Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1422: Killing Montenegro (fifth outbreak)

"Where to go !!" "Woo-hoo!" In a low whisper, Ting Si wielded a white staff to cast the ice spell: "Ice crystal meteorite falling!"

"Cracking--wow!" The ice crystals condensed in mid-air turned into meteorite ice cubes with large fists, falling in a strong wind, and hitting three black shadows with impartiality. When they fell blood to the ground , Guan Heng and others can see clearly, it is a few dark werewolves with fangs and grins!

"So easy to pass, these must be wolf slaves!" Guan Heng called immediately: "Be careful, you two, the pure-blooded werewolves haven't appeared yet, don't take care!"

Just then, a snarling growl suddenly appeared in the mountains and forests in the distance: "Who dares to break into Montenegro? I think you are impatient !!!!"

Suddenly, the sound was heard, and a huge black figure suddenly emerged from the forest, banging in front of the three Red Wings of Warcraft.

Guan Heng looked intently. The burly and dark werewolf in front of him really was very different from those wolf slaves he had encountered before.

This guy has reached nearly three meters in height alone, his muscles are knotted, a pair of dark-eyed blood pupils seem to be bleeding, the collar of the neck is gray and the mane is chaotic, like a long and narrow steel needle standing up. The thing is, this werewolf is holding a short mace with a lot of mottled blood on it. I don't know how many enemy bones have been broken to death!

"Wow, yeah--your bastards, dare to hurt my wolf slave, I want you--dead !!"

The majestic Dark Werewolf is obviously a pure-blooded breed, and his power and strength are extraordinary. I saw his body flicker like a blast, and he has swung the nearest Seraki in a hurry: "Boy, uncle slaughter you first! "

Seraki dropped the mount in a moment, he waved his big sword and greeted him with a loud cry: "Good job!"

Seraki's body has been transformed by the Dragon Spirit's original source, and his strength has soared to the extreme of humanity. Although the dark werewolf is very powerful, how can he be an opponent of Seraki, not to mention Seraki's great sword is Guan Heng It is a top weapon given by the Dragon Prince in the tomb of the dragon.

"Bang Bang-Dangdang!"

Therefore, in the violent collision of weapons, the two hands less than three or four rounds, Seraki's great sword stabbed a spike, and the werewolf hurriedly blocked the bar. Who can think that Seraki is a false move, he The wrist twirled suddenly, and the spurs became violently slashing. Just listening to the sound of "嗤 啦, 当 啷 啷", the large blade sharply cut off the mace.

"Ah ?!" The burly pure-blooded werewolf's weapon was destroyed, and there was a little time-consuming work between hurries. Seraki had already picked up his sword and dropped it. Divided into two, the big red mist suddenly flew out!

"Uh-huh ... brother ?! You died so terribly!"

At this moment, two pure-blooded werewolves ran down the mountain, one tall and one short. They saw their brother beheaded by Seraki, and they were instantly stunned. "Kill my brother, you must die!"

"Oh!" The voice didn't fall. The stupid werewolf suddenly rolled on the ground with his hands on his knees, and his back suddenly burst into countless sharp thorns!

"What is this, what is this?" Seraki saw the other party's abnormal shape, and was immediately shocked. Between the flashes of light, Ting Si suddenly hurriedly said, "Brother, be careful! Ice crystal shield! "

Suddenly, a thick ice shield suddenly stopped in front of Seraki, and Seraki had not responded to what was going on, so he heard a blast of "snoring, dangdang" in his ear. It turned out that The werewolf who rolled off the ground attacked instantly. He had shot all the sharp thorns on his body and nailed them to the ice shield.

At this moment, just listening to the sound of crunching and crunching, the original ice crystal shield of Ting Si could not hold the sharp spikes of the opponent's sharp shot, and there were countless twisted cracks.

Seeing that the ice shield was on the verge of collapse, a glance suddenly flashed in the oblique stab, and it was Guan Heng who fell aside with a thunderbolt, "锵-锵 啦!" The dragon's teeth double-edged out of the sheath, first Dao chopped out the fierce thunderbolt, and swept through all the broken spikes in time, turning them into nothing, and the second chill of the ice magic knife fell on the dwarf werewolf.

"Bang!" "Kalie!-Papapa!" The dwarf werewolf was frozen in place at this moment. At this moment, another thin werewolf was suddenly furious when he saw this scene. He stared at the red eyes and frantically raised his head: "Alas, alas--"

"Hmm, are you calling your companions? That's great," Guan Heng sneered at this time, "just save the time I need to find you, wolf cubs, come together quickly!"

"Abominable, I fight with you!" The slender werewolf was so angry that he saw the arrogant declaration of Guan Heng's incomparable pride, "Oh! Giggle ..." The guy's claws suddenly skyrocketed, and then Legs became thicker and suddenly became fit and abnormal!

The thin werewolf's knees were slightly bent, and he suddenly jumped and bounced. "Wow!" In a short while, a pair of wolf claws had been pierced through the air, and he hurled his throat toward Guanheng's neck.

"Things beyond your control!" There was no need to deal with this kind of miscellaneous fish. Guan Heng didn't even raise his eyelids. He saw a flash of light in front of him, and his opponent's ten fingers were suddenly cut to the ground silently.

"Uh-huh ..." Before the screaming of the tall and tall werewolf screamed completely, the blade of the dragon's tooth had suddenly wiped his neck throat, and immediately made the werewolf's skull soar without a head. Sprayed red, shook it two times at last, and finally fell to the ground!

"Let's go straight up the hill."

Guan Heng beckoned, took Seraki and Tingsi, and went straight to the top of the mountain in Montenegro. By the way, he also put out many basilisks and ordered: "Immediately disperse all the little spirit monsters. See you. See you. When it comes to the dark wolf slave and the pure-blood werewolf, they will kill all of them without being polite with these guys! "

"Yes, obey the order of the master." The multi-headed basilisk was instructed and turned away. For the next time, the werewolves of Montenegro were suddenly caught in the fear of death, because the army of ghosts and ghosts came to nothing. Without a trace, it was almost impossible to defend. In a short time, the lives of a large number of dark werewolves had been harvested.

At this time, the three of Guan Heng had already reached the middle of the mountain, and suddenly there were more than a dozen pure-blooded werewolves blocking their way.

The head of a werewolf's eyes was full of dread, and he whispered, "Which demon tribe are you? How dare you attack the Wolf Servant of Devil Wolf Fortress? I wonder if this is the far-reaching Lord's Guard? Is it because you want to rebel ... "

—— [Fifth more on 2016.7.10, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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