Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1343: Illusion Crisis (first)

"All in all, let ’s go ahead and search." After all, Ruta is a long-time enemy and has rich experience. He said to Imila, "Even if the other party wants to start with us, we must find suitable opportunities, so We cannot sit still. "

"Brother Ruta makes sense," said Imira. "Just listen to you."

The two made up their minds and walked in the white clouds to see if they could see any clues, but Ruta secretly calculated the time. The two walked for nearly ten minutes, but the surrounding scenery remained the same. Seeing In this scene, Ruta frowned suddenly and suddenly said, "No, wait a minute."

Imila asked, "What's wrong? Brother Ruta."

"Have you noticed that we seem to be in circles all the time?" Ruta said, turning to look at "Yimira", only to find that her outfit had completely changed!

"Hee hee, Ruta, do you think it's good for me to wear this rose?" The sweet voice suddenly passed into Ruta's ears, and he stared at the woman in front of her suddenly changing his face: "You, who are you?"

This woman who talked with Ruta had a delicate rose slanted on her side, a golden ring in her hair, and a white figure with a slim figure, but her face was hazy with mist.

At this moment, the woman said with a little blame in her mouth: "What? Did you forget the name of your loved one? I am ..."

Ruta didn't understand the last two words spoken by the woman. He couldn't help but worry, stepping forward and holding the opponent's shoulder, Ruta yelled, "Who the **** are you?"

"Hey hey--" He said slowly and quickly, the woman in white turned around swiftly, flashing a flash of light between the flashes of light and flickering a short blade to the heart of Ruta's heart, her mouth smirked sharply: " I'm here to take your death! "


On the other side, Ma Ze and Dorie are also caught in a misty world, but instead of standing at the end of the endless white clouds, they are on a country road full of rice fields.

"Uh ... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... seeing this scene, Dori suddenly felt weak, and weeping on the ground, crying:" Here is ... this is the village of the night elves tribe, my hometown !! "

"What are you talking about ?!" Ma Ze looked at the surrounding scenes and felt something wrong at once. He said loudly, "Dollie, don't be fooled. This is just an illusion. You have to be awake."

But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the sky, and Ma Ze and Dorie looked up, and those dragons turned to the village in large numbers.

Immediately afterwards, the night elven village was flaming in the direction of the sky, and no one screamed or mourned: "It's not good! It's the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan Attack is coming!"

"Dad, mother, brother--" Du Li heard the shouting in the village at this moment, and was so frightened that he shook his body, so the desperate countryside ran and even threw the bow of the dragon wing in his hand.

"Don't go!" Ma Ze reached out and didn't hold one. Dorie had already run away. He had to grit his teeth and chase after him.

The next moment, in the night elves' village, the first attack of the dragons was clearly over. There were ruins of black smoke everywhere, hundreds of costumes were different, and the night elves of all ages, men, and women fell down. In the pool of blood, Ma Ze saw this scene, his heart seemed to be tightened again.

"Dollie ... Strange, where did this child go?" Ma Ze couldn't help but feel sad, but he couldn't find his companion's trace everywhere, and his heart gradually began to get anxious. At this time, the biggest forward There was a sudden boom in one of the buildings.

"Well, isn't this ..." Ma Ze murmured secretly in his heart, and immediately speeded up and rushed to the past.

"嗷 ——" A fierce dragon was spewing the fiery dragon's breath, destroying the house in front of it, and the crying teenager was holding his mother's corpse and shaking in horror.

"Hoo!" The sharp claws of the dragon fell from the sky, fiercely clasped to the young man's head, and saw that he was about to be crushed.

"Duo Lie, dangerous !!" At the beginning of the juncture, a figure emerged from the oblique stab, and he hugged Do Lie and rolled quickly.

"Bang!" The sharp claws of the dragon fell to the ground, smashing the young mother's body into pieces, the flesh fluttered everywhere, and even rolled to the feet of Ma Ze and Dori.

"Uh ah ah-Mom!" Dorie saw the tragedy firsthand, almost distressed before passing out, but Ma Ze shook his shoulder desperately: "You are sober, here must be a fantasy, fast cheer up!"

However, although Ma Ze said so in his mouth, his heart was full of doubts: "If this is a fantasy, it is too real, and ..."

Before Ma Zeduo thought, the evil wind rose sharply behind the two, Ma Ze knew that the dragon had rushed over again, so he tightened the keel spear in his hand and swept away behind him: "Go away!"

In Ma Ze's palm is a real dragon-strike weapon, coupled with his own extraordinary strength, even if he encounters the level of the dragon clan commander in a swipe, he will be seriously injured if caught off guard.

But just then, something weird happened!

The keel spear swept across the dragon's waist, but it swept across like a hit in the air. The dragon was unharmed, but its giant claws slammed at Ma Ze again.

"Bang!" Ma Ze, holding Douli, flew straight out!

With severe pain, Ma Ze's consciousness gradually blurred: "How is that possible? What the **** is this place?"


When Crimson Light Column moved Borui and Zuo Wei to a mysterious area, the two of them accidentally fell into the wormwood grass.

"Uh-you are so heavy, Zuo Wei." Borui struggled and said, "please you get up from me, crush and crush me."

"You nonsense, parents are very thin, how can they be so heavy?" Zuo Wei hummed and twisted Borui's ears: "Go to death!"

"Stop it." Borui reached out and patted the other's hand. He sat up and said, "It's strange, what is this place?"

"Huh? Seeing some familiar ..." Zuo Wei glanced around and suddenly exclaimed: "I remember here, this is the virgin forest outside the city of Saiting! God, why are we here?"

"Auntie, don't scare me." After listening to Zuo Wei, Borui's forehead suddenly burst into cold sweat, he said anxiously: "Oh, I guess it must be a high-level fantasy formation, The old man of Sanqiu once told me that there is such a magic circle that will make people who are trapped in it remember the last thing in their hearts that they would not want to remember, so that the other person's spirit will collapse. "

—— [2016.6.25 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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