Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1358: The change of 变 (the first)

The black pheasant whose wings were cured by Ruta was falling on the frozen giant spider, pecked and torn with a sharp beak and sharp bird claws, and only heard a few clicks, and the spider's belly Suddenly the big hole was ripped apart, in addition to the black blood flowing out, a silver-white energy flow was also flowing.

I saw the black cormorant fluttering its head and sucking with a sharp beak. The silver-white energy air flow sucked into its abdomen, and then, Guan Heng, Ruta, and even Dovre were stunned. : The black and white Zhou body bloomed with strange silver and white light for a long time, not only that, but the black and white body was originally small and strong, and grew up in a circle!

"What's going on?" Guan Heng saw that dark eyes not only added a bit of sharpness, but also the momentum rose greatly, and he couldn't help raising doubts.

At this time, Ganezo in Guan Heng's mind shouted, "How did this happen? This, this blackbird is absorbing the remnant soul of man and god? What a reason, Guan Heng, grab it back for me, you ca n’t let The relics of my old friend fell into the belly of this flat-haired animal !! "

Guan Heng was going to capture the blackbird in the direction of Ganesha, but the bird saw Guan Heng and Ruta and took the first step. The blackbird fluttered and swept away, and the bird went straight. He flew over and fell lightly on Ruta's shoulder, and then combed his feathers casually.

"Oh? What's the matter with this bird? Do you want to follow me?" Ruta frowned slightly and was about to raise her hand to drive away the blackbird. Guan Heng hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, since this blackbird is willing to stay Beside you, don't rush it away, Ruta, remember, don't let the blackbird leave your sight. If the bird wants to fly, you must catch it. "

"Well, it's really troublesome." Ruta muttered, and had to let the blackbird stay on his shoulder, Guan Heng laughed and said, "In fact, you wear a black cloak, and it's very spiritual with a blackbird pet, I'm a little jealous of you. "

Having said that, Guan Heng nodded Doffer on his shoulder with his thumb, and then he said, "You are much better than me now. Look at us. Only one is lazy and lazy and can't help anything. Foolish guardian spirit ... "

"Huh ?! Who are you talking about who is lazy and lazy and hates!" Doffer was so angry that she flew on the sheepskin map in Guan Heng's hand and said: "Look, the treasure chest in the yard Location, I found it at a glance, how can you call me useless? "

"Hey, I'm just kidding." Guan Hengxi smiled, walked to the location marked on the map, he looked up, and immediately recognized that here is the short spider that flower spider Zhang caught on the net Next to the tree, Guan Heng sighed: "It goes without saying that the god-control stone box here was dug up and also empty, because the soul fragments must have been swallowed by the flower spider."

Speaking, he and Ruta started working together, and sure enough, he pulled out a broken box from under the tree. There was nothing left. He put away the empty box, and Guan Heng suddenly remembered something. He immediately driven the imprint in the palm of his hand. The multi-headed Basilisk Demon King was released.

"Basilisk, you are hiding and waiting near the gate here. If any demons appear, kill them immediately." Guan Heng said: "Then you will inform me mentally, do you understand?"

"Yes, obey the master's order." Although he has become Guan Heng's servant, the multi-headed basilisk's hatred for the abyss demons has not abated. He heard Guan Heng let himself ambush the demon. Tribal guy, the Basilisk trembled with joy immediately.

At this moment, Guan Heng asked Doffer: "Where is the next place to bury the box?"

"Hmm ... let me see." Doffer looked at the sheepskin map for a few minutes with her eyes widened, and then she raised her head and said with a grin, "This map is too broken, and the marked location is very worn. I I can only recognize it in the southwest corner. "

"Guan Heng, let's find it in the hurry." Ruta said, walked with Guan Heng, Guan Heng scratched his head and whispered, "I just don't know, this box is Mr. Man and God Is it the remnant soul? Or the five pole beads I am looking for ... "

At this time, the eyes of the blackbird that lingered on Ruta's shoulders slowly turned, seemingly thoughtful, but none of Guan Heng and Ruta noticed his expression.

In the southwest corner of the Temple of the First God, there is a large area of ​​abandoned flower gardens. Guan Heng and Ruta opened the large area of ​​soil for a long time and made them muddy. They finally found an intact control stone box. The two of them A little joy in my heart, we need to open it.

At this time, Ganezo whispered to Guan Heng: "Hey, pay attention to the action of the blackbird, I always think that guy is not very honest."

"Rest assured, isn't there me still? Measure it and dare not play tricks." Guan Heng replied indifferently, then his eyes were fixed on Ruta who was prying the lid of the box, only to hear a bang, the lid Turning over, the two stepped forward and saw that there was a blood-stained white robe inside.

"Yes, this is the coat of the deity of the human race." Ganesha snorted quietly. "He was wearing this suit when the deities of the three gods battled ..." Then, I saw a silvery white light cluster floating on the blood-stained white robe, floating in the air and seemingly at a loss.

When it was said later, the black maggot suddenly flew up from Ruta's shoulder, spread his wings and swept at the silver-white light group, "Hoo!" The black maggot caught the light group between the electric light and flint, and swallowed it Up his belly.

This starling's movement is really too fast. Even the fast and unreliable Ruta and Guan Heng are half a beat slower than it. Guan Hengqi cursed angrily: "You dead bird, you should not eat Believe it or not, I cut open your belly and take out the residual soul? "

"Hey, young man, are you really angry?" The blackbird fell on a branch of a dwarf tree at this moment, and suddenly spoke out: "This residual soul is originally mine, can it be said? , I still ca n’t discuss it with you when I get my things back? ”

"I wipe it, but this damaged bird is talking ?!" Guan Heng, Ruta and Dovulchi said in a muffled voice. "What the **** is going on?"

At this moment, the dragon **** Ganesha, who had been staying in Guan Heng's body, suddenly called out, "Human **** ?! Haven't you two goods already fallen? How can you reunite the spirit?"

It turned out that the voice of the blackbird that Ganesha heard was the **** of the human race, so he couldn't help asking questions.

—— [2016.6.28 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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