Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1295: Mercenary career (third)

"Who said that ?? I think I did it right."

Sahei patted Ruta's shoulder with a smile and said, "Brother, since I first saw you, I know that you are destined to be a great person. You must be famous in the world in the future. You must not die in the world. Baihe Town, a place where birds don't shit! Do you hear me? "

"Tongtong!" Ruta half-knelt in front of Sahei, he said with tears: "Brother Sahei, starting today, you are my loved one, not only you, your son-in-law, relatives, will always get me Sincerely repay, I am here Ruta swears and will never regret it! "

At this moment, the horse thief at the ugly alley was in a commotion. Someone shouted anxiously: "No, the townspeople are crazy, and we are desperate with us with weapons!"

At the same time, the angry roar of countless townspeople came from the distance: "Chong, go to save Ruta, he stole gold for us, and desperately worked with sand robbers, we can't be silent anymore!"

"Yes, I fight with sand robbers, and drive away these demon who eat human flesh and blood!"

After all, people are still afraid of death, and some of the robbers' teams have started to be timid: "No, there are hundreds of people in this group. What should we do?"

"Mix things, panic?" Seeing his team began to fall apart, the burglar leader simply kept doing nothing, he pulled the horse's reins, raised the curved blade in his palm, and roared: " How dare to rebel against Lao Tzu, that one would not stay, kill me all these poor ghosts, wash the town of Baihe with blood !!! "

"Luta, aim with a hard crossbow box and shoot down the asshole!" He said time and time quickly, Guan Heng suddenly snarled, and Luta immediately acted according to the words, and slammed an arrow at the opponent.

No matter how powerful you are, open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are difficult to prevent. The burglar leader is about to steer the horse forward, and he suddenly screams at the arrow. He screams, and immediately rolls over and falls on the ground.

In the flash of light, Guan Heng and Ruta rushed out from the corner of the alley at the same time. "Oh!"

"Not good, Grand Commander was also killed by Ruta, let's withdraw soon."

Some sand robbers are not good at seeing the machine, and they will run away when they turn their horses, but they did not expect that the townspeople made thick "staghorn barriers" blocking the road. They could stop the sand robbers. These angry people waved Hoes, shovel, rolling pin, and even the boots that have just been taken off, have been siege to these robbers who have oppressed themselves for a long time.

It didn't take a moment for everyone to kill hundreds of robbers and torture them, and the others took off their clothes and burned them, and threw these slick guys into the wilderness to feed the wolves.

"Brother, thank you for saving my life with Sahei. I haven't asked your name yet ..."

Ruta just said a few words to Guan Heng. All the people present, including himself, Sahei with broken arms, and the townspeople suddenly disappeared. Only Guan Heng was left in the lonely alley. When a piece of dark blue color appeared on the ground, Guan Heng immediately reached out and picked it up.

"It seems that this is the memory of the boy Ruta in Baihe Town. Here, he met his first friend in life and death, Sahe, who blocked the knife and broke his arm for himself."

Guan Heng lowered his head and gazed at the fragments, muttering to himself: "It's no wonder that Ruta can't completely forget this memory. How many times in life can you meet someone like Sahei who is desperate to help friends?"

"Oh!" At this moment, a green ball of fists emerged in the middle of the alley, and at the first sight of Guan Heng, he immediately understood that this was the second remedy grass seed, so he stuffed the dark blue fragments Into the floating green ball.

"嚓嚓 嚓 ——" Just after Guan Heng completed the action at hand, the scene around him changed again. There was an endless desert in front of him. The sun was burning the sand under his feet, making people feel anxious for a long time. Hungry.

"Where is this?" Guan Heng had just thought of it, and suddenly heard the melodious camel bell sound from a distance. In addition, the conversation between the two people gradually passed to Guan Heng's ear.

"Brother Sahei, do you really want to drive me out of the mercenary regiment?" It was a young man riding on a dromedary. When he started talking to people, he always wore the corner of his mouth. No smile.

"Huh, Ruta, you're right, I just want to drive you away."

The person sitting on the other dromedary camel is a bearded man, who is Luta's life and death friend, Sahei. At this time, Sahei seems to have grown a few years old, and there are many deep wrinkles on his forehead, but The waist is still straight, and the pride is not diminished. On the wrist of the broken arm, now a prosthetic leg cast by cast iron can be moved freely, which is extremely exquisite.

"Ruta, you have been with me for five years in the mercenary regiment. Now not only are the first-class thieves, but also the fighting skills are among the best in the regiment."

Sahei said earnestly: "You are a genius. I never doubt this. See, isn't my prosthetic hand your masterpiece?" Saying, Sahe shook his iron hand and took off his waist. The jug poured a big mouthful on the back of his neck and threw it to Ruta.

Ruta smiled slightly and took a long sip of wine. Then he asked, "Why do you want me to leave the mercenary regiment? In this case, don't you have one left and right arm?"

"I do n’t think it ’s selfish to be a human being. It ’s a big deal for you to have such a talented boy stay in the third-rate mercenary regiment. Ruta, your future is the whole world. Loud name. "

Sahei touched the short steel cymbals on his jaw, revealing the signature smirk, he said, "It's no future to mingle with our rude guys who lick blood, so you have to leave to be better Way out. "

"Well, Brother Sahei, you think about me, brother ..." Ruta's eyes flashed, but he suddenly laughed: "I won't say anything else, everything is there It's in the wine! "

"Well said, let's drink."

Reaching out to catch the jug thrown by Ruta and taking a big sip, Sahei also said, "I am not assured to give the task of exploring the tombs, so I will just call you, and having two of us is enough Now, Ruta, this is your last mercenary mission. After you get paid, you can travel around and do whatever you want. "

"Brother, this task is very rewarding, and I have to be weird," Ruta said suddenly. "If it was just a small abandoned tomb, the employer would not have paid the high price of 200,000 gold coins Beware of accidents, let's be careful. "

—— [The third change of 2016.6.15, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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