Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1455: Helping by Fire (Third)

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flickered, and he whispered, touching his chin, and said, "Well, can I ask what the problem is?"

"Oh, that's the problem." The split-day giant ape then patted the iron cone in his hand, and he said, "In order to perform my trick, 'Ape Magic Steel Blasts the Sky,' you must use heavy weapons. The most well-known weapon is this iron cone, but the texture of this iron cone is not very strong. When I gather half of my strength, the iron cone has cracked, making me unable to continue to concentrate. "

"No, right?" Hearing this, Guan Heng exclaimed pretendingly: "Your ape demons are the best casting masters in the abyss demons, how can you create a giant iron cone with such a poor quality? ? "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and he continued: "If you take back 10,000 steps, if this giant iron cone does not work, wouldn't you recast another one yourself?"

"To tell you the truth, this giant iron cone is already the highest weapon masterpiece of our Ape Demon dynasty, but my power is too strong, so it is understandable that the giant iron cone cannot bear it."

Speaking of which, the Great Sky Ape shivered and said, "I have been trying to re-form the giant iron cone over the years to make it twice as strong, but because the giant iron cone is repeatedly After casting, I have become accustomed to the heat of the black flames of the Demon Realm. This black flame is not enough to deform it, so I gradually became grumpy with extreme annoyance. I still hurt Iao today when I was out of control. There is no more hot flame in this fourth level of the abyss, and it seems I can do nothing about it. "

"A hotter flame than black fire ?!" Guan Heng glanced at the disappointing Great Sky Ape, and he said suddenly, "Hey, if I can provide you with a stronger source of fire than black fire, can you Recast the giant iron cone immediately? "

"Why, what? You have a stronger source of fire than black fire?" Hearing this, the Great Sky Monkey was inexplicably surprised, but he asked restlessly: "Guan Heng, you won't be playing Me? How can there be such a coincidence in the world? "

"I'm too lazy to joke with you now, how can I have time to joke!" Guan Heng said angrily, then spread out his palms and suddenly turned into a half-hermit crystal sphere of dragon's breath, he said: "I saw nothing Is the heat of my sphere a hundred times better than the black flames of the Demon Realm? "

"Uh ... I'll try it." With a disbelieving glance, the Great Sky Ape reached out and touched the dragon sphere in the horizontal palm of his hand. He suddenly screamed in pain: "Hey, it's hot, I believe Now! This hot power can definitely deform my giant iron cone and help it recast. "

Hearing the other party's recognition of the role of the flame of dragon breath, Guan Hengcai asked at this time: "Then we will return to the station of the Ape Demon now?"

"No need, it's so much trouble."

The split-day giant ape then waved his hand and said, "In the old days, in order to facilitate the smelting of the weapon blades, I built a simple casting room near the Black Fire Basin. The tools there are complete. Let's go there. As long as you have fiddled with the iron cone, you can immediately come here to smash the sea of ​​black fire in the basin, and then take out the iron warehouse, so you can get the debris of the alien space teleportation array as soon as possible. "

"Well, what you said makes sense, just do it." Hearing this, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head and jaw: "Trouble brother, take the road ahead, let's go now."

The split-day giant ape grinned at this moment: "Brother Guan Heng, please."


A moment later, the casting room near the Black Fire Basin. "Well, the black fire in your stove is quite strong." Guan Heng looked at the complete equipment and utensils in the room at this time, and muttered to himself: "This seems to be adjacent to the Black Fire Basin, I can feel it The heat there. "

"Yes, in order to get the hottest black fire nearby, I dug a burrow to divert the fire path in the basin, so that those flames poured into the furnace of my foundry." "Now you just put the hot power just now into my stove, and I can start to recast the giant iron cone."

"Okay, no problem." Speaking of which, Guan Heng flicked his fingers in a short time and sent a small group of dragon breath flames into the furnace. At this time, something unexpected happened! I saw the flame of dragon's breath that Guan Heng bobbed into the furnace, and suddenly started to swiftly turn around. In the next second, all the black flames of the magical realm in the furnace were completely absorbed. The furnace spread out, burning with the blazing heat!

"This is ..." Seeing this scene, the Great Sky Monkey was also startled. He murmured to himself: "I have never seen a strange fire that can devour other flames. Guan Heng, I am afraid that you have the power of this strange flame. Beyond my imagination. "

After a little pause, the Giant Sky Monkey continued: "But it's a good thing for me. The stronger your flame power, the more confident I will be in transforming the giant iron cone."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Guan Heng was eager to roll his sleeves at this time, he said, "Is there anything I can help?"

"Of course, if you can help me control the intensity of the fire, then it would be better." The split-day giant ape said, and Guan Heng nodded immediately: "Okay, there is absolutely no problem with this. Fire technology, I still have some experience. "

Next, Guan Heng carefully controlled the strength of the flames in the casting furnace. He felt that the flame of dragon breath that he had released gradually jumped up and jumped up, and he kept absorbing the surge from the tunnel connecting the furnace. Demon Realm Black Fire.

Seeing this situation, Guan Heng thought, "It's no wonder that Dragon's Breast Crystal has always been enthusiastic about those pure dark substances. There are many such things in the black fire of the Demon Realm, so this flame of Dragon's Breath is here As I continue to grow, I will surely gain more benefits from the Crystallization of Dragon's Breath after I help the Sky Giant Ape recast the iron cone. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng also faintly appeared on his face. At this moment, the split-day giant ape suddenly said: "Guan Heng, although a bit bold, but I hope you can promise me one request."

Guan Heng turned his head and looked at the patriarch of the Ape Demon. Dala said, "What's the matter? You say it now."

"No, this matter can only be brought up after fulfilling my promise to you." At this time, the split-day giant ape shook his head a little stubbornly: "What I say now, it seems like I used to take The matter of teleportation debris is forcing you to submit, or wait until you are done with your own affairs. "

"It's okay, just do what you want." Although feeling a bit inexplicable, Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I've almost controlled the fire, so how do we get started?"

—— [2016.7.17 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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