Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1390: Tiesha City (third)

Guan Heng said, handing Seraki a medicine bottle, which he drank in his hand, and thankful Seraki said, "Thank you, benefactor, I don't know your first name?"

Guan Heng informed his name, and then said to Seraki: "I think if we go to Tiesha City to save your sister, don't forcefully make a big attack, it is best to disguise and mix into the city so that your sister It can also be relatively safe, so you and I will wear the armor of these demon soldiers and cover your head and face. "

"Mr. Guan Heng said, I listen to you all." Seraki silently prayed in his heart at this time: "Tings, younger sister, you must be fine, my brother came to rescue you with strong support."

The place where Guan Heng and Seraki encountered the magical soldiers were a dozen miles away from Tiesha City. Fortunately, these magical soldiers also had a few horses, which are the specialty of this abyss. Giant worms, which are not tall or short, are full of mysterious patterns and armor pieces. They are faster than horses in the human world, and are more docile and easy to tame and induce.

At this moment, Guan Heng replaced the special armor of the Captain of the Demon Squad, while Seraki was dressed up as an ordinary devil. The two chose a Fel Hexagonal Giant Bug on the saddle and went straight to the iron. Leave the city. On the road, Guan Heng took the time to read the memory of the Captain of the Demon Squad. I didn't expect this guy to be a small leader of the garrison. He had never entered or exited the important places of the Lord ’s Mansion, but after reading his memory, Guan Heng I already know a little about Tiesha City.

The area of ​​Tiesha City is not small or small, but there are no civilians living in the demons. This is just the Guards and Urban Defense Forces stationed in the Lord ’s Mansion. In addition, the aristocratic lords at the abyss level are weird. For other reasons, he has never appeared outside the Lord's Mansion for hundreds of years.

In addition to the army of the magic soldiers, the most stranded people in this iron evil city are some guys known as the "Hidden Serpent", which are crazy and crazy guys ...

"Wait, the snake teaching?" Just reading these memories of Captain Demon Squad, Guan Hengyan frowned, and his heart murmured: "This name sounds familiar, eh! I remember!"

Guan Heng's thoughts returned to those who had just arrived in Ashton, and Mrs. Cindia passed the abandoned city fortress near the capital of Kauru, and rescued the young Norton and his sister Judy.

At that time, Guan Heng's opponent was Reese, who claimed to be the cult leader of the snake, and Guan Heng also obtained the first magic shard of the astrolabe (for this paragraph, please refer to the second volume of Humble Works, Chapter 0140 and Follow up)

At this moment, Guan Heng and Seraki are driving the hexagonal giant worm, and have seen the walls of Tiesha City vaguely. Guan Heng thought to himself: "Does the Lord Hades in the robe of the gray robe is Lord of this abyss of the Demon Realm? "

"Although not very sure, the possibility is still very high." Guan Heng thought of it here, and his heart was a little funny: "I was in the Kaulu Kingdom of Ashton mainland that day, the good thing of the meditation serpent was broken, I did not expect today I have to entangle with these guys again. Is it really true that the enemies are not together, but whoever dares to block my way, I don't mind using this guy's neck to sharpen the knife. "

"Mr. Guan Heng, let's get to where we are now." Seraki next to him saw Tiesha City not far away, and then lightly grasped the rein of the hexagonal beetle, he said, "Are we going straight in? City, I'm worried about the safety of my sister Tingsi ... "

"Yes, I have the Captain's Token I just found. It should be okay to mix in." Guan Heng said here, paused a bit, and then continued, "Sorachi, you have to promise me that you entered the city. After that, let's find a hidden place to stay first, and you stay there, I will investigate the situation in Tiesha City, and inquire about the whereabouts of your sister, your injury is not good, don't act alone. "

"But Gong, Ting Si is my younger sister, how can I let you take the risk alone? It would be unethical to do so." Seraki, with a ugly face, said, "I, I can't do it."

Seeing him stubborn, Guan Heng said patiently: "Listen to me, since you will follow me into Tiesha City, you have to listen to my command. Do n’t you believe it, can I rescue your sister?"

Hearing Guan Heng ’s words, Seraki shook his head in a hurry: “No, no, Mr. Guan Heng, you are powerful, although I have a low level of ability, I can also see from your means of killing the few magic cubs If anyone can rescue my sister, it must be Mr. Guan Heng! "

"Hahaha, I love listening to this sentence." Guan Heng chuckled, and then said, "Let's just say so, let's go into the city!"

After the two discussed, they fixed their armors, covered their heads and faces, and then rode the hexagonal worm, and quickly ran to the gate of Tiesha City.

"Hey, guys ..." The gatekeeper hadn't finished the whole sentence, "Slap!" Guan Heng has raised his hand and thrown the captain's token, smashing into this boy's face, and shouted in a fit of temper. : "Blind your dog's eyes, don't you even know the captain? If I were in a hurry to see the Lord's Mansion, I would stab you with a sword and get away—"

An older demon soldier next to him saw the armor on Guan Heng's body, knew that the opponent's rank was high, immediately picked up the token and returned it to Guan Heng with both hands, and nodded and said, "I'm sorry, Captain, my companion is just The transferred Xinding doesn't know your old man, I'm sorry, sorry. "

"Huh, this is pretty much the same. Let the boy brighten his eyes later. Otherwise, I'll see him once and again." After saying this, Guanheng loosened the reins of a hexagonal worm, and Seraki entered Tiesha City.

The two entered the city and turned left and right, found a remote and uninhabited place, and stopped to rest.

"Mr. Guan Heng, I didn't expect you to look like the Captain of the Demon Soldier." Seraki took off his dreadful helmet at this moment, and said with a smirk: "It is really admirable."

"Hi, but it's all a little trick, let alone mention it." Guan Heng waved and said, "There should be an old house on the left side of Tiesha City. Let's go and see if there are any vacant and hidden rooms to hide."

Upon hearing this, Seraki asked curiously: "Mr. Guan Heng, how did you know there was vacant?"

"Uh ..." Guan Hengxin said he couldn't tell you, did I know from the memory of Captain Dead Ghost? So he quickly hurriedly said, "Before I met you, I caught a few live demons, and Tiesha City's information came out of their mouths."

—— [The third change of 2016.7.4, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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