state of bleakness and disintegration." Guan Heng said at this time, "I am afraid that the seal array of the Dragon God will not last long."

"That's it, Master Guan Heng." Luo Lou said in a worried tone beside him. "In recent years, we have also gone to the Dragon God's Monument to lament and hope that Lord Dragon God will wake up and strengthen the seal array, but There has been no response, which makes us even more worried. "

"Even the soul of the dragon **** hasn't woken up yet! How is it done in this dragon tomb? There are so many weird things."

Guan Heng thought about this, and took a step subconsciously, approached the Seal Array to observe the infected dragon souls. At this time, the Dragon Soul Kufa suddenly reminded: "Guan Heng, do you think that these strange soul groups are attached to them? Matter is a bit like ... black magic in the realm. "

After Kufa reminded him so, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and then said, "It's a bit similar, but it seems to be more pure than the black magic that we have seen. There seems to be a long and old breath, no matter what. How to say, this infectious substance must have a direct relationship with the abyss demons. "

"If I have to deal with the dark air of the Demon Realm, I still have a little snack." Guan Heng thought of this and waved at the dragon soul that surrounded him: "You, all back, I'm going to start dealing with the infected guy."

Kaixiu, Luo Lou, and more than a dozen dragon souls hurried to find the gaps in the nearby dragon bones and hid. For fear that Guan Heng accidentally let go of an infected dragon soul, he would have a bad mold on his side.

—— [The third change of 2016.6.10, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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