Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1292: Reminiscence World (fifth more outbreak)

"Don't shit!" The grungy grocery store owner threw away the hard crossbow in his hand, picked up a thick wooden stick held by the thug near him, and pounced on him. He shouted like a beast: "Hit me! ! "

"Bang, bang!" With the sound of a wooden stick falling on the boy in the palm of the grocery store owner, everyone around him seemed to be infected. They stared at the red pupils and joined the beating boy. In the "work".

All of a sudden, the dust was flying around, and the boy tumbled on the spot, his blood splattered, and he immediately stained the nearby ground.

"Small animals, to your death." Under the unfeeling grocer Ike picked up a stick in his hand, sighting teenager's head, which look real if the beat, the young head would suddenly crashing, must be killed !!

"Shit, you stop me!"

An arm suddenly came over in the oblique stab, and the wooden stick smashed on it without any bias. It immediately snapped into two pieces. The owner of that arm hurt his teeth and said, "Oh my mother, I haven't felt this pain for a long time Now, I almost forgot that in the memory of others, I can only be an ordinary person, and I have no superman ability. "

It was Guan Heng who came to stop the fatal blow to the teenager. He shook his bruised arm and shouted at the people present: "Do you have any humanity? It turned out to be a teenager All the children with such heavy hands are beasts! "

"Boss, you don't worry about it, otherwise, I'll even talk to you ..."

"Bang!" Without waiting for the arrogant grocery store owner to finish the sentence, Guan Heng had already punched him, hitting Aike's nose: "Sorry, your master is born with a back and ear, especially when I hear you talking like that After that! "

Ike mournfully snorted on his nose, fell down and fell out, colliding with his thugs and making a ball.

The surrounding townspeople were in a commotion. Guan Heng took this opportunity to carry the teenager on his shoulders and ran away. At this time, someone who came to his senses shouted: "Hurry up, don't let them run away—"

"Huh, this boy looked really old when he was not too old." Guan Heng carried the wind under the teenager's feet, and turned left and right around the town. He finally got into an abandoned broken house and chased after him. Everyone was thrown away.

He put the boy in the house and weeded him. Guan Heng looked at it, and his face, which was exactly like the adult Ruta, whispered, "It seems this is Juvenile Ruta. It ’s really hard for him to live to adulthood. "

He pulled out the strong crossbow, and the blood from the wound sprayed out immediately. He couldn't find any clean things around him. Guan Heng looked at the clothes on his body, so he tore a few for the teenager. Ruta made a simple bandage.

Later, Guan Heng didn't know what he should do. When he was worried, Ruta's eyelids fluttered slightly, and he was about to wake up.

"Don't talk to him for a while, and wait for it to get better."

Guan Heng thought about it, turned around and broke the house, but found that it was already a bright moon and a starry sky, and his heart was dark: "It seems that the time here is changing rapidly, day and night alternate very quickly. Since it is a memory fragment It's not surprising. "

Observing quietly the young man Ruta outside the broken window, Guan Heng saw the other side moan lowly, and sat up slowly.

At this moment, Ruta grinned and grinned at the wound and the bandaged position. He said to himself, "Who is so kind? Save me, and mention me to bandage the wound?"

Then thought of the beating he suffered, Ruta suddenly yelled fiercely: "Ike, **** Ike, if I don't avenge this, I won't call it Ruta!"

After saying this, Ruta's young eyes suddenly flashed a fierce look. He jumped out of the weed pile and stunned twice in the same place, murmured in his mouth: " I heard that Ike's boss recently bought a batch of inferior kerosene and piled it in a broken warehouse in his house. I'd rather ... ”

A moment later, a thin, fast, dark shadow swept across the street and quietly climbed up to the warehouse ridge of the grocery store owner's house.

"Hey!" HeiYing turned over and dropped, right in front of the warehouse door. He took out the ignition and shivered and wanted to ignite the haystack in front of him, but at this time he began to look a little hesitant.

The young man Ruta murmured to himself: "This ignition, what to do if someone burns? Although Aike's boss is not a thing, he has a five-year-old son, and his wife often secretly gives to poor people. A good person ... "

The hesitant boy repeatedly wanted to stop, but at this moment, footsteps came from the end of the yard, Ruta frowned, and hid behind the haystack. It was the thugs raised by the grocery store owner who walked and talked while holding the oil lamp, gradually from far to near.

"Hey, I almost strangled the little thief today. It was really enjoyable." One of the thugs whispered and chuckled: "Unfortunately, it was a pity to let a guy rescue him."

"Master has said that, the boy said that our shop sells fakes, which has caused us to lose a lot of business. The next time I see him, he will be killed and buried in the wilderness."

Another thug said: "Anyway, everyone hates this kind of thief. No one cares about us because of his life or death."

The two thugs laughed and swayed away. At this moment, Ruta hiding behind the haystack was full of anger and anger, covering his eyes with anger and anger, and Luta had lost. Reasonably, he waited until the two thugs walked away, and once again held the igniter to the haystack.

"Boss Aike, if your family is burnt to death in the fire, you will only blame you for doing too much of your morals." After saying this, your eyes will burst into flames, and vengeful Ruta will ignite the haystack. However, at this moment, a sudden obstruction came from behind him.

"Wait, did you really think about it?" The voice was not loud, but in the dark it was as loud as a thunder, and Ruta was almost thrown away by the fuse in his hand.

All of a sudden, the cold sweat on his back ran up, Ruta didn't dare look back, and did not wait for him to speak. The voice continued to say, "I save you, but I didn't let you come here to set fire to the house. If you go wrong, Life will gradually step into the dark abyss. If you want to look back, you will have no chance. "

The sound behind him struck Ruta's heart like a mallet, and pulled the teenager who was about to commit fire and murder off the cliff.

"Patter." Throw the extinguished fuse to the ground, Ruta suddenly smiled easily, he said: "Your words are not bad at all. Although the boss Ike is not a good person, I don't need to be dirty to hurt him. My own hand, that's not worth it, I'm always just a thief, not a murderer! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.14, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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