Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1398: Despicable (first)

"噗-噗!" The gate of the Earthly Temple opened suddenly, and suddenly dozens of dark and strange cold lights burst out, looming towards Garmin and Bai Di!

"What's this ?!" Bai Di was shocked when he saw the incoming thing, but he was an extraordinary bishop who guarded the law of the snake, and immediately shot against the inexplicable things.

Ghost snakes generally do n’t practice magic and vindictive skills. They only have one way of attacking, which is to control the things that drive the “magic black snake”.

The black snake of the demon domain was originally transformed from pure dark matter over the years and was regarded as the treasure of the town religion by the black snake. The black snake is divided into four levels: early, middle, high, and imperial. It is the thing driven by the ordinary priest.

However, the black magic snake of the imperial class was the most powerful treasure possessed only by the four major protectors and the pope.

At this moment, I saw Bai Di roaring: "Snake Shield, Condensing-" A huge black snake with his head screaming appeared immediately behind him, and saw the black snake's mouth opened wide, and a wild curl. The dark air was immediately protected in front of him, and the cricket formed a shield shape.

"Boom, bang, bang--" The black light that came from the raids, like a storm and rain, kept pouring over the Shield of the Nether Snake, and the huge black snake was shocked into shape. Dramatic tremor, seeing the disintegration.

"Damn, why isn't it endless?" Just as Bai Di was so angry and yelled, the gas shield finally cracked and cracked, "Pop!" A bit of Wuguang disappeared without a trace, suddenly nailed into Baidi His shoulder was so painful that he suddenly fangs grinned and growled, "Ah!"

At this time, Gamin, who had already avoided all the attacks long ago, slipped silently to Bai Di, his eyes suddenly shot fiercely!

It was said that time and time later, the corner of Gamin's mouth passed the cruel bloodthirsty smile, and then his wrist turned sharply to show a long and short blade, and he sharply cut it on Bai Di's injured shoulder.

"Oops! Patter!" A sharp blade of light flashed across, a **** gaze suddenly appeared, and the cruel and hard-working Garmin even cut off the other arm!

"Ehhhhhhh!" The pain of the broken arm went deep into the bone marrow, and Bai Di shouted suddenly, "Gammin, why did you break my arm?"

"Dear, don't shout first." At this time, Garmin deliberately pretended to look sad, Qing Shu Hao's wrists covered Bai Di's mouth: "Be light, don't alarm the people around, I am You have to cut off your arm as a last resort. Do you know how distressed they are? "

Speaking of which, Garmin pointed to the ground: "Look at the broken hand yourself."

"What ?!" Bai Di resisted the severe pain, and looked intently, only to see that the broken arm on the ground was already dark and dry, and in this time, it had turned into a pool of smelly water.

"You see, this kind of snake-tooth crossbow is extremely toxic. If I can't bear to break your arm, you will be dead now." At this time, Jia Min was pitifully bandaging Bandi's wound while he was pathetic. Said: "Did you get it wrong, you know?"

"Uh ... I seem to be lucky enough to take my life." At this time, Bai Di also felt that the broken arm was not so painful. He said softly to Garmin: "Baby, thank you."

"Hey, with our close relationship, why are you so polite?" At this time, Garmin first smiled softly, and then said sharply: "There are many organs in the Temple of Earth Hades. This poisonous serpent crossbow is the most common one. Seed, let's go in quickly, otherwise, if someone hears the news, it will be difficult for us to get out. "

"Okay, let's hurry to the teleportation array in the side hall, I must fix it there."

Although somehow lost an arm, at this moment Bai Di was still confused by the other party's rhetoric, willing to be led by his nose, so the two hurriedly entered the earth shrine and went straight to the side hall.

Just a few seconds after the two guys entered, Guan Heng and the multi-headed Basilisk also followed in. As he passed the doorway, Guan Heng glanced at the dark and dry broken arm on the ground, his mouth twitched. After a sneer: "Huh, is it an accident? Or is it a long-planned one? Only the woman knew it."

At this moment, under the leadership of Garmin, Bai Di ran to the side of the palace pantically. At this time, Garmin walked in front of a pile of broken bricks and shattered tiles, and suddenly turned into a huge emperor-level black snake. Let it sweep all these things to one side, and a mysterious magic circle engraved on the brick surface suddenly appeared on the ground.

Pointing at this, Garmin said to Baidi, "Dear, this is the teleportation array that leads to other levels of the abyss."

Although he felt dizzy because of excessive blood loss, Bai Di still struggled to stumble to the front of the circle, and after a few glances, he said, "Yes, this is a very advanced teleportation array. As long as I put When it is repaired, we can leave, and I repair the materials and ore of the magic circle, and I carry my reserves with me. "

"It's great, then you quickly start to do it." At this moment, Garmin's eyes were constantly flashing Han Mang, and urged Bai Di to work quickly. Although the other party felt that Garmin's tone seemed to change somewhat, the time was urgent. , Bai Di, too late to start thinking about repairing the law.

Time passed by every minute and second. In front of Bai Di, the clever master of matrix formation, this broken teleportation array is actually not difficult to repair. In addition, there are countless ore materials in Baidi's black snake storage ring. Reverting to being able to start is not a problem at all.

A few minutes later, Bai Di wiped the sweat on his head with one arm, and he said with a bit of joy: "Okay, as long as you put six black magic crystals around the teleporter to provide energy, you can put the formation. Activated. "

"Great, Baidi, we can finally leave this **** cult of snakes, and live a free life in the future." Garmin said excitedly, then plunged into the other's arms and said softly: "I really I ’m so happy. "

"Yeah, I've been waiting for a long time ..." Bai Di just smiled comfortably, trying to hold the other person's waist with one arm, but felt severe pain in his lower abdomen, and his eyes burst into tears, his mouth sprayed with blood. A roar: "Uh-huh-"

"Hey hey, now that the teleportation camp is fixed, it's no use keeping you."

At this moment, Jia Min swayed the water snake's waist, and she had floated away seven or eight meters away. She also had a short, dripping blood blade in her hand, which was the weapon that had just cut off Bai Di's arm. Now the same man's belly is pierced again, but Garmin's indifferent smile Yingying is standing there, seemingly not paying attention to the evil he just did.

"Bitch, why do you ..." Regardless of his serious injury, Bai Di shivered, and stretched out his hand and pointed at Ga-min: "I am not thin to you, but you are attacking me with a heart and a dog, a mean mother-in-law!"

—— [First update of 2016.7.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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