Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1338: Fall from the sky (first)

"Bang! Hey!" Once confronted, the night moon wheel chopping steadily prevailed, and Kou Han's two black gas giant claws stagnated for a moment, that is, they collapsed and broke, and he also voluntarily praised: "What an amazing chopping . "

"Unfortunately, you have no time to save that magician kid." At this moment, Kou Han smiled with a yin smile: "He must have been torn by my goblin soldier ..."

Suddenly, a sudden scream came in the air: "Who said that? And me!"

"Pulverized Dragon Tooth Slashed !!" For a while, Wan Jun thundered like a wild fierce slam, and the wind came down suddenly. "Oh!" The dozens of black armored ghost soldiers surrounding Borui swarmed and fell. On the ground, they were instantly squeezed into the soil by the power of the mountain peaks, and turned into fragmented corpses everywhere! The caller hurled his hand and hit the ground, it was Guan Heng who arrived on the occasion of the moment.

"Kou Han, see you again." Guan Heng pointed at the leader of the Phantom Dragon Army with his dragon's tooth blade obliquely, and he said disdainfully, "What other tricks do you think of, just use them."

"Huh, Guan Heng, I thought you had left your companion and ran away." A strong enemy suddenly appeared, and Kou Han's heart was a little bit hesitant. He didn't even know why Guan Heng was so late, just this There was an ominous premonition in my heart.

At this moment, Kou Han waved his arms swiftly, and all the black armored ghost soldiers, Hula La, swarmed back to him, facing Guan Heng and waiting.

"Boss, why are you here now?" At this time, Borui whispered behind Guan Heng: "The brother was so hung up and lost his life just now, Kou Han's miserable ghost soldier is really very evil, and he will rebound me Magic, you have to be careful. "

"Huh, it's just some boring little tricks." Guan Heng stared at the opposite Kou Han casually at this time, but whispered in his mouth: "The elders of the Sha clan will appear soon, and you and Ruta take all People retreat towards the entrance of the basin, where he is waiting for you, and there is a big surprise. "

At this time, I only heard a loud bang from the direction of the entrance of the basin, and Guan Heng shouted at the right time: "Let's go—" Borui waved at Ruta and others and the Shazu Shifu warriors: "Everyone Move forward. "

"You don't want to leave !!" Although startled by the loud noise just now, Cohen still roared fiercely and abnormally: "Leave the Sha people and the stone run soldiers, the black armor ghost soldiers, kill me !!!"

"It's just some corpses controlled by black gas in the Demon Realm. It's my turn to break you!" Guan Hengyi spread his palms: "Soul Demon King, it's time for you to play, destroy me these rotten corpses. "

"Yes, master!" The multi-headed Basilisk Demon King suddenly appeared in the air, roaring loudly, and swaying the nine giant snake skulls to the black armor ghost soldiers fiercely.

As an old monster who has survived countless years, Kou Han is well-informed. He recognized the things in front of him at a glance, and suddenly cried out, "This is a spirit demon ?! Impossible, how can you drive such an unwilling Tamed monster! "


At the same time, Borui, Ruta, Zuowei, and Yimera, as well as the Thirteen Sand Rune Warriors, rushed to the entrance of the huge basin.

"My God!" Borui was shocked when he saw the behemoth across from him, and he cried out, "What is this?"

"Looks like a castle?" Ruta said in surprise, "Why didn't we see it when we entered the basin just now?"

There was also a "quick brake" at the feet of Zuowei and Imira, and they shouted in unison: "Did this castle fall from the sky?"

"All of you, this is my home, it is the stone monster fortress !!" Thirteen people of the Shazu Shifu warrior headed by Kesong shouted in unison: "It is strange, where we live, how can we Appear here? "

When everyone was horrified and afraid to step forward, they just squeaked. The main entrance of the Stone Demon Bastion was wide open, and the guardian elf Dovre flew out from inside. She shouted: "All people They all hurried in. The Elders of the Sha ethnic group waited for 13 people including Ke Song on the 15th floor. You should go now. "

Seeing Doffer appear, everyone's high-hearted hearts fell to the ground. Although everyone didn't know what was going on, all of them kept walking and rushed into the gate of the Stone Demon Bastion. Two minutes later, the general control room on the fifteenth floor of the fort.

"Kesong, you can come." At this time, the elders of the Sha clan saw their own tribe, and quickly told everyone that the Stone Demon Fortress was actually a giant stone rune warrior developed by the Titans. They were so shocked that they were With stunned eyes, even Luta, Borui and others who followed him were surprised.

"Well, let's gossip less and hurry up." The Elder Sha commanded with a wave of hands: "There are fourteen work consoles in total. The main console is commanded by my Shifu dobby. Others quickly use their own. Shi Fu likes to choose seats, and has full control over the operation of the entire Stone Demon Bastion. "

Thirteen Sha people agreed, and then, each took its place and held its place. Just ten seconds later, the place where the stone monster fortress was parked made a loud noise, and then, various parts of the fortress changed from rapid changes. The stone monster fortress changed from a building to a height. Ten-meter giant rune warrior.

"Everyone notice, the Stone Demon Bastion has just turned into a giant warrior form, and the places where it should be flexible are a bit stiff." The elders of the Sha clan ordered the remaining 13 ethnic groups: "Be careful to control this fort, it is us Biggest baby. "


At this time, the battle in the basin had turned into a downside situation. Guan Heng's multi-headed snake monster demon king swept Kou Han's black armored ghost soldiers, leaving the opponent with no fighting power.

"Boom, bash, bash!" Nine snakes dancing wildly, biting the waist ribs of the last few black armor ghost soldiers for a moment, clicking a few crunches, and immediately chewing each other into pieces.

"Good job, Basilisk." Guan Heng deliberately smiled at this time: "How do these tattered goblin soldiers taste?"

"Master Qiyu, it's horrible." The hissing monster, who was very cooperative, called out: "It's like chewing a stone."

"Hahaha, did you hear that? Cohan." Guan Heng coldly smiled: "Your toys are exhausted, it's your turn now."

"Hum, do you really think I ... have no killer?" At this time Cohen saw his black armored ghost soldiers destroyed, but instead of the anger that should have appeared in his tone, he hoared and whispered. "Huan Heng, don't you just want this token all the time?"

—— [2016.6.24 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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