Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1290: Who do you like (third)

"Guan Heng, who's the body you said was too small?" Dovre smiled with a high toe at this moment: "See? We are very good at guarding the elves, and we can adjust the shape of the body ourselves."

"Wow, it's really beautiful." At this time, Imila and Dorie were gazing at each other, and they muttered to themselves: "I didn't expect that the guardian elves looked so beautiful!"

"It's ... uh ... it's beautiful, but it's a matter of having a child ..." Guan Henggang wanted to explain a few more words. At this time, the light around Dovre flashed again, and she turned back to the size of rice grains. He flew back to Guan Heng's shoulders.

"Haha, this huge spell has caused too much magic power." Doffer sneered at this time and said, "I can hold on for ten seconds at a time ..."

"Ten seconds, um ... hahaha, little ancestor, you still can't do anything." Guan Heng smiled and waved to Yimera and Dorie, then said to Doffer: "It seems I need to give Classmates, explain about human body structure and reproduction. "

Pointing at Imila, Guan Heng said, "This is the same girl as you." Then pointing at Dori, Guan Heng said, "This is a boy, not like you."

"If you want to have children because of the next generation, it must be a male + female model. As for female + female, it is completely impossible." Guan Heng then said to Dovre: "Now I ask you if you want to get married, Imela and Dorie, which one would you choose? "

"Then I'll choose her, I still like this type!" Dovre said, and landed on Imira's head without hesitation. Dorie immediately rolled with a smile: "Hahaha, really It's so interesting. "

"Well, I'm in a suit." Guan Heng sighed bitterly at this time: "Doffer, it seems that you like girls, not an IQ problem, but ... In short, if the guardian elves are all like you ' Orientation ', then there is only one way to extinction. "

At this point, even Emila's face was green, she screamed, waving her hands like a fly and shouting, "Don't stop on my head, hate."

Speaking of which, Imila frightened and fled into the wasteland, and Doriel managed to get up at this moment. He almost bent his waist and smiled: "Haha ... that, Brother Hengheng, let me practice first Bow and arrow, see you later. "

At this moment, Guan Heng said with a dull face in his opponent's heart, "You listen to me. Don't disturb the girls on the island in the future. Do you understand?"

"Ah? Is it too straightforward for others to show love?" Dovre scratched his head at this time and said, "Will you prepare a small gift or send a flower next time, and then propose?"

"Stupid, this is not a matter of technique and skill at all!" Guan Heng was so angry that he yelled, "But you are the wrong person at all, idiot you."

"Boom-click-wow!" At this time, a huge sound came from the cliff side of the island, and the whole island was shaken.

"That's it ?!" Guan Heng moved his heart, immediately realizing that the sound came from the cave where the rain beast and Ruta were on the island: "Is Ruta finally awake?"

"Doffer, come here first." Guan Heng couldn't help but say at this time, driving the branded stone on the pendant, stashing the guardian spirit in, and poor Doffer was shouting: "Hey, I haven't thought What a proposal ... "

The rumbling just now has alarmed most of the people on the island, Imira, Dorie, Maze, Madam Jiang Ge, and the fat man Sanqiu, as well as the Shaharu couple, gathered from all sides to the cliff cave entrance. .

At this moment, Guan Heng had been there for the first time. At this time, Praying Rain Beast filled with a tired voice, "Is Guan Heng in?"

"I'm here!" Guan Heng hurried forward and asked with a little anxiety: "Pray for the rain beast, how is Ruta?"

"He's about to wake up soon," cried Yu Yushou, "Did I get the seed grass for me?"

"Here." Guan Heng shook the bag in his hand: "Will you use it now?"

"Come with me into the cave." Qi Yushou greeted Guan Heng at the cave entrance, and said to others, "Please, please wait a while for the place to come. If there is anything else, I will go in with Guan Heng. No one will be disturbed afterwards, and we will meet later. "

The next moment, Guan Heng, carrying a sack of medicinal herbs, followed the rain beast and entered the cave. He saw Ruta lying on the stone platform at this moment. Although his eyes were still closed, he was no longer as weak as a hairspring in the past. Now I ’m breathing evenly, and my face is gradually ruddy.

"Take the remedy grass out and squeeze out five grass seeds." After listening to the rain beast, Guan Heng hurried to follow the instructions and squeezed out those round and smooth grass seeds like little beans, holding them in the palm of his hand. "Well, everything is ready."

"Hoo, gently put these grass seeds into his eyeless eyes."

Breathing twice, Qiyu Beast slowly breathed out and said, "I didn't expect to help Ruta wake up to consciousness and woke up. It actually consumed most of my magic power. Now it ’s really inferior. If anything, Herbs that can help me recover ...

Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly smiled and jerked out some exotic plants. He said, "I have ambergris and dracaena here. Would you like to try it?"

"Oh my god, it's really the spirit grass in the dragon tomb. I just heard about it. Where did you get it?" Qi Yushou saw something in Guan Heng's hand, and immediately sucked in a fragrant breath. At this moment, Praying Beast felt that let alone take a bite, just smelling the breath of ambergris, he was already energized.

Taking a sip of ambergris, letting it slowly chew in his mouth, praying to the rain beast murmured to himself: "It's a good thing. During the time when I woke up Ruta, shouldn't you come in Did you search the dragon's tomb? "

"Smart, it's about what you guessed." Guan Hengxiao asked, "Have your magic recovered? Let's get started."

"Support him and sit up," Qi Yushou said, "I now use my water system's original power to let those five remedial grass seeds be embedded in the core of Ruta's brain to create a blank area for him to receive new memories. . "

At this time, Guan Heng suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Any other notes?"

"Guan Heng, my secret method of restoring my memory is very dangerous." Qi Yushou said slowly at this time: "If the breath is successful, but if there is a slight loss, Ruta's brain will be difficult to recover. Serious damage, so I'm worried about hesitating to do it unless ... "

—— [The third change of 2016.6.14, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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