Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1388: Black magic crystal (first)

"Yeah!" Guan Heng walked less than ten meters after entering the underwater grotto, and a howling alligator croaked out at the side corners. "Yeah!" In the jaw, the guy who suddenly attacked the attack suddenly rolled out a few meters and slammed into the stone wall.

"Well? Someone is crying in the direction to the left ..."

Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved towards the end of the left gangway, and along the way there were several stealth one-eyed alligators rushing to his death along the way. Guan Heng was also not polite. All these things that don't have long eyes are tossed to the ground.

At this moment, Guan Heng had run to the end of the tunnel. This is a natural grotto with a large area, but when Guan Heng stepped on, a smell of rotten rotten flew in a hurry. Looking up, there were all over the place. Remains of bones, and some flesh left behind.

The Kabulin boy, Lai Bao, was sitting in a dark corner and sobbing low. At this moment, Guanheng took three steps and walked in front of Lei Bao in two steps. He reached out and patted his shoulder: "Hey Are you okay? Are you hurt? "

"Eh? You are ... that human race ..." Lei Bao raised his head and looked at Guan Heng a little blankly. He was about to say something, and the eyes of Guan Heng suddenly burst into the color of extreme fear!

It was too late, and Guan Heng felt the sound of the wind rising behind him. He didn't even look back. The dragon's blade in the palm of his hand suddenly turned, and the blade slashed outward.

"噗!" Feng Feng entered the flesh, and then heard a savage beast roar: "嗷 ——" Between the electric light and flint, Guan Heng has quickly turned back and saw a giant that is much larger than an ordinary one-eyed crocodile. The crocodile's forehead flashed blood, and a narrow knife edge appeared, which was given by Baiheng Heng.

"You are the boss of this group of one-eyed alligators?" Guan Heng saw the beast and sneered slightly. "Well, the end of your tribe is here!"

"Boom!" In the low roar, the giant crocodile opened his mouth and aimed at Guan Hengyu. There were three huge black water balls. The diameter of the water ball was more than a meter. With a trace of the power of black gas in the demon realm.

"Huh, stubbornly resisted, and still die!" Guan Heng slightly shook the dragon's toothblade in his hand, and the frozen breath of the ice demon suddenly attached to the blade. Then, Guan Heng aimed at the ball of black water and split three swords: "刀唰 唰 —click! ”

"Bang, bang!" Three hockey pucks freezing in the air crashed to the ground. At this moment, Guan Heng had been bullying himself at the giant crocodile in front of him, and saw two sharp knife lights suddenly passing the giant crocodile's body. The thunder and fire fighting air knife struck the whole body of this beast with time!

"Oh!" The raging thunderbolt exploded completely from the inside out, and immediately smashed the giant crocodile's huge body, and the fluffy blood mist wrapped in pieces of meat fell to the ground. Suddenly, an oval inky spar fell on Guan Heng's foot.

"What is this?" Guan Heng was curious, and then picked up the inky spar to take a closer look. It immediately surprised him: "The power of dark matter is so pure, it is exactly the same as the black spar I have seen in the tomb of the dragon." ! "

"The dragon's breath crystals in my body are enthusiastic about this dark substance, and I like to absorb it very much." Guan Heng couldn't help exulting: "Good stuff, I'll take it first."

"Brother, older brother." At this time Lai Bao, a Gabrin boy, whispered, "Do you like that kind of black stone? I found a lot just now."

"Really?" Guan Heng turned his head and asked, "Leibao, where are those dark crystals? Tell me quickly."

"It's buried in the soil behind me." At this moment, Leibao leaned down and tried to plan the soil with his hands. Then he lifted a spar high, and he smiled sillyly: "Brother, don't you? Exactly the same? "

"Yes, although it is smaller than the body of the giant crocodile, but it also contains dark matter." Guan Heng took the spar in his hand, and Leibao pointed to the pit in front of him: "Look, here you are There are dozens more. "

"Good job, Leibao, thanks to the fact that you can find so many crystals." Guan Heng praised each other, and at the same time put all these crystals into the storage belt of the Dragon Emperor's belt, he said immediately: "Let's go, I'll take you home."


After a moment, beside the cave in Kabulin Village, the head of the village of Lie Lie Duo said with gratitude, "Master Guan Heng, thank you very much. Those one-eyed alligators are delicious and we have enough reserves for us to eat. For more than a year, I do n’t have to worry about starving to death with Sheila and Leibao. ”

"You're welcome, the village chief." Guan Heng said holding the inky spar in his hand. "You say this thing is called 'black magic crystal' ?! What use is it for?"

"Master Guan Heng, you also saw that the abyss of the demon realm we live in has a strong dark breath in the air. This is not unusual, but the dark matter contained in this black demon crystal is ten times and hundred times more."

At this time, the village chief of Lieleduo explained in detail: "Because the black demon crystal is slowly formed in the beast that has absorbed the black gas of the demon domain for many years, only the strong among the demon beasts have the opportunity to condense the black demon crystal. It has always been the great love of those noble lords. Actually, what it does, I don't know very well. "

"Oh, that's the way it is." Guan Heng thought to himself, "regarding his other role, as long as it is good for my dragon's breath crystal."

"In addition, village head, I asked you just now, we haven't finished it yet." At this time, Guan Heng asked: "You said, if I want to go back to the land of St. Lomplon, I have to go to the Lord's Mansion. Anyway, what does this mean? "

"Uh, yes, Lord Guan Heng," said the village chief of Rielie Duo. "I have heard from the mouth of the demon leader who has received tribute. Recently, the vanguard of the demon tribe has captured many human slaves in St. Lomprum. I was taken to the lord's house. I think, since they have arrested Fa to slaves, they must also know how to get to and from St. Lomplun from the demon domain. Are you right? "

"Well, it really makes sense to hear that from you." Guan Heng slightly jawheaded at this moment, he said: "Village chief, tell me the route to this level of the abyss lord house, I'm going there now Go to work. "

"I see, Master Guan Heng." After saying this, the head of the village led by Lie Duo led Guan Heng to the woods near the village entrance. He pointed to the road in the northwest direction and said, "Go along this road forward a hundred times. Around here is Tiesha City, where the lord's house is built. I wish you all the best. "

"Thank you, don't stop there." Guan Hengxi suddenly tiptoed, and his body flew up into the sky. This is the "Dragon Technique" he learned from the dragon **** Ganesha. Although there is no dragon **** now, Powered by the power, but can also run freely by the power of Dragon's Breath Crystal.

Immediately after taking off, Guan Heng released the soul demon king from the palm of his hand. He said, "Basilisk, help me speed up the flight!"

—— [2016.7.4 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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