Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1307: Dive into the spy (fifth more outbreak)

At this moment, it was the replacement time of the patrol team of the Phantom Dragon Army. The moment when Guan Heng reached the mouth of the gorge, he suddenly saw a team of black armored warriors who descended from the sky and transported supplies on a snake-necked dragon. Heng thought of a way to mix in.

Just now Guan Heng and Borui met three Demon Black Armor warriors, two of them were killed by hand. When the third person was in a coma, Guan Hengshun took away his armor helmet and kept it in the storage of the Dragon Emperor's belt. In the case of materiality, this time comes in handy.

The next moment, changing the black sword warrior's costume behind Heng Heng, the chance was right, he rushed out, stunned a guy behind him, and shoved him into the bushes.


A few minutes later, in the Grand Canyon of the Stone Demon City, the gate of the Phantom Dragon Army—the gate of the Stone Demon Castle.

"Onka of the fifth team, why didn't you come back with your captain?" Looking at the waist card handed over by Guan Heng, the gated Demon soldier said with a calm face: "Don't you know this is against the rules?"

"Sorry, sorry." Subconsciously supported the helmet on his head, Guan Heng deliberately hoarsely said, "The captain ordered me to do some private affairs, so I accidentally left the team."

"Well, guys who don't have time to think about it, get back to your barracks." Still return the token to Guan Heng, the gatekeeper said angrily: "It's lunch time right away. If you have a little delay, you must be hungry. Belly. "

"Yes, thank you for your reminder." Guan Heng promised and went straight to the inside of the stone monster castle.

This stone demon castle is located at the end of the Grand Canyon. It is more than ten stories high, all of which are made of special magic domain brick and stone barriers. The surface of the fortress is full of rampant demonic reliefs, according to the prisoners seized by Guan Heng. As long as those reliefs are slightly stained with the dark air of the demon domain, they will immediately become a living ogre, the sharp minions of the phantom dragon army.

The phantom dragon legion is a stone demon fortress. It was transformed by the dragon legion based on the traditional sand building after the local "sand people" were slaughtered. The interior rooms are mainly made of stone. The bottom floors are all It is the barracks of ordinary demon black armor warriors and junior officers, and it is also the place where the snake-necked dragons are mounted.

The members of the Phantom Dragon Army mainly include black armor warriors, junior and lower rank officers, and combat staff. In addition, there is the "Phantom Assassination Guard" of the Corps Chief Kou Han. This is an elite force that is responsible for assassination of enemies, spying on intelligence, and Kou Han's close security, these ordinary intelligences, Guan Heng had already taken out of the mouths of the captured captives.

But about the kind of "strange array" that Cohen was preparing to deal with the strong human race, Guan Heng didn't get any useful information in the mouth of the soldier captives. To find out the details of this array, Guan Heng sneaked into the stone demon. The cause of the fort.

"Wow-wow-wow-wow-" Just as Guan Heng wandered aimlessly in the fortress corridor, several black armored soldiers with suitcases in their hands came forward, and the things they held were extremely heavy. A few people were grunting and panting, and the contents of the box were still rolling back and forth, so they made a rattle.

When Guan Hengzheng peeked, the black armored warriors had walked past his side, saying that time and time later, Guan Heng silently kicked a stone on the ground and walked straight in the middle. Samurai legs bent at the end.

"Ah!" The black armored warrior slammed forward and immediately fell forward. "Oops! Our box wants--" Several black armored people knew the value of the box's valuables, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Oh!" Just as the moment came, a big hand in the oblique stab reached out, holding the box impartially.

"It's dangerous." Guan Heng, who pretended to have shot at this time, said with a smile: "Brothers, you are too careless. What if this box breaks?"

"Oh, thank you brother for saving your life." One of the black armored warriors said in a hurry: "If we really destroy the contents of the box, we will not be able to lose our lives even if we put our lives together."

"Isn't it as serious as you say?" Guan Heng gently put the box on the ground at this moment, and he pretended to say easily: "This stuff, isn't it just the material the Chief of the Corps wants to collect?"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng said, and he was shocked by the black armored warriors. The black armored man headed and whispered: "Brother, don't you speak so loudly! In case! It was not a joke to be heard by the chief. "

"Yeah, yeah." Several others also said, "This thing is right for the commander of the legion, but the information has been kept secret. We know it will do. Don't go public."

"Okay, now that you guys like to be so careful, what else can I say?" Guan Heng patted the box lightly: "Anyway, I'm fine, just take this box away for you."

The black armored warriors were miserable just because of the weight of the box. Now Guan Hengken is willing to help lift the box. This is a good thing to drop the stuffing cake in the sky. They agreed without hesitation.

Guan Heng followed these demonic black armored warriors and went all the way to the treasury. The black armored warriors took off the suitcase from their shoulders and became dizzy one by one. They turned and left to rest in the barracks, but who I did not notice that Guan Heng, who was helping me just now, had disappeared silently.

At this moment, Guan Heng was flipping through the contents of the box in the storeroom, opening a box, which contained some weird stone-polished spheres, and the other boxes were all kinds of metal equipment with painted patterns and engraved weird runes. .

"Are these things the props used by Kouhan to arrange the formation?" Guan Heng looked at dozens of boxes in front of him and muttered to himself: "Anyway, these are all unfavorable factors for us and they are simply taken away. Come on. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng drove the storage compartment in the Dragon Emperor's belt and took away dozens of boxes. He chuckled in his heart: "If Kou Han knew that all his hard-earned stuff had gone into my pocket, Will he be mad directly? "

I looked at the empty and spotless warehouse, with a bit of pride in my heart, Guan Heng was about to turn around and walked out of the door of the warehouse, and heard the rapid footsteps coming from outside the door. He closed his heart suddenly, and immediately hid in hiding. Somewhere behind the door.

But the other party didn't break into the storeroom, but stopped near the corridor to start a conversation.

The first person to speak, with a little anxiety, said, "Interrogator, hasn't the mouth of the Elder Sha cried?"

"Admiral, although the old thing is now in the flesh, even the soul body is about to be shattered by our torture, but still refuses to talk about it." The interrogator said with some embarrassment: "This Sha elder Mouth is really too tight. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.17, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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