Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1452: First Arrival of the Apes (5th outbreak)

"Well, the brothers Gangkui are right." Madam Io held Adan in her arms and whispered, "Master Cousin has become increasingly irritable in recent years, Mr. Guan Heng, if you want to find I will do my best to teleport the debris, but please promise me not to conflict with my brother easily. "

"Well, I promise you that, in fact, I don't like to use force with others. As long as I can solve problems with words, I have never used fists and swords."

Guan Heng saw a bit of embarrassment on Io's face. He knew that while he was a benefactor and a loved one, if the two sides were in a stalemate, Io would definitely not be a good person, so he made a "can be resolved peacefully, himself "No hands" guarantee.

However, Guan Heng thought, "If the Great Sky Ape doesn't know what to do, if it proactively provokes fighting and threatens the safety of Seraki and Tingsi, I will not hesitate to take the shot."

"It's a pity, in fact, I want to see Uncle and Guan Heng fight." At this time, the ape devil kid Adan said with some disappointment: "You don't know, Guan Heng saved me from the underground city. How prestigious the time was, he just waved his double blades and gave away thousands of abominable Dark Devil snakes. "

"Hahaha, you guys praise me too much." Guan Heng touched Adan's head at this time, and then smiled and said, "How many people are there? There are at most hundreds of people. Children are not allowed. Exaggerate, otherwise, no one will believe what you say in the future. "

At this moment, Adan pouted angrily and said, "Well, anyway, I just want to see who is better than you and Uncle."

The naughty words of the child were only a joke after everyone at the scene heard it, but Mrs. Iao was really worried because she had seen that Guan Heng's strength was good, compared with her cousin. Sky giant ape, I am afraid it will not be too much.

There must be a wound between the two tigers fighting. This is the most worrying issue for Io, so she silently prayed in her heart. She only hoped that her cousin could watch Guan Heng's life-saving help to her and her son without any obstruction. Just hand over the pieces of the teleportation array.

Regardless of Mrs. Io's horror all the way, the crowd finally reached the desert hills of the Ape Demon territory after a moment.

At this time, Gang Kui of the caravan said to Guan Heng with a smile: "Many races in this abyss don't understand why we ape and demons choose such a barren territory, in fact there is a reason for it."

"Oh, what's the reason?" Guan Heng was curious at the moment, and he said, "Can you tell me? Of course, if the ape demons don't want to know the secrets of outsiders, then it goes without saying."

"Hahaha, in fact, it is not too mysterious, many people have known for a long time." Gang Kui explained at this time: "The bottom of this desert hill is the largest black fire basin in the fourth abyss. We the Ape Devil need to use this kind of high-temperature black fire to melt the abyss ore and forge the weapon blades, so they will inhabit here for generations. "

"Black Fire in the Demon Realm ?! It turned out so." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "When I was in the Ashton continent, I once got a little Black Fire in the Realm. At that time, I also greatly increased my flame power, but now, in With the incredibly hot source of Dragon's Breath power, the temperature of the black flames of the Demon Realm is nothing to me. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng shook his head, and then asked Mrs. Io next to him: "Now I'm here, I don't know if my wife can introduce me to the patriarch, and we both can talk about transmitting the debris."

"Oh, this ... Mr. Guan Heng, my cousin has locked himself in a separate casting room over the years to study weaponry." Explained: "It's better, I will arrange for you and the sierra siblings to rest in the guest room, and then see if the elder brother comes out, is this good?"

Hearing Mrs. Io's arrangement, Guan Heng looked at the slightly tired brother and sister Seraki again, and he nodded with his jaw: "Well, then trouble Mrs., but we are anxious, but Please arrange as soon as possible. "

"Relax, Guan Heng." At this time, the ape demon child Adan said with a smile: "The uncle loves me most. As long as I go and tell him that Guan Heng is my life-saving benefactor, he must run. meet you."

"Hahaha, thank you, Adan." Guan Heng smiled and raised his thumbs up and praised: "You are such an amazing little handsome man." Everyone in the audience heard Guan Heng's laugh, Immediately afterwards, Gang Kui went to the warehouse to deliver the ore cart. His two ape-devil partners accompanied Guan Heng and led the crowd to the guest room to rest, while Mrs. Iao hugged him to find the clan ape giant.


After a while, Guan Heng saw that Mrs. Io could not return for a long time, and she felt a little anxious and anxious in her heart. At this moment, a few man of the ape demons smiled and brought the food and fruit, please ask them to eat.

Seraki and Tingsi were also hungry, so they buried their heads to eat without letting them go. At this moment, Guan Heng stood up and said, "You eat slowly, and I will come back when I go out."

A strong man of the Ape Demon tribe is Gang Kui's companion. He returned with Guan Heng, so he asked, "Mr. Guan Heng, do I need to be your guide?" Guan Heng shook his head and said, "Forget it, You still accompany Seraki to eat. It looks like you are hungry. You swallow the food in your mouth before talking. I look at it with difficulty. "

The old man of the Ape Demon blushed, and then returned to his seat and started chewing. At this moment, Guan Heng walked out of the guest room with his hands folded and came outside.

"Mrs. Iao hasn't been back for so long. Did something happen?"

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt an ominous premonition, which was quite unpleasant. He secretly thought: "Although I saved Mrs. Io and Gang Kui, and the ape-mongers are not The unreasonable and brutal generation did not prove that my brother and sister Seraki and I are absolutely safe here. We must make the worst plan and get the debris as soon as possible to continue our journey. "

Thinking about it, Guan Heng has been slowly pacing to the central area of ​​the home of the Ape Demon Territory. Obviously, in addition to the craftsmanship of forging weapons, the Ape Devil is not so good at building houses. Here Most of the dwellings are crooked adobe houses, which are plain on the outside.

Being bored admiring these strange-looking houses, Guan Hengxi stopped suddenly, because he suddenly felt that there was an extremely strong murderous force, suddenly burst out not far from the front!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.16, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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